Every time Dolphin upgrades it's becoming a real pain going through all the market modules to see if they are keeping up.
One has, another hasn't.
Some module version numbers change, others don't.
Updated dates on the modules may be altered without any clue as to whether certain files need to be uploaded again, or not.
If anyone is considering purchasing Dolphin, I would have to advise them to think very carefully about whether the out of the box package does everything they want.
Using the module marketplace is both costly and very time consuming. Add to that any customisation you might want to make, and you could find yourself permanently in development; or slowly going bald through periodically tearing your hair out.
How can people concentrate on building a community if they have to keep fixing the back-end?
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Perhaps it would be better to cut our losses and remove all the modules that need patches and upgrades, then do a complete new start with Dolphin 7.3.0.
How are others dealing with moving from 7.1.6 to 7.3.0?
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Subscribe to the modules support forum for modules you're using. You should get notification when its updated to work with 7.3, then do the upgrade? so much to do.... |
I subscribe to them all but the problem is some vendors upgrade (or announce patches to problems people report) and some do not, so we spend months waiting for the others to catch up.
Now Dolphin announces the next release and the (7.3.0) cycle starts again, before some vendors have completed the last (7.2.0) lap of checks.
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Maybe the solution is for boonex to release the updates to the developers 1 month prior to the public release ... thus giving the developers sufficient leeway to update their mods to coincide with the dolphin releases?
Every time Dolphin upgrades it's becoming a real pain going through all the market modules to see if they are keeping up.
One has, another hasn't.
Some module version numbers change, others don't.
Updated dates on the modules may be altered without any clue as to whether certain files need to be uploaded again, or not.
If anyone is considering purchasing Dolphin, I would have to advise them to think very carefully about whether the out of the box package does everything they want.
Using the module marketplace is both costly and very time consuming. Add to that any customisation you might want to make, and you could find yourself permanently in development; or slowly going bald through periodically tearing your hair out.
How can people concentrate on building a community if they have to keep fixing the back-end?
I presumed that's what 'Beta' releases, 'service' versions and 'Release Candidates' were for.
Andrew Boon posted 24th of August 2015 - Dolphin.Pro 7.2 Release Candidate
Today we are releasing Dolphin.Pro 7.2 RC. This update is particularly important for all developers who have extensions in BoonEx Market. There will be no or only minor changes from RC to Final, so now is the best time to update your extensions to ensure compatibility. Remember, Market will be listing only 7.2-compatible extensions as Featured.
So yes, they do; but no, not everyone does.

TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
I've been going through my old change notes and see that a lot of the new Dolphin 7.2.0 files will overwrite the changed files.
As most of those modules also have a few older patches I should probably add, before the upgrade starts, it's going to get messy.
No wonder so many Dolphin sites I've been looking over recently don't seem to progress much.

There needs to be a way for better integration between the main Dolphin script and modules on the market?
I thought the 'Check For Updates' on the Installed Modules was to lead us in that direction; but I guess it doesn't.
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
A lot of modules aren't affected, but Profile cover crashed when I updated. I had to do a full install and rebuild my very small test database to get it to work properly. That only took a week considering the hundreds of CSS mods I've made to my site. I didn't bother writing to them because they're not good at answering their mail. I did receive a bulk email this morning saying there was an update, but I'd already installed that. The problem with Profile Cover and another of the vendor's products is that the uninstall doesn't work. It leaves junk in the database and the module still shows in the installed modules section even though it's not there. |
So, Go or No Go for an update from 7.2 to 7.3? I'm using EvoWall and Advanced Articles, News, Sites, etc. from Modzzz, along with a few others.
And as far as Chat+ is concerned, what would be the monthly cost of the combination of Dolphin Pro, a dedicated server and maintenance/support to get WebRTC going? If someone has gone this route, I'd like to pick your brain a little bit. It sounds good in theory, but not if it is a hassle to support.
thanks, CHOPS