I am having an issue playing videosin the mobile app
First - this is not in regards to the videos module
Second, I am using the free version of the mobile app
OK, not that that is out of the way, heres my dilemma
In the mobile app, a user can only view his own videos, or videos of another person by going through the other persons profile, but there is no viewing of Public Videos.
So,I created a simple php page that has the following:
<video src="http://mytherapysession.net/flash/modules/video/files/1.webm" controls="controls" width="100%" height="240">sorrycant play the video</video>
Now, with the webm extension, I get nothing for the videos. if using the .m4v extension, sometimes it wont load and sometimes it will load after 10 minutes, but only the audio plays. If I use the .mp4 extension (I created an mp4 version for testing) then it will start playing immediately, but again, it only plays the sound.
I also get this same problem with youtube videos. They start instantly, but only sound plays. Heres my code for the youtube videos:
<iframe width='100%' height='240' src='http://www.youtube.com/embed/";
echo $Videos_youtube0;
echo "?rel=0' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
The outcome I am looking for is a simple one,I need the video to play as well as the audio.
I know this was brought up in regards to videos played through the video module, but as this is a simple non-dolphin piece of code, I started a new post.
if anyone knows video format I need to convert to, please let me know - or if there are any other suggestions, ideas that I may try, or anything I may have missed, PLEASE let me know.
For viewing in mobile site: Login to mytherapysession.net as demo1 pwd=54321
Click the Videos icon on the home page.
And as always, Thanks in advance