Ultimate Articles Support (Modzzz)

This is the Support forum for the Ultimate Articles mod.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
24 Jul 2010

Version 2.0.0 released. (See patches/version_2.0.0 folder in zip file)

Apply patch if your mod version is less than 2.0.0

a) Adds the following blocks to Articles main page
1) Quick Search block
2) Quick Post Article block
3) Calendar block
4) Archive block
5) Tags block

b) Adds Article Snippet

c) Adds Article Archiving

d) Adds ability set select date when an Article should be published

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
15 Jan 2011

Hi, I've just updated to V2 of the Ultimate Articles Mod.

The Articles show up on the Home Page under Public Articles and they show up as Categories rather than showing the article proper.

Also, my articles are listed under 'Finance' but they are not showing under the articles Categories.




Modzzz_Articles_Mod.jpg · 84.2K · 533 views
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
16 Jan 2011

Please PM me your site details so I can investigate.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
16 Jan 2011

How to upgrade to v2 ?

Uninstalled v1 and reinstall v2 or just copied all v2 files to v1?


16 Jan 2011

Check the readme.txt file in each patch folder for instructions.


How to upgrade to v2 ?

Uninstalled v1 and reinstall v2 or just copied all v2 files to v1?



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
16 Jan 2011

I sent my details yesterday, did you receive my (boonex) email?

Please PM me your site details so I can investigate.


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
18 Jan 2011

Hello Modzzz, many thanks for your help. Everything is working fine now!

All the best,


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
18 Jan 2011

Article Length


how can I insert a long article? I have already changed in the MySQL table from "TEXT " to "LONGTEXT.

I've tried in the "BxArticlesFormAdd.php" from 64000 to 164000 characters. but it does not work :-).

Please Help

Best regards


18 Jan 2011

I have big trouble with this mod when I try to update from D 7.0.1 to 7.0.2  with rhis error. The version of Ultimate Aticles is 1.0.1

ALTER TABLE `modzzz_articles_entries` ADD `when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `content`;: Duplicate column name 'when'   after this the upgrate is top. And I got a Database error afterwards.

I can do only an 100% site backup.

If needed I PM you my data.

Kids first
13 Feb 2011

Find the `modzzz_articles_entries` table in your database and drop the `when` field from it.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
13 Feb 2011

I had te need everything from the mod  removing, before every update was working sofar.
Now I have a problem that not every thing was removed from the site , blocks and link in modules are there, but I have de-installed en removed from server.

I need this mod, because now all my 400 articles are gone.. %$%$#

Kids first
13 Feb 2011

I have two questions

1) will this mod import articles that are already published?

2) does it allow to create sub-categories?

25 Feb 2011


I had te need everything from the mod  removing, before every update was working sofar.
Now I have a problem that not every thing was removed from the site , blocks and link in modules are there, but I have de-installed en removed from server.

I need this mod, because now all my 400 articles are gone.. %$%$#

Well I had to install a fresh version.  Upgrading gives to many problems. and afterwards all my content already was gone fishing :)


No it will not import existing articles.

And no there are only category not sub-categorys

Kids first
25 Feb 2011

Did you backup any of the tables or your site?  I have learned this step is vital to keeping your information intact.........

I had te need everything from the mod  removing, before every update was working sofar.
Now I have a problem that not every thing was removed from the site , blocks and link in modules are there, but I have de-installed en removed from server.

I need this mod, because now all my 400 articles are gone.. %$%$#


25 Feb 2011

Killerhaai thanks for anwering.

what is the added value of ultimate articles in your opinion?

how about similar posts? .. as wordpress is having, that below the post, based on the current article tags, there is a list of other articles that discusses similar topics?

I am absolutely not aming towards dating, but more into blogging & community .. and i start to miss more and more 'little' things that wordpress offers.

perhaps i could add a php block under articles view, and show related articles in a list form .. just to motivate readers to read more articles

25 Feb 2011

The related articles feature will be added.


Killerhaai thanks for anwering.

what is the added value of ultimate articles in your opinion?

how about similar posts? .. as wordpress is having, that below the post, based on the current article tags, there is a list of other articles that discusses similar topics?

I am absolutely not aming towards dating, but more into blogging & community .. and i start to miss more and more 'little' things that wordpress offers.

perhaps i could add a php block under articles view, and show related articles in a list form .. just to motivate readers to read more articles


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
26 Feb 2011

Hi Modzzz


It would also be fantastic if there would be a function to import existing articles. As it is now, i have to manually transfer the articles from the standard article base to the Modzzz version. Is this possible? I am sure that i am not the only one requiring this :-)

and sub-categories. if there is a possibility to add that as well, that would be fantastic!

and the possibility to set an end-date for featured articles. keep them featured for any given days or hours.. now I (we) have to manually un-feature the article.


