Verified Members Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Verified Members mod.

Paypal email is -
27 Jan 2011

Seeking such a mod as video (Record, upload)!

Is there a possibility?

Sorry for my English!
27 Jan 2011

Presently, verification is done via Photo.

Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2011

I would be very happy if it denächt a video would give solution!

Sorry for my English!
28 Jan 2011

I got questions :-)

  1. Where can a member see all verified members?
  2. The verification photos can be seen by all members at the wall of the member who uploaded a verification photo. Cen it be done that it is not seen on the wall?
  3. Is there a way to have a little icon on the members avatar thumbnail of verified members?
Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
29 Jan 2011

1. Where can a member see all verified members?

Response : The mod has been updated to include a browse page for verified members ... see latest patch

2. The verification photos can be seen by all members at the wall of the member who uploaded a verification photo. Cen it be done that it is not seen on the wall?

Response : The mod has been updated ... see latest patch. There is now an option in Admin Section to turn this on/off

3. Is there a way to have a little icon on the members avatar thumbnail of verified members?

Response : This involves core files modification and would have to be done as a customization


I got questions :-)

  1. Where can a member see all verified members?
  2. The verification photos can be seen by all members at the wall of the member who uploaded a verification photo. Cen it be done that it is not seen on the wall?
  3. Is there a way to have a little icon on the members avatar thumbnail of verified members?


Paypal email is -
29 Jan 2011

Version 2.0.1 released.

Adds the ability for Admin to show/hide verification photo in wall

Adds browse page to view all verified members

Clients can download the mod and check the patches/version_2.0.1 folder for upgrade instructions.

Paypal email is -
29 Jan 2011

Cool and extremly fast response!

Very nice thank you so much!

Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
29 Jan 2011


at .../m/verify/members at "all" the verified members can be seen, but at "Today", "This Week" and "This Month" the pages are empty.

By the way, more and more members get verified, Its really nice! Innocent

Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
11 Feb 2011

Version 2.0.2 released.

Fixes problem with the filtering of verified members by day, week and month



at .../m/verify/members at "all" the verified members can be seen, but at "Today", "This Week" and "This Month" the pages are empty.

By the way, more and more members get verified, Its really nice! Innocent


Paypal email is -
12 Feb 2011

Cool, working well now :-). Tanks!

Version 2.0.2 released.

Fixes problem with the filtering of verified members by day, week and month

Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
12 Feb 2011

When I have a member submit a photo it goes into the photo module. It does not go into the verified members pending photo section in verified members. How do I change the badge to say verified? How do I get the photos submitted for verifying to go into the verified photo pending?

9 Apr 2011

PM me your site details so I can see this. A photo submitted through the verify mod should go into pending stage until admin makes a decision.

When I have a member submit a photo it goes into the photo module. It does not go into the verified members pending photo section in verified members. How do I change the badge to say verified? How do I get the photos submitted for verifying to go into the verified photo pending?


Paypal email is -
9 Apr 2011

Okay sent the info you requested.

PM me your site details so I can see this. A photo submitted through the verify mod should go into pending stage until admin makes a decision.

When I have a member submit a photo it goes into the photo module. It does not go into the verified members pending photo section in verified members. How do I change the badge to say verified? How do I get the photos submitted for verifying to go into the verified photo pending?



9 Apr 2011

Hello, great mod just have a couple of tweeks

1.) At the moment when a member clicks on

'You are not a verified member, Get Verified' from the account page

It sends them to the photo upload page? This is a bit unclear for members as they can not see the 'rules' of getting verified. It would be much better if the rules and upload we on the same page. How would i do this

 2.) Is there any way i can hide the verified image on account page, i Dont believe members need to see this once verified.

