Hello, I am having trouble both with all aspects of videos on the new Dolphin upgrade: uploading, embedding, and recording. Before upgrading, uploading and recording videos worked, but not embedding. Now none work.
Upload: I select a file, and the file name does not display after I select it, but after clicking continue, I get a popup saying "_sys_txt_upload_failed". (side note: I have seen this in a few places on the site where raw text like this display instead of the caption)
Embed: I paste a Youtube video link and it just says Embed failed. Again this already was not working prior. I have tried editing an authorization key into the php files but it still fails. Any advice on this would be appreciated.
Record: Camera works fine, I start recording, press stop, and just get an "Error processing file" message come up in the camera screen. No real clue on how to address this.
Any assistance with any of the 3 methods would be appreciated. I already have RMS installed and the other Flash apps seem to be working correctly. Thanks!