26 Feb 2011


unfortunately, the avatars are not displayed. is there a solution?


regards Ralf

2 Mar 2011

Is this happening on a specific page or everywhere ?



unfortunately, the avatars are not displayed. is there a solution?


regards Ralf


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
2 Mar 2011

everywhere :-(. I have Dolphin 7.0.4 you can look here

2 Mar 2011

I looked but I did not find any of those articles with uploaded photo. The Avatar is based on photo uploaded along with the Article. If you embed a photo in the Article content using TinyMce, it will not be detected and used as Avatar.


everywhere :-(. I have Dolphin 7.0.4 you can look here


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
2 Mar 2011

sorry my mistake. I thought it was the avatar of the user which is then displayed.

Thank you for the quick help.

regards Ralf

2 Mar 2011

Some persons have asked for the user avatar while others want the main article photo to be shown. I will make this a configurable option in the next update.

sorry my mistake. I thought it was the avatar of the user which is then displayed.

Thank you for the quick help.

regards Ralf


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
2 Mar 2011

The ability to import existing articles has been added. Other features mentioned have been noted for future version.

Hi Modzzz


It would also be fantastic if there would be a function to import existing articles. As it is now, i have to manually transfer the articles from the standard article base to the Modzzz version. Is this possible? I am sure that i am not the only one requiring this :-)

and sub-categories. if there is a possibility to add that as well, that would be fantastic!

and the possibility to set an end-date for featured articles. keep them featured for any given days or hours.. now I (we) have to manually un-feature the article.



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
4 Mar 2011

Version 2.0.1 released. (See patches/version_2.0.1 folder in zip file)

Features added :

a) Adds Latest Comments to Articles main page

b) Increase of Text Area size for the Article Content on the Add Article page

c) Addition of Related Articles block

d) Adds the ability to export existing data from the default articles module

e) Adds ability for Admin to choose between showing of member thumbnail in article listings or main article photo

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
4 Mar 2011

Hi, I have just updated to V2.1. The articles 'thumbnail' does not show up on the home page. All I get is a gray box. Plus the Articles Admin is not formatting correctly (see image).

How can I remove the video comments section (this being a database driven page)?


CropperCapture[10].jpg · 49.9K · 438 views
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
5 Mar 2011

i had some issues with the update, first causing a query error making me not be able to access my front end of the site, then the update working but it deleting all of my articles. i have a database backup from yesterday with the articles, how will i bring all the articles back in? im not too familiar with PHPmyAdmin

5 Mar 2011

PM me your site details so I can investigate. I cannot replicate any of these issues. Regarding the video comments, the comments feature is the same that is used globally throughout dolphin. Some core dolphin coding will have to be modified and it will be removed in all modules that has comments functionality.

Hi, I have just updated to V2.1. The articles 'thumbnail' does not show up on the home page. All I get is a gray box. Plus the Articles Admin is not formatting correctly (see image).

How can I remove the video comments section (this being a database driven page)?



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
5 Mar 2011

This problem is resolved. The client had accidentally re-installed the mod, causing the loss of data. I restored the data from backup.

i had some issues with the update, first causing a query error making me not be able to access my front end of the site, then the update working but it deleting all of my articles. i have a database backup from yesterday with the articles, how will i bring all the articles back in? im not too familiar with PHPmyAdmin


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
5 Mar 2011

thanks for the help =).

5 Mar 2011

The problem is resolved. You forgot to clear cache.


Hi, I have just updated to V2.1. The articles 'thumbnail' does not show up on the home page. All I get is a gray box. Plus the Articles Admin is not formatting correctly (see image).

How can I remove the video comments section (this being a database driven page)?



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
5 Mar 2011

Hello Modzzz,

I have just new install Articles Utilmate 2.0.1 for dolphin 7.0.5.

My site error CategoryBlock (design + search). I test with 5 Articles, but show by category = 16

You can see at: www.galacuoi.vn


5 Mar 2011


Version 2.0.1 released. (See patches/version_2.0.1 folder in zip file)

Features added :

a) Adds Latest Comments to Articles main page

b) Increase of Text Area size for the Article Content on the Add Article page

c) Addition of Related Articles block

d) Adds the ability to export existing data from the default articles module

e) Adds ability for Admin to choose between showing of member thumbnail in article listings or main article photo

Fantastic! .. This truly becomes ultimate articles ! :-)


Especially importing and related articles are a MUST :-) thanks

5 Mar 2011

For those who already applied the latest patch, there is an issue with searching caused by the related articles addition. To solve, download the mod again and replace this folder :


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
6 Mar 2011

Just installed the module .. had to do some thinking though, I have my comments modified, anonymous posters can leave their name and url just like commentluv, and this will be displayed in the comments. I had to tweak the SQL queries a bit, but it worked out just fine.

it adds some functionality that I was missing in the original articles of boonex.

A few minor things though;

1) If there is no posting in a categorie, instead of showing 0 (NULL) .. why no leave it out, makes no sense to show the empty categorie in my mind.

2) Same as archive, if there is a NULL, no sense to show it

3) I make no use of sounds and files, i had to strip it out of the config.php in the * Dependencies Section .. but this is customization work anyways

4) anonymous comments are somehow not permitted, but Modzz is checking that as we speak (I hope! ;-) ) Or I am oblivious to some setting :-)

5) Add article in menubar, if a user is not allowed, just dont show this option, but I believe this is part of boonex core .. but not sure. The ADD ARTICLE BLOCK can be removed, or only shown to members. But would be nice to show this only to members who are allowed as well.

6) Sorting on popularity, somehow the highest rated article is ending up in the middle of the sorted list

7) Would be nice to have the option, in admin section under :

Show member thumbnail in article listings. If turned off, the main article photo will be shown instead: ON / OFF

to have the option to show no pictures at all .. I am using it, but I can imagine that there will be someone that makes no use of it.

8) I miss in the admin section a tool to administer featured articles, would be nice to make multiple selections to make a bunch featured at once

9) Default avatar is missing if an anonymous poster posted a comment. Now you will see no picture in RECENT COMMENTS block.

apart from the above, which of course are my 'special' needs. It is a very good module. I love to be able to publish on a future date, add a picture to the article and being able to allow other users to post an article. Also importing the articles and related articles .. related articles will help you to guide your visitors to engage more, and good for the bounce rate :-) .. Another minor thing, it would also be nice to have a standard picture .. imagine someone that has hundreds of articles and they decide to use ULTIMATE ARTICLES, there will be a 'blank' picture shown, and they have to manually add pictures to all those imported articles, that would really ruin your day if you are facing this task :-)

On a side note, I am a bit worried if there will be a lot of users posting articles, how can we track this? Perhaps something to think about, at this moment there is no way to see how many articles a specific user has posted. But perhaps there is some other way to do this which I am not aware about.

Another future add-on might be, better SEO control :-)

Thanks Modzz for this fine module !


8 Mar 2011


For those who already applied the latest patch, there is an issue with searching caused by the related articles addition. To solve, download the mod again and replace this folder :


Hi modzzz, I have replace new module.

Add new Articles function is error: not correct Category and Tags, (always show 0 ).

How I fix this?


9 Mar 2011

I am using the latest version of Ultimate Articles, I have a problem.

I Have the module set to view by Guest & Member. All works as expected until a member signs in.

The 'Articles'  show up with a 'Padlock'. I have the permissions set as:

View Article: Public

Comment: Members

Rate: Members

Allow Viewing By Membership: Allow All

What must I do to correct this?


Thanks in advance.


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
10 Mar 2011

I just visited your site and created an article without any issues so I assume you have solved whatever issue you had.


For those who already applied the latest patch, there is an issue with searching caused by the related articles addition. To solve, download the mod again and replace this folder :


Hi modzzz, I have replace new module.

Add new Articles function is error: not correct Category and Tags, (always show 0 ).

How I fix this?



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
10 Mar 2011

PM me your site details so I can take a look at this.

I am using the latest version of Ultimate Articles, I have a problem.

I Have the module set to view by Guest & Member. All works as expected until a member signs in.

The 'Articles'  show up with a 'Padlock'. I have the permissions set as:

View Article: Public

Comment: Members

Rate: Members

Allow Viewing By Membership: Allow All

What must I do to correct this?


Thanks in advance.



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
10 Mar 2011

Ok my Bad... Having re-installed (Updated) the mod, I forgot to re-set the membership permissions.

My apologies to Modzzz


I am using the latest version of Ultimate Articles, I have a problem.

I Have the module set to view by Guest & Member. All works as expected until a member signs in.

The 'Articles'  show up with a 'Padlock'. I have the permissions set as:

View Article: Public

Comment: Members

Rate: Members

Allow Viewing By Membership: Allow All

What must I do to correct this?


Thanks in advance.



There are none so blind as those that will not see.
10 Mar 2011

Hi Modzzz,


It has been a week now, and my problem is still not solved. I am not in an hurry as i told you, but the problem should be resolved.

Non-member visitors cannot leave a comment. I have a workaround for this problem, so i am not in an hurry. But an official resolution would be very appreciated.




16 Mar 2011

I have over 80 mods that I provide support for. It is not possible to provide instantaneous solution to every problem reported. You have stated the issue already. As I always do, I will investigate and provide an update. I working on updating other mods presently.

Hi Modzzz,


It has been a week now, and my problem is still not solved. I am not in an hurry as i told you, but the problem should be resolved.

Non-member visitors cannot leave a comment. I have a workaround for this problem, so i am not in an hurry. But an official resolution would be very appreciated.





Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
16 Mar 2011

I do not want visitors to be able to leave comments. This leaves the door open to all sorts of undesirable remarks which I would (as site owner) be legally liable for. If this is implemented, please give us the option to turn it off.

It was bad enough with ShoutBox.

Non-member visitors cannot leave a comment. I have a workaround for this problem, so i am not in an hurry. But an official resolution would be very appreciated.


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
16 Mar 2011

I understand this, but you could leave some sort of reply of progress.