3.) Is it possible to allow verified member extra features on top of their current membership? Im in the process of trying out Dolphin over my current site. With my current site i can allow verified members to send more emails upload more photos etc


28 Jun 2011

Hello, great mod just have a couple of tweeks

1.) At the moment when a member clicks on

'You are not a verified member, Get Verified' from the account page

It sends them to the photo upload page? This is a bit unclear for members as they can not see the 'rules' of getting verified. It would be much better if the rules and upload we on the same page. How would i do this

 2.) Is there any way i can hide the verified image on account page, i Dont believe members need to see this once verified. (After verification is shows them their verified pic)

3.) Is it possible to allow verified member extra features on top of their current membership? Im in the process of trying out Dolphin over my current site. With my current site i can allow verified members to send more emails upload more photos etc


1 Jul 2011

Hi, the uploaded picture to verify member is not displayed. And when I click on "view original" picture link, I have a 404 not found page. Can someone tell me how I can fix this issue? Thanks!!

16 Aug 2011

Version 2.0.3 released. ( see patches/version_2.0.3 folder)

Adds Verified Members option to Global Privacy Settings . So now wonderful things can be accomplished such as allow only Verified Members to join a Group or allow only Verified Members to comment on an Article etc.


Paypal email is -
14 Oct 2011

I get this error for the last verified member:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method BxVerifyModule::isVerified() in /home/xxxx/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPrivacyQuery.php(84) : runtime-created function on line 1

but I did upgrade other members after my Dolphin upgrade to 7.0.8

Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
9 Nov 2011
HI, when i desactvate the non-verfied logo for non-verified members in the admin panel, i get these strange errors in my site: Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1207 Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1208 Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1258 Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1269 Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Empty regular expression in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1272 What is going wrong here ? Thx!
19 Nov 2011

 What exactly were you doing when you got this ?

I get this error for the last verified member:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method BxVerifyModule::isVerified() in /home/xxxx/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPrivacyQuery.php(84) : runtime-created function on line 1

but I did upgrade other members after my Dolphin upgrade to 7.0.8


Paypal email is -
20 Nov 2011

 These errors are template based and unrelated to the Verified Module.

HI, when i desactvate the non-verfied logo for non-verified members in the admin panel, i get these strange errors in my site: Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1207 Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1208 Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1258 Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1269 Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Empty regular expression in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1272 What is going wrong here ? Thx!


Paypal email is -
20 Nov 2011

 I did click on the latest verified member. But its ok now, I made a backup of the verified members at the database as well as of their photos. Uninstalled and reinstalled verified members and its working fine now :-)

 What exactly were you doing when you got this ?

I get this error for the last verified member:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method BxVerifyModule::isVerified() in /home/xxxx/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPrivacyQuery.php(84) : runtime-created function on line 1

but I did upgrade other members after my Dolphin upgrade to 7.0.8



Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
20 Nov 2011

Hi again,

i switched to the usual UNI format template and get the same error ? 

HI, when i desactvate the non-verfied logo for non-verified members in the admin panel, i get these strange errors in my site: Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1207 Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1208 Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1258 Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1269 Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Empty regular expression in /home/iloveswitzerland/ on line 1272 What is going wrong here ? Thx!


20 Nov 2011

Great Module,

two questions: How do i revoke a verified member at a later time when he is already verified? For example someone did a photo fake and the admin couldn't see. He verified him and now as he knows better he wants to unverify him again. How? Is this possible or do i have to hack the db by myself?

Last question: Until the member gets verified he is already listet under "verified members". Thats not good and should be changed because he is pending and not verified.


@Modzzz: Maybe change this in the next release for sqlpoints.php, so it will be set correctly :)

Did a quick fix in the points related table because it didnt support multilanguage for the listed action. (v2.0.3)

1) edited modzzz_point_main field group where group was "Verified Member"

2) changed all "Verified Member" entries i found against a language key i added in the admin panel (_modzzz_point_header_verified).

3) Now points module lists the action in the language the user has choosen

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
26 Mar 2012

Could a PDF document be used... in place of a photo file?  PDF document could include a photo as well as content specific to the website's verification process.
27 Mar 2012

Version 2.0.4 released. ( see patches/version_2.0.4 folder)

Adds functionality for Administrator to reverse Verified Status.

Fixes issue where pending verifications were shown in verified members list.

