I dont know if its a bug, but when a user register, and need to confirm email... if he dont... he still can create album... but cant upload music into the album.. when he try he only see Permission denied.... the point is that maybe user will forget to activate their account by mail... so the error message should tell him that his account is still not activated by email.... not only show permission denied... some of my user are people who are not very good with website browsing.. so i have to make the website the most easy and understanding easy for most of them... and this is a little complicated... the only time user KNOW that he have to confirm the account by email is after he click the join button... but the message is not showing very clearly... if the member miss this message... never the website will told him again... that s the point i want to discuss... if the member dont activate the account by email.. this warning should show up on most of the section he browse or into the access denied warning message... and the user should also be able to have the function to receive again the confirmation email if the emai is lost and delete...