It is Boonex's right to do whatever they please...with that being said first, I don't understand why they have 5 "big name" hosting companies running ads directly to their websites with Boonex's affiliate IDs when these Ad boxes are more (from my perspective) the members of the website that sell items through the market. The rules on running Ad boxes (for members only it seems) are that you must link your image to somewhere in the boonex market/website e.g. http://www.boonex.com/m/product rather than somewhere away from the domain of boonex.com e.g. http://www.hostforweb.com/affiliateID=boonex. Could I run some ads with my affiliate ID to other hosting companies? Just wondering how far Boonex can push their own rules.
I use to run ads all the time at Expertzzz and it really help the items I sold. They appeared on every single page and it really did bring me business. Now it seems when I run an Ad here, it gets drowned out by the 5 hosting companies being advertised, that not to mention they are also in the Hosting section of Boonex. I can understand not having the Ad boxes on every single page of boonex.com. However, with those hosting company affiliate linked advertisements always there, Unity members would tend to just ignore that section all together since it is just hosting advertisements there most of the time and always 50% of the boxes rather than actual member sold market items.
I suppose I'm just venting here. Your input is welcome positive/negative. Just wanted to share my thoughts on this.