Paypal email is -
27 Mar 2012

I just installed Verified Members on D7.0.9 and noticed a new item on the Privacy Settings dropdown lists while adding new instances of Advanced Polls and Recipes.  I'm guessing it's associated with the Verified  Members feature to limit access to only verified members.  The dropdown item text is "_ps_group_30_title"... which I could not find with Manage Languages.  I don't have any verified members yet.  I've attached an image to help clarify. 

polls-privacy-group-issue.png · 6.7K · 480 views
28 Mar 2012


I just installed Verified Members on D7.0.9 and noticed a new item on the Privacy Settings dropdown lists while adding new instances of Advanced Polls and Recipes.  I'm guessing it's associated with the Verified  Members feature to limit access to only verified members.  The dropdown item text is "_ps_group_30_title"... which I could not find with Manage Languages.  I don't have any verified members yet.  I've attached an image to help clarify. 

I searched through the files and database.  Group 30 refers to the dropdown list-item value that Modzzz has assigned for Verified Members.  No language key for _ps_group_30_title was created during installation so I created one.
29 Mar 2012

@Modzzz: Thanks for doing it so fast :)

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
29 Mar 2012

I've just starting testing this module... I really like the module's ability to restrict access to select site features based on having been verified.  I can imagine that will be used often for certain types of events.

Unfortunately about 10% of the members do not have the tools or skills to create and upload a verification photo.  It would help if there was an admin tool to add member's verification photos.   

BTW, if this was expected to happen on very rare occasions, then the admin could just login to each member's account to do the work... but I expect this will be required quite often.
29 Mar 2012

As always a GREAT mod!

2 things I would LOVE to see...

1) I would LOVE that the admin got an email anytime someone verified their membership (make it an option?).

2) I would REALLY love it if I could choose a membership that they automatically advance to when they are approved (again, an option).


If you could add those 2 things, this would make this mod a 10 star!


30 Mar 2012

 I certainly do agree with Steve here that wold be great :-)

As always a GREAT mod!

2 things I would LOVE to see...

1) I would LOVE that the admin got an email anytime someone verified their membership (make it an option?).

2) I would REALLY love it if I could choose a membership that they automatically advance to when they are approved (again, an option).


If you could add those 2 things, this would make this mod a 10 star!




Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
30 Mar 2012

Based on the last changes to revoke an already verified profile, does it make sense to remove the added points too? If the member never sends in a valid photo again he still has the points which were setup for this action. I fear people just send in useless photos, just to get some points :)

For next release maybe just add an action, if verified has been revoked how many points being subtracted

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
30 Mar 2012

Points revoking was included in the patch. The revoking of Points will not work for photos uploaded before the application of the patch.

Based on the last changes to revoke an already verified profile, does it make sense to remove the added points too? If the member never sends in a valid photo again he still has the points which were setup for this action. I fear people just send in useless photos, just to get some points :)

For next release maybe just add an action, if verified has been revoked how many points being subtracted


Paypal email is -
30 Mar 2012

I did a complete points reset and deleted all verified photos before. then i tested by uploading a member photo -> verified the member -> he got points -> i revoked it -> he still has the points.

Maybe i do something wrong or do not understand?


Points revoking was included in the patch. The revoking of Points will not work for photos uploaded before the application of the patch.


Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
30 Mar 2012

 Run sqlpoints.php again. That was omitted from the update instructions.

I did a complete points reset and deleted all verified photos before. then i tested by uploading a member photo -> verified the member -> he got points -> i revoked it -> he still has the points.

Maybe i do something wrong or do not understand?


Points revoking was included in the patch. The revoking of Points will not work for photos uploaded before the application of the patch.



Paypal email is -
30 Mar 2012

Is there any updates coming on this mod?

One thing I did notice when you upload a picture to verify, you end up back at the home screen like nothing happened.

It'd be best if the module showed the image you just uploaded and explained the admin has been notified of your submission.

Thanks!  :D
20 May 2012

 I hope so too... I've been waiting and hoping this mod would be updated.

Is there any updates coming on this mod?

One thing I did notice when you upload a picture to verify, you end up back at the home screen like nothing happened.

It'd be best if the module showed the image you just uploaded and explained the admin has been notified of your submission.

Thanks!  :D
20 May 2012

This is the default behaviour of the current version. I just tested it. After uploading an image you see the  uploaded photo and a message (can be changed in the usual way) is presented above it. Are you sure you have the latest version? It was update on Mar 27 2012. (v 2.0.4)


It'd be best if the module showed the image you just uploaded and explained the admin has been notified of your submission.
Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
23 May 2012

I was tired of checking all the time for new photos to be verified. Maybe in the next version it would be a good idea to send an email to the site email adress, if there is a new photo to be verified by the admin.

