Ultimate Watermark Module

This topic is for issues with the Ultimate Watermark Module.

Please PM me for any inqueries regarding this module




Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information
Quote · 17 Jul 2013

I have a question: Does this watermark the original image as well?

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 17 Jul 2013


I have a question: Does this watermark the original image as well?


ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 17 Jul 2013

When I apply the following SQl using PHPMyAdmin:

ALTER TABLE `sys_options` CHANGE `Type` `Type` ENUM( 'digit', 'text', 'checkbox', 'select', 'select_multiple', 'file', 'list', 'color' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'digit'


-- Dumping data for table `sys_options`


SET @iHandler = (SELECT `id` FROM `sys_options_cats` WHERE `name` = 'Watermark' LIMIT 1);

INSERT INTO `sys_options` (`Name`, `VALUE`, `kateg`, `desc`, `Type`, `check`, `err_text`, `order_in_kateg`, `AvailableValues`) VALUES

('watermark_location', 'Bottom Left', @iHandler, 'Location of Watermark', 'select', '', '', 40, ',Top Left,Top Center,Top Right,Center Left,Center,Center Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Center,Bottom Right'),

('enable_txt_watermark', 'on', @iHandler, 'Enable Text instead of Watermark', 'checkbox', '', '', 50, ''),

('watermark_color', '000001', @iHandler, 'Text Colour', 'color', '', '', 60, ''),

('watermark_font', 'Haymaker', @iHandler, 'Font to use', 'select', '', '', 70, ',Chunkfive-webfont,Haymaker,OSP-DIN,Snickles'),

('watermark_txt', 'This Watermark is made using \r\nThe Watermark Module \r\nBy Denre!!', @iHandler, 'Text to use as Watermark', 'text', '', '', 80, '');


I get this error:



SQL query: Documentation

ALTER TABLE `sys_options` CHANGE `Type` `Type` ENUM( 'digit', 'text', 'checkbox', 'select', 'select_multiple', 'file', 'list', 'color' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'digit'--
-- Dumping data for table `sys_options`
SET @iHandler = ( SELECT `id` 
FROM `sys_options_cats` 
WHERE `name` = 'Watermark'
LIMIT 1 ) ;

MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SET @iHandler = (SELECT `id` FROM `sys_options_cats` WHERE `name` = 'Watermark' ' at line 5 

Quote · 17 Jul 2013


When I apply the following SQl using PHPMyAdmin:

ALTER TABLE `sys_options` CHANGE `Type` `Type` ENUM( 'digit', 'text', 'checkbox', 'select', 'select_multiple', 'file', 'list', 'color' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'digit'


-- Dumping data for table `sys_options`


SET @iHandler = (SELECT `id` FROM `sys_options_cats` WHERE `name` = 'Watermark' LIMIT 1);

INSERT INTO `sys_options` (`Name`, `VALUE`, `kateg`, `desc`, `Type`, `check`, `err_text`, `order_in_kateg`, `AvailableValues`) VALUES

('watermark_location', 'Bottom Left', @iHandler, 'Location of Watermark', 'select', '', '', 40, ',Top Left,Top Center,Top Right,Center Left,Center,Center Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Center,Bottom Right'),

('enable_txt_watermark', 'on', @iHandler, 'Enable Text instead of Watermark', 'checkbox', '', '', 50, ''),

('watermark_color', '000001', @iHandler, 'Text Colour', 'color', '', '', 60, ''),

('watermark_font', 'Haymaker', @iHandler, 'Font to use', 'select', '', '', 70, ',Chunkfive-webfont,Haymaker,OSP-DIN,Snickles'),

('watermark_txt', 'This Watermark is made using \r\nThe Watermark Module \r\nBy Denre!!', @iHandler, 'Text to use as Watermark', 'text', '', '', 80, '');


I get this error:



SQL query: Documentation

ALTER TABLE `sys_options` CHANGE `Type` `Type` ENUM( 'digit', 'text', 'checkbox', 'select', 'select_multiple', 'file', 'list', 'color' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'digit'--
-- Dumping data for table `sys_options`
SET @iHandler = ( SELECT `id` 
FROM `sys_options_cats` 
WHERE `name` = 'Watermark'
LIMIT 1 ) ;

MySQL said: Documentation

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SET @iHandler = (SELECT `id` FROM `sys_options_cats` WHERE `name` = 'Watermark' ' at line 5 

Shame  on me. Copied and pasted the code to my demo site and still this..


