Ultimate Events Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Ultimate Events mod.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 21 Dec 2010

Version 2.0.0 released. (see patches\version_2.0.0 folder)

Fixes error that is thrown when recurring events are being processed by the cron job.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 6 Mar 2011

Version 2.0.1 released. (see patches\version_2.0.1 folder)

Adds the ability for Admin to decide if members can join Events after they start.

Adds the ability for an Event Creator to decide if members can join a particular Event after it starts.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 26 Apr 2011

Version 2.0.2 released. (see patches/version_2.0.2 folder)

Fixes issue with Javascript error being displayed in IE.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 21 Jul 2011

Version 2.0.3 released. (see patches/version_2.0.3 folder)

Adds the ability to embed Youtube Videos by entering only the Video Url.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 11 Sep 2011

on a related topic. What is the fix for the ultimate events & location mod. It throws an sql error during and insert statement during installation. see attached file

ultimateeventserror.txt · 4.7K · 332 downloads
Quote · 4 Nov 2011

This has nothing to do with my Ultimate Events module. The module you are referring to is from another developer called Derartmedia or beckmedia. I am not associated in anyway with that person

on a related topic. What is the fix for the ultimate events & location mod. It throws an sql error during and insert statement during installation. see attached file


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 4 Nov 2011

Version 2.0.4 released. (see patches\version_2.0.4 folder)

Fixes issue with sending Invitations and Broadcast messages to site inbox.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 25 Nov 2011

Hey Modzzz,

I have come across an issue when restricting the Viewing of an Event  to Participants Only. If you go to any other event and view the forums, you can access the Forums Index for all Events by clicking on the Forums - Event links in the events forums breadcrumb, even forums for events set to Participants Only. This creates an issue since if only Participants can view the event, they should be the only ones who can view the Forums, although they cannot post if they are not a participant, viewing them can still become an issue. (This works the same with Groups as well when restricting access to Fans Only).

I hope I explained this well enough. If you need more details please let me know.

Is there anyway to fix this? Is it possible to remove this breadcrumb all together? I can remove it if I know where to locate it.

Also, is there anyway the RSS Feed can be a clickable link?

Thanks for your help

Quote · 3 Jan 2012

This is a flaw inherited from the default Boonex Events mod. I have fixed it for the next release.

Regarding RSS link, what will it link to ? An additional link field would have to be added.

Hey Modzzz,

I have come across an issue when restricting the Viewing of an Event  to Participants Only. If you go to any other event and view the forums, you can access the Forums Index for all Events by clicking on the Forums - Event links in the events forums breadcrumb, even forums for events set to Participants Only. This creates an issue since if only Participants can view the event, they should be the only ones who can view the Forums, although they cannot post if they are not a participant, viewing them can still become an issue. (This works the same with Groups as well when restricting access to Fans Only).

I hope I explained this well enough. If you need more details please let me know.

Is there anyway to fix this? Is it possible to remove this breadcrumb all together? I can remove it if I know where to locate it.

Also, is there anyway the RSS Feed can be a clickable link?

Thanks for your help


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 3 Jan 2012

Thanks for looking into the forums issue.

I was thinking the link for the RSS Feed could possible open the way all others do...in the browser so you can add the feed to your feed list. If it is not possible, no biggie, it was just an idea.


Quote · 3 Jan 2012

Version 2.0.5 released. (see patches\version_2.0.5 folder)

Fixes issue with forum access permission.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 3 Jan 2012

Forums patch works perfectly! Thanks so much.

Quote · 6 Jan 2012

Is it possible to place a copy of the Ultimate Events Calendar block on the site home page... if so, how?... if not, could you add such a feature to the next release?  I understand you're very busy and appreciate your help... please and thank you.

Quote · 17 Feb 2012

 Added in next version.

Is it possible to place a copy of the Ultimate Events Calendar block on the site home page... if so, how?... if not, could you add such a feature to the next release?  I understand you're very busy and appreciate your help... please and thank you.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 18 Feb 2012

Version 2.0.6 released. (see patches\version_2.0.6 folder)

Adds Event Calendar to homepage.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 18 Feb 2012

In Event's Administration > Event's Privacy Settings > Allow viewing by membership (and "joining") how can I control the order of the membership level items in the dropdown list?

Quote · 4 Mar 2012

You would have to modify the query for the getMemberships function found in inc/membership_levels.inc.php

In Event's Administration > Event's Privacy Settings > Allow viewing by membership (and "joining") how can I control the order of the membership level items in the dropdown list?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 6 Mar 2012

 Feature Request 

When adding/editing an Event and selecting Allow joining by membership, please allow for more than one membership type to be selected. Thus both Gold and Silver memberships could be selected for joining an Event... while Bronze and Iron are not allowed.