In the meantime i added two lines of code to get the information. If anyone need this also then open

modzzz/verify/classes/BxVerifyModule.php and find the line

return $this->_oDb->UpdateMedia($sType, $iEntryId, $sIcon);

right above this add these two lines

global $site;
sendMail($site['email'], 'New photo for verification arrived', 'A member just uploaded a new photo for verification. Please go to your admin panel and verify or reject it !');

Save and clear cache! After a user uploaded a photo you should get an email.

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
23 May 2012

Admin notification has been included in the upcoming patch release.

I was tired of checking all the time for new photos to be verified. Maybe in the next version it would be a good idea to send an email to the site email adress, if there is a new photo to be verified by the admin.

In the meantime i added two lines of code to get the information. If anyone need this also then open

modzzz/verify/classes/BxVerifyModule.php and find the line

return $this->_oDb->UpdateMedia($sType, $iEntryId, $sIcon);

right above this add these two lines

global $site;
sendMail($site['email'], 'New photo for verification arrived', 'A member just uploaded a new photo for verification. Please go to your admin panel and verify or reject it !');

Save and clear cache! After a user uploaded a photo you should get an email.


Paypal email is -
14 Jun 2012

Version 2.0.5 released. ( see patches/version_2.0.5 folder)

Adds administrator notification when a member submits photo for verification.

Adds missing language string for integration with privacy group.

Paypal email is -
14 Jun 2012

To fix an issue where the verification code is not showing in the rules, download again and replace this file :


Paypal email is -
18 Jun 2012

Is there anyway to add the ability to take a picture with the web cam OR uploading a picture?

12 Aug 2012

 I will explore this possibility in a future upgrade.

Is there anyway to add the ability to take a picture with the web cam OR uploading a picture?



Paypal email is -
13 Aug 2012

Once more thing, I would LOVE it when you are on the verified page where it shows all the verified members to show their verification pic instead of their thumbnail.

It seems members cannot follow simple instructions and are just uploading plain pics.

I think if it showed how other people are verified, they would get the hint better.


16 Aug 2012


Once more thing, I would LOVE it when you are on the verified page where it shows all the verified members to show their verification pic instead of their thumbnail.

It seems members cannot follow simple instructions and are just uploading plain pics.

I think if it showed how other people are verified, they would get the hint better.





Paypal email is -
16 Aug 2012

I must disagree.

The photos should be private nature and are already handled like that in the module.

Its no problem to add detailed information with a sample photo to the modules pages, so users know what should be uploaded. You can add html/php blocks to each page of the verify module too.

Some people doesn't want to show themselves to everybody, just to their friends, which i can understand.

If such a change comes, it would be best to let the site owner choose if he wants to use the uploaded photos or the member thumbnails.

Check my GeoDistance, Watermark, TorBlock and Android Push Notifications mods |
16 Aug 2012

 I definitive agree with dately a hundred percent cos it is a private matter for people who don't want to show them self for public but want to be verified cos it's them behind the profile.

Yep, the admin should be able to choose to show either verified photo or the profile thubnail

I must disagree.

The photos should be private nature and are already handled like that in the module.

Its no problem to add detailed information with a sample photo to the modules pages, so users know what should be uploaded. You can add html/php blocks to each page of the verify module too.

Some people doesn't want to show themselves to everybody, just to their friends, which i can understand.

If such a change comes, it would be best to let the site owner choose if he wants to use the uploaded photos or the member thumbnails.


Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
16 Aug 2012

 Admin control will be implemented. Those who find the feature undesirable will be able to de-activate it.

 I definitive agree with dately a hundred percent cos it is a private matter for people who don't want to show them self for public but want to be verified cos it's them behind the profile.

Yep, the admin should be able to choose to show either verified photo or the profile thubnail

I must disagree.

The photos should be private nature and are already handled like that in the module.

Its no problem to add detailed information with a sample photo to the modules pages, so users know what should be uploaded. You can add html/php blocks to each page of the verify module too.

