Hello, today I installed and registered Dolphin. I tried video chat, but it seems that its not working with my installation. Do I have to install a tool for this? Or do I have to activate video chat in the admin tool?
The name of my site is http://www.vinodecafe.com
Thanks in advance for your help.
Any sort of webcam feature may not function properly and has been noted. Hopefuly it will work in the next beta release (Beta 4). For starters though you can:
Install Videos module After installed it will appear in the Installed Modules section...check it than click Compile button Click on Flash Apps from the Extensions menu and you may be asked to register 2 Apps 1) Videos 2) Desktop Register them both
Click on Settings and enter your RMS information.
Hope this helps Be a dolphin, be creative in you own way and you will attract a audience |
Hello wolf2217, thank you for your help. I installed - 6.1.6 . Sorry I am new here, but where do I find the Videos modul? |
He is running 6.1 not the 7.0 beta, and it was posted in the 6.1 forums.
Sorry. Wolf had assumed you were running dolphin 7
To answer your question. I checked your site, and the chat looks like it's working to me.
If you want webcam support then you need to setup ray to use a ray media server. In admin -> plugins -> Ray Suite -> Settings Enable RMS
The free default RMS server may not work. Check with your host and see if they provide RMS services as well. Most don't.
If you have your own dedicated server then you can install the Ray media server also available here from the same page you downloaded dolphin from. Don't try to install the media server on shared hosting. It won't work. https://www.deanbassett.com |
My Appologies...guess i should keep my eye open a little more. Be a dolphin, be creative in you own way and you will attract a audience |
hi again,
rms was not activated. I did it but now the chat window is not coming up anymore. it says connecting. maybe to many people are using the chat server. what do you think?
I payed for a shared space at http://www.arvixe.com
Maybe I should disable the video function to make normal chat possible :-(
By the way, I am positiv surprised about the members of this forum. Thank you very much for your kind help :-)
Could be one of 3 things.
1) Wrong ports used. I can't remember what they are suppose to be. I think RMS port is 1935 and RMS http port is 5080 so see if those are set.
2) Server to busy.
3) Boonex may have to manually setup your domain to allow rms access. In that case contact LyubovL here. She can help with that issue if thats the case.
Other things besides the webcam require the RMS. The whiteboards require it, profile video recording and a couple of others i can't quite remember.
https://www.deanbassett.com |