It sure would be nice if I can use the same browser to do everything here instead of switching between ie an ff. One works for forums a little one works for blogs sometimes.
I type all this out and then it messes up. So I loose everything and have to start all over.
One browser links work in forums, blogs, etc, and another it don't. All this tag, title, description whatever definately need a re-work.
This is total crap. How many normal people actually use a number of browsers? Not very many. Most people I know use one.
You really need to figure out how to make this site forums, blogs, ads, whatever else you got going on here compatible with all browsers.
Also your dolphin suite would be much less headaches if the same was done.
Start with these forums though would be a good start!!
This is crazy!!
What the heck browser are you all using to make everything work right here? Ie7 or something? The most comprimised browser around? Try FF2 or FF3 compatibility, which will one day soon blow ie away!!
Or at least get some univeral comprimise between the 2 going on somehow.