Some people doesn't want to show themselves to everybody, just to their friends, which i can understand.

If such a change comes, it would be best to let the site owner choose if he wants to use the uploaded photos or the member thumbnails.



Paypal email is -
16 Aug 2012

If you want to prevent members from hiding the Verified Block on their Profile page, make the following change below :

In templates\base\scripts\BxBaseProfileView.php

Find :

    return $sCode . parent::_getBlockCaptionCode($iBlockID, $aBlock, $aBlockCode, $bStatic, $sDynamicType);

Just above, add :

    if($aBlock['Caption'] == '_modzzz_verify_block_profilepage'){
        $sCode = '';

Paypal email is -
19 Oct 2012

To respect privacy with my idea, pretty easy!


in the file BxVerifyPageMemebers.php 

around line 36 find

        $sFilter   = process_db_input($_GET['filter']);         
        $aResult   = $this->oDb->getVerifyMembers($sFilter);
        $aProfiles = $aResult['profiles'];
        $sPaginate = $aResult['paginate'];

ADD THIS       
         $oPrivacy = new BxDolPrivacy('Profiles', 'ID', 'ID');
        $iViewerId = getLoggedId();

around line 44 find

        if(count($aProfiles)) {
            $aOnline = array();
            $aParent = array();
            foreach($aProfiles as $aEachProfile){

        if (!$oPrivacy->check('view', $aEachProfile['ID'], $iViewerId))


If their privacy policy does NOT allow you to see their profile, you won't.  This is the whole function that shows the approved verified image for people to understand what needs to be done.


   function getBlockCode_Members() {
        $sFilter   = process_db_input($_GET['filter']);         
        $aResult   = $this->oDb->getVerifyMembers($sFilter);
        $aProfiles = $aResult['profiles'];
        $sPaginate = $aResult['paginate'];
         $oPrivacy = new BxDolPrivacy('Profiles', 'ID', 'ID');
        $iViewerId = getLoggedId();
        if(count($aProfiles)) {
            $aOnline = array();
            $aParent = array();
            foreach($aProfiles as $aEachProfile){
        if (!$oPrivacy->check('view', $aEachProfile['ID'], $iViewerId))
                $aOnline['is_online'] = $aEachProfile['is_online'];
                $aThumbIcons          = $this->_oDb->getApprovedThumb($aEachProfile['ID']);
                $aParent[]            = array (
                        'thumbnail'      => '<img src="'.$aThumbIcons['icon'].'">',
                        'NickName'       => $aEachProfile['NickName'],
                        'ProfileLink'    => getProfileLink($aEachProfile['ID']),
                        'spacer'         => getTemplateIcon('spacer.gif'),
                        'largeThumbnail' => $aThumbIcons['largeThumbnail'],
                        'width'            => $aThumbIcons['width'],
                        'height'         => $aThumbIcons['height'],
                        'verify_date'    => date('M d, Y', $aEachProfile['date_approved']),
                        'regthumbwidth'  => (int)$aThumbIcons['width'] + 10,
                        'regthumbheight' => (int)$aThumbIcons['height'] + 40,
            $aVars = array('bx_repeat:items' => $aParent);
            $sCode = $this->oTemplate->parseHtmlByName("verified_members", $aVars);
            $sCode = MsgBox(_t("_modzzz_verify_no_members"));

        return array(
                _t('_modzzz_verify_all') => array(
                    'href' => $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'members',
                    'active' => ($_REQUEST['filter']=='') ? true : false,
                _t('_modzzz_verify_today') => array(
                    'href' => $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'members?filter=today',
                    'active' => ($_REQUEST['filter']=='today') ? true : false,
                _t('_modzzz_verify_week') => array(
                    'href' => $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'members?filter=week',
                    'active' => ($_REQUEST['filter']=='week') ? true : false,
                _t('_modzzz_verify_month') => array(
                    'href' => $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'members?filter=month',
                    'active' => ($_REQUEST['filter']=='month') ? true : false,
19 Oct 2012

I wonder if we could get the verified members block on the homepage? ;)

1 Nov 2012
20 Dec 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.