Quote · 8 Mar 2012

How do I control how long the temporary "popup" confirmation message is displayed?  I'm referring to the one that displays immediately after a member clicks the JOIN button for an Event.  In the case where the Event organizer chooses to confirm each participant then the "popup" message has a lot of text in it... saying the member has been added to the Event list but the organizer must confirm them (worded something to that effect).  This message only shows for few short seconds... making it a very 'quick' read. I'd like to lengthen the time for it and any longer text messages.  Can I make the change in the code?  Could you add a feature to control it from the Admin > Settings panel?

Quote · 8 Mar 2012

This is a global functionality which is used throughout dolphin wherever such popup is displayed. The settings can be modified in the genAjaxyPopupJS function found in inc/classes/design.inc.php

How do I control how long the temporary "popup" confirmation message is displayed?  I'm referring to the one that displays immediately after a member clicks the JOIN button for an Event.  In the case where the Event organizer chooses to confirm each participant then the "popup" message has a lot of text in it... saying the member has been added to the Event list but the organizer must confirm them (worded something to that effect).  This message only shows for few short seconds... making it a very 'quick' read. I'd like to lengthen the time for it and any longer text messages.  Can I make the change in the code?  Could you add a feature to control it from the Admin > Settings panel?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 8 Mar 2012

 Thank you very much... exactly the info I needed to make a simple code update to increase the 'temporary' display time.

This is a global functionality which is used throughout dolphin wherever such popup is displayed. The settings can be modified in the genAjaxyPopupJS function found in inc/classes/design.inc.php

How do I control how long the temporary "popup" confirmation message is displayed?  I'm referring to the one that displays immediately after a member clicks the JOIN button for an Event.  In the case where the Event organizer chooses to confirm each participant then the "popup" message has a lot of text in it... saying the member has been added to the Event list but the organizer must confirm them (worded something to that effect).  This message only shows for few short seconds... making it a very 'quick' read. I'd like to lengthen the time for it and any longer text messages.  Can I make the change in the code?  Could you add a feature to control it from the Admin > Settings panel?



Quote · 14 Mar 2012
When I ran
for the ultimate events
It didn't say it completed.  I ran it after installing the mod.
is this a problem?  

What is your support email if I need to send user and password info?



Quote · 21 Mar 2012

How do I change the categories of events to remove Bushwalking etc.?



Quote · 21 Mar 2012

I had to do that recently... I went to:

Admin > Settings > Categories Settings ... All Categories ... in Modules dropdown list, choose Events 

You can added, disable, delete as you like.

Quote · 21 Mar 2012

This is not a problem. This happens because the sqlstates was previously executed. My support email is in the readme.txt that comes with all mods.

When I ran
for the ultimate events
It didn't say it completed.  I ran it after installing the mod.
is this a problem?  

What is your support email if I need to send user and password info?




Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 26 Mar 2012

I just noticed that "Admin Only" and "Participants" event privacy settings cannot be set in a user's account Privacy Settings page --> Event's Privacy Settings section.  I tried adding the "a" and "p" ID's into the group_id column of the sys_privacy_defaults table but only integers are allowed.  Is there an easy way to resolve this issue... i.e. without revising all instances of "Admins Only" to an integer such as ID# "101"?

Quote · 29 May 2012

 I don't quite follow what you are saying. Do you mean that when you select "Admin Only" or "Participants" the value is not retained when you save the Event ?

I just noticed that "Admin Only" and "Participants" event privacy settings cannot be set in a user's account Privacy Settings page --> Event's Privacy Settings section.  I tried adding the "a" and "p" ID's into the group_id column of the sys_privacy_defaults table but only integers are allowed.  Is there an easy way to resolve this issue... i.e. without revising all instances of "Admins Only" to an integer such as ID# "101"?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 29 May 2012

I can't set the default event privacy settings with the Dolphin Privacy Settings page because "Admin Only" and "Participants" are not listed.  Privacy Settings page: http://www.mysiteURL.com/member_privacy.php

 I don't quite follow what you are saying. Do you mean that when you select "Admin Only" or "Participants" the value is not retained when you save the Event ?

I just noticed that "Admin Only" and "Participants" event privacy settings cannot be set in a user's account Privacy Settings page --> Event's Privacy Settings section.  I tried adding the "a" and "p" ID's into the group_id column of the sys_privacy_defaults table but only integers are allowed.  Is there an easy way to resolve this issue... i.e. without revising all instances of "Admins Only" to an integer such as ID# "101"?



Quote · 29 May 2012

 You won't be able to as the sys_privacy_defaults table is not designed to accommodate them.

I can't set the default event privacy settings with the Dolphin Privacy Settings page because "Admin Only" and "Participants" are not listed.  Privacy Settings page: http://www.mysiteURL.com/member_privacy.php

 I don't quite follow what you are saying. Do you mean that when you select "Admin Only" or "Participants" the value is not retained when you save the Event ?

