I get this error on a couple pages after installing and using FCHAT. Has anyone ran into a similar error ? I have been trying to figure it out on my own for awhile and through messages with that plugin person but its been like two months. This happens on only certain pages like blogs, account, etc. The rest it is fine. I have not changed anything on those pages so odd I get the error.
Uncaught TypeError: $.fancybox.init is not a function
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_a1e85f7….js:1409)
at i (gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4)
at Function.ready (gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4)
at HTMLDocument.K (gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4)
(anonymous) @ gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_a1e85f7….js:1409
i @ gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4
fireWith @ gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4
ready @ gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4
K @ gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4