What I see in your code is that the alter table is not ended with a ; (semi column) hence the error. I'll update in the package right now!

Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information
Quote · 17 Jul 2013

Updated but still v1.0.0

Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information
Quote · 17 Jul 2013

 Sorry, I thought his was the proper thread....


In any event, adding the ; has allowed the SQL statement to succeed.



This topic is for issues with the Ultimate Watermark Module

Quote · 17 Jul 2013


 Sorry, I thought his was the proper thread....


In any event, adding the ; has allowed the SQL statement to succeed.



This topic is for issues with the Ultimate Watermark Module

 It is, copy & paste Foot in Mouth

Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information
Quote · 17 Jul 2013

I've added the files and updated the SQL, cleared local caches and disabled my CDN caching... and tested with both image and text but neither are applying to the images. Thoughts?

Quote · 17 Jul 2013

No thoughts, I probably need to have a look at your config.

It should be a matter of copy and paste (and of course enable the watermark feature)


Please PM so we can solve this issue asap!

Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information
Quote · 17 Jul 2013

The isssue is that temp created watermarks are written to the /media/images/profile folder. The script needs therefore write access to that folder.

Will change this for the next release to be the temp folder



Because of the already existing .htaccess file and checks in the photo upload and manipulation functions there is no risk when you give the script write access to that folder!

Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information
Quote · 17 Jul 2013

Update released, fixes writing of temp watermark and SQL error

People who already bought the module have received a location from where to download this fix.

People wanting to buy the module, can use the v1.0.1 version that is available for download in the market.






Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information
Quote · 17 Jul 2013

Few questions if I may.

Can you use both pictures & text?

Can both pictures & text be rotated at any angle?

Can it do multiple text, to include things like your text you set for it, and the uploader name?

If not, is this something you are willing to add to your module for more functionality?

Ultra Newb reporting for duty.
Quote · 18 Jul 2013


Few questions if I may.

Can you use both pictures & text?

Can both pictures & text be rotated at any angle? not at the moment

Can it do multiple text, to include things like your text you set for it, and the uploader name? No

If not, is this something you are willing to add to your module for more functionality? He's a great module maker, he may do all the above.


You can test it or see results on http://mynewbeetle.net/m/photos/view/IMAG0669-1

or on Denre's test site.

I have another site showcasing the modules too. http://webcamyourface.com/713_test_bed/index.php

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 18 Jul 2013


Few questions if I may.

Can you use both pictures & text?

Can both pictures & text be rotated at any angle?

Can it do multiple text, to include things like your text you set for it, and the uploader name?

If not, is this something you are willing to add to your module for more functionality?


This module allows you to use both pictures and text, just not at the same time, although it would be posible. Also rotation of text is currrently not possible, but can be added. With regards to rotating images, I do not see the value in that, I think you should do that before uploading your watermark.


Rotating text is something I'm willing to add in the next release, same for the option to add extra info to the watermark.

Things like rotating images and text + picture as watermark, just like not watermarking the original image can be done as modifications but I have to charge a small fee for this.

Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information
Quote · 19 Jul 2013

I've just released v1.0.2 of the UWM.

This patch fixes an issue with pictures smaller than the watermark size it self.


People who bought the UWM are strongly advised to upgrade to this latest release, which you can download from the market!

Dedicated servers for as little as $32 (28 euro) - See http://denre.com for more information
Quote · 21 Jul 2013
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