Upgrade / Databasse

following a nettoayge site spammer posted in the blogs that thousands of office by day, following the deletion of those members, I also deleted by mistake active members, but the database + site has been saved before the process,

I now returned souhais members or deleted members are represented with their pictures, sounds .. that had sent.

then the site now there is a new member + new post.

that brought the members to do the site are removed again by bringing all the old,

make the database more than 1Gb. zip

Quote · 19 Mar 2012


1. How was your database saved?

       a. Using Mysql Export

       b. Using the TOOLS->Database Backup option from the admin area.


2. If you used Mysql Export

     a. Log into your cpanel, get access to your phpmyadmin

     b. Import the exported database


3. If you used TOOLS->Database Backup

    a. navigate to TOOLS->Database Backup

    b. Use the DATABASE RESTORE option to load the backup data file you have.


I hope this helps.  Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance.




Quote · 19 Mar 2012

I'm the backup cpanel

Quote · 20 Mar 2012

n cpanel the phpMyAdmin have told me that the maximun size import it (50Mio)


I made the backup of my database data, for a nettoayge site because there was a lot of spam side of the blog + other categories from the Chinese, who inscrivais with robots and was posting by here there, so I made the message on the site but after I deleted it by mistake true active users, I would like to return with their posts, photo ..... who had sent

I also made a backup of the site along with the database

Quote · 20 Mar 2012

I can see that your problem is most likely that your host is timing out during the execution of the restore.  We can fix that by breaking up the restore.  The .sql file can be broken up into sections uploaded that way.   If you are unfamiliar with the backup/restore process, it is in essence a list of SQL commands.


Each Table is broken down into it's own set of commands.  The creation of the table and then the adding of the records. For example, below here is a restore of the "RayChatMembershipsSettings" table for my current install.  By breaking up the .sql file into multiple, easily manageable files, you can use the import feature to reconstruct your datase.

Hope this helps.



--------------------------Sample SQL restore--------------------

-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `RayChatMembershipsSettings`



DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `RayChatMembershipsSettings`;

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `RayChatMembershipsSettings` (


  `Name` varchar(20) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

  `Caption` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

  `Type` enum('boolean','number','custom') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'boolean',

  `Default` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

  `Range` int(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '3',

  `Error` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '',


  UNIQUE KEY `Name` (`Name`)




-- Dumping data for table `RayChatMembershipsSettings`



INSERT INTO `RayChatMembershipsSettings` (`ID`, `Name`, `Caption`, `Type`, `Default`, `Range`, `Error`) VALUES

(1, 'RoomCreate', 'New Rooms Creating:', 'boolean', 'true', 1, 'RayzRoomCreate'),

(2, 'PrivateRoomCreate', 'Private Rooms Creating:', 'boolean', 'true', 1, 'RayzPrivateRoomCreate'),

(3, 'AVCasting', 'Audio/Video Casting:', 'boolean', 'true', 1, 'RayzAVCasting'),

(4, 'AVPlaying', 'Audio/Video Playing (for Messenger):', 'boolean', 'true', 1, 'RayzAVPlaying'),

(5, 'AVLargeWindow', 'Enable Large Video Window:', 'boolean', 'true', 1, 'RayzAVLargeWindow'),

(6, 'FileSend', 'Files Sending:', 'boolean', 'true', 1, 'RayzFileSend'),

(7, 'WhisperMessages', 'Whispering Messages:', 'boolean', 'true', 1, 'RayzWhisperMessages'),

(8, 'DirectMessages', 'Addressed Messages:', 'boolean', 'true', 1, 'RayzDirectMessages'),

(9, 'RoomsNumber', 'Maximum Rooms Number:', 'number', '100', 3, 'RayzRoomsNumber'),

(10, 'ChatsNumber', 'Maximum Private Chats Number:', 'number', '100', 3, 'RayzChatsNumber'),

(11, 'AVWindowsNumber', 'Maximum Video Windows Number:', 'number', '100', 3, 'RayzAVWindowsNumber'),

(12, 'RestrictedRooms', 'Restricted Rooms:', 'custom', '', 1, 'RayzRestrictedRooms');


-- --------------------------------------------------------

Quote · 20 Mar 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.