Okay, digging through the site I finally figured this one out. I was getting e-mailed way to often by the members to not get this item in the menu. To make it easier for your members to upload Profile Photos do the following:
Admin=>Builders=>Navigation Menu Builder
Get a New Item and drag it up and place it in the My Account Column (It's important that it be in a submenu where the parent checks to ensure they are logged in, this will not work as a submenu if the parent doesn't require you to be logged in.)
Click on the button to open it up and insert the following information:
System Name: _Upload Profile Pic
Language Key: _Upload Profile Pic
Default Name: Upload Profile Photo
URL: /upload_media.php
Target Window = Same
check the box for member and leave the guest box unchecked.
Now log in to your site as a member and go to My Account, you will see the new menu tab there and if you click it you'll go to the page that members upload photos to their profile, delete them and set it as main. Thanks for you help on this and guiding me in the right direction mrpowless.