Video Albums and privacy

I have an issue and I have NO idea where to look, I've been scouring the code for 2 days now.

If a member has a video album that is public, and goes to videos/browse/album/Dumb_Dumb-s-videos/owner/Dumb_Dumb

the album shows up with the videos inside.

IF, that album is changed to anything other than public, and goes to the same URL, the block "Videos in this album" shows as EMPTY.

Even if I set it to me only, It still EMPTY.

Admin can see the album. So there's a check somewhere that is NOT checking if it's the album's owner.

Any ideas?

public.png · 186.6K · 247 views
me-only.png · 183.8K · 272 views
Quote · 5 Feb 2014

Have you checked this in the boonex demo site to see if it happens there?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 5 Feb 2014

It was a filter for the search.  The video module uses a different search and filter system.

Once I checked for the owner of the album and removed the restrictions for the search, all is well again.  LOL
Quote · 6 Feb 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.