I just noticed that "Admin Only" and "Participants" event privacy settings cannot be set in a user's account Privacy Settings page --> Event's Privacy Settings section.  I tried adding the "a" and "p" ID's into the group_id column of the sys_privacy_defaults table but only integers are allowed.  Is there an easy way to resolve this issue... i.e. without revising all instances of "Admins Only" to an integer such as ID# "101"?




Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 29 May 2012

I understand... it could be a big set of revisions to switch [a,p,f] to specific numbers.  At the very least we'd need to use specially chosen numbers in the sys_privacy_defaults table then use a function to convert references to those numbers to match your letter-system for your modules.  And possibly I'm the only one concerned about it.

 You won't be able to as the sys_privacy_defaults table is not designed to accommodate them.

I can't set the default event privacy settings with the Dolphin Privacy Settings page because "Admin Only" and "Participants" are not listed.  Privacy Settings page: http://www.mysiteURL.com/member_privacy.php

 I don't quite follow what you are saying. Do you mean that when you select "Admin Only" or "Participants" the value is not retained when you save the Event ?

I just noticed that "Admin Only" and "Participants" event privacy settings cannot be set in a user's account Privacy Settings page --> Event's Privacy Settings section.  I tried adding the "a" and "p" ID's into the group_id column of the sys_privacy_defaults table but only integers are allowed.  Is there an easy way to resolve this issue... i.e. without revising all instances of "Admins Only" to an integer such as ID# "101"?





Quote · 29 May 2012

The lettering system [a,p,f] is a part of Dolphin and not something specific to my module. The privacy functionality design needs to be updated. I hope we see some change in this aspect in Dolphin 7.1

I understand... it could be a big set of revisions to switch [a,p,f] to specific numbers.  At the very least we'd need to use specially chosen numbers in the sys_privacy_defaults table then use a function to convert references to those numbers to match your letter-system for your modules.  And possibly I'm the only one concerned about it.

 You won't be able to as the sys_privacy_defaults table is not designed to accommodate them.

I can't set the default event privacy settings with the Dolphin Privacy Settings page because "Admin Only" and "Participants" are not listed.  Privacy Settings page: http://www.mysiteURL.com/member_privacy.php

 I don't quite follow what you are saying. Do you mean that when you select "Admin Only" or "Participants" the value is not retained when you save the Event ?

I just noticed that "Admin Only" and "Participants" event privacy settings cannot be set in a user's account Privacy Settings page --> Event's Privacy Settings section.  I tried adding the "a" and "p" ID's into the group_id column of the sys_privacy_defaults table but only integers are allowed.  Is there an easy way to resolve this issue... i.e. without revising all instances of "Admins Only" to an integer such as ID# "101"?






Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 29 May 2012

Now I understand... I mistakenly though it was your idea to extend the basic "default" settings.  I'll request a change with BoonEx to account for the [a,p,f] settings in the Privacy Setting code.  Thank you for looking at the issue! Cool

The lettering system [a,p,f] is a part of Dolphin and not something specific to my module. The privacy functionality design needs to be updated. I hope we see some change in this aspect in Dolphin 7.1

I understand... it could be a big set of revisions to switch [a,p,f] to specific numbers.  At the very least we'd need to use specially chosen numbers in the sys_privacy_defaults table then use a function to convert references to those numbers to match your letter-system for your modules.  And possibly I'm the only one concerned about it.

 You won't be able to as the sys_privacy_defaults table is not designed to accommodate them.

I can't set the default event privacy settings with the Dolphin Privacy Settings page because "Admin Only" and "Participants" are not listed.  Privacy Settings page: http://www.mysiteURL.com/member_privacy.php

 I don't quite follow what you are saying. Do you mean that when you select "Admin Only" or "Participants" the value is not retained when you save the Event ?

I just noticed that "Admin Only" and "Participants" event privacy settings cannot be set in a user's account Privacy Settings page --> Event's Privacy Settings section.  I tried adding the "a" and "p" ID's into the group_id column of the sys_privacy_defaults table but only integers are allowed.  Is there an easy way to resolve this issue... i.e. without revising all instances of "Admins Only" to an integer such as ID# "101"?







Quote · 29 May 2012


comments are getting deleted after a small period of time cant find from where to stop this


another big problem is that after i set an event to repeat monthly from 23-31 of the month on the next month (with 28 days) the event will continue pass the 28th to the 1-3th of the 3thrd month 

23-31 may = 23-30 jun + 1 july 

its counting by fixed 9 days instead by calendaristic date.


Quote · 31 May 2012

In My Trips event listing, it appears to be sorted by the date the event was created (i.e. by the event ID).  What change is required to sort the list by the date event start?

Can I simply add
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'upcoming';
in switch case 'user'
on BxEventsSearchResult?

Quote · 30 Jul 2012

 Your assumption will work.

In My Trips event listing, it appears to be sorted by the date the event was created (i.e. by the event ID).  What change is required to sort the list by the date event start?

Can I simply add
$this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'upcoming';
in switch case 'user'
on BxEventsSearchResult?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 30 Jul 2012

Is the issue Epaulo reporting with the lettering system being fixed with launch of 7.1?

Will this Mod need to be adjusted with the launch of 7.1?


As a feature request it would be good if Import of Events from Facebook was made possible.

7.1 My favorite number
Quote · 14 Sep 2012

Is the issue Epaulo reporting with the lettering system being fixed with launch of 7.1?
RESPONSE : I do not know.

Will this Mod need to be adjusted with the launch of 7.1?

As a feature request it would be good if Import of Events from Facebook was made possible.
RESPONSE : Suggestion noted. Thank you.

Is the issue Epaulo reporting with the lettering system being fixed with launch of 7.1?

Will this Mod need to be adjusted with the launch of 7.1?


As a feature request it would be good if Import of Events from Facebook was made possible.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 15 Sep 2012

 Hi Modzzz

There is a recurrence date error,  when I select to repeat an event as a monthly event, the script is missing days and bring the event forward.

Can you let us know what the fix for this issue.


Quote · 8 Oct 2012

 What version of the mod are you running ? I cannot replicate this.

 Hi Modzzz

There is a recurrence date error,  when I select to repeat an event as a monthly event, the script is missing days and bring the event forward.

Can you let us know what the fix for this issue.



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 10 Oct 2012

 I am using version 2.0.6.

Thanks for getting back to me

 What version of the mod are you running ? I cannot replicate this.

 Hi Modzzz

There is a recurrence date error,  when I select to repeat an event as a monthly event, the script is missing days and bring the event forward.

Can you let us know what the fix for this issue.




Quote · 18 Oct 2012

Adjustment has been made to accommodate integration with the Event Page Customizer mod. Download and replace the following file :


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 21 Oct 2012

 any news for a fix please :)

 I am using version 2.0.6.

Thanks for getting back to me

 What version of the mod are you running ? I cannot replicate this.

 Hi Modzzz

There is a recurrence date error,  when I select to repeat an event as a monthly event, the script is missing days and bring the event forward.

Can you let us know what the fix for this issue.





Quote · 28 Oct 2012

I cannot identify any issue with monthly recurring Events. If an Event is scheduled for February 14th and set as recurring monthly, the next start date is bumped to March 14th (the same day of month). Provide the details of the scenario that did not work for you (what date the Event Started, what date it was bumped to etc)

 any news for a fix please :)

 I am using version 2.0.6.

Thanks for getting back to me

 What version of the mod are you running ? I cannot replicate this.

 Hi Modzzz

There is a recurrence date error,  when I select to repeat an event as a monthly event, the script is missing days and bring the event forward.

Can you let us know what the fix for this issue.






Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 28 Oct 2012

 Right,  you need to add an option for people who are looking to promote an event which happens on the same day of the month (ie Saturday, every 4 weeks).

The problem with monthly i.e the same date (28th for example) is that the 28thth does not fall on to the same day each month.

So I recommend that you have options for monthly same date and monthly same day (ie 4 weeks).

Thanks for getting back with your update.

I cannot identify any issue with monthly recurring Events. If an Event is scheduled for February 14th and set as recurring monthly, the next start date is bumped to March 14th (the same day of month). Provide the details of the scenario that did not work for you (what date the Event Started, what date it was bumped to etc)

 any news for a fix please :)

 I am using version 2.0.6.

Thanks for getting back to me

 What version of the mod are you running ? I cannot replicate this.

 Hi Modzzz

There is a recurrence date error,  when I select to repeat an event as a monthly event, the script is missing days and bring the event forward.

Can you let us know what the fix for this issue.







Quote · 29 Oct 2012

 Noted for future consideration.

 Right,  you need to add an option for people who are looking to promote an event which happens on the same day of the month (ie Saturday, every 4 weeks).

The problem with monthly i.e the same date (28th for example) is that the 28thth does not fall on to the same day each month.

So I recommend that you have options for monthly same date and monthly same day (ie 4 weeks).

Thanks for getting back with your update.

I cannot identify any issue with monthly recurring Events. If an Event is scheduled for February 14th and set as recurring monthly, the next start date is bumped to March 14th (the same day of month). Provide the details of the scenario that did not work for you (what date the Event Started, what date it was bumped to etc)

 any news for a fix please :)

 I am using version 2.0.6.

Thanks for getting back to me

 What version of the mod are you running ? I cannot replicate this.

 Hi Modzzz

There is a recurrence date error,  when I select to repeat an event as a monthly event, the script is missing days and bring the event forward.

Can you let us know what the fix for this issue.








Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 30 Oct 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.