Uncaught TypeError: $.fancybox.init is not a funct

I get this error on a couple pages after installing and using FCHAT. Has anyone ran into a similar error ? I have been trying to figure it out on my own for awhile and through messages with that plugin person but its been like two months. This happens on only certain pages like blogs, account, etc. The rest it is fine. I have not changed anything on those pages so odd I get the error. 

Uncaught TypeError: $.fancybox.init is not a function

    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_a1e85f7….js:1409)

    at i (gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4)

    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4)

    at Function.ready (gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4)

    at HTMLDocument.K (gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4)

(anonymous) @ gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_a1e85f7….js:1409

i @ gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4

fireWith @ gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4

ready @ gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4

K @ gzip_loader.php?file=bx_templ_js_8525ada….js:4

Quote · 23 Mar 2017

fancybox (and this is the older open source version) is used to open the attached images in blog posts and other areas.  FChat is conflicting with fancybox in some way.  One solution may be to replace fancybox with another script that handles the same function; there are many open source ones on the web.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 23 Mar 2017


fancybox (and this is the older open source version) is used to open the attached images in blog posts and other areas.  FChat is conflicting with fancybox in some way.  One solution may be to replace fancybox with another script that handles the same function; there are many open source ones on the web.

 Thanks A lot! I will give it a look. I figured that may be the case. It just shocks me he had no other people with the same issue. I really like fancy box will prob look into fully implementing it in the future but if f chat is using it may have to do an alternative that works just as good. It happens on the account page to if the pages are full with the same error. So I am wondering if it may be something else to. Because like I will log into my admin account and the account page has same error , but log into my less full test account and the error is not there strangely.

Quote · 23 Mar 2017

You probably won't see any help here with this since it is related to your site only.  My luck with javascript conflicts has not been that good; I usually try to find a replacement instead of trying to make two conflicting scripts work together.  However, you could look at trying to fix this issue; maybe some searches on the net or talk to the F-Chat people.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 24 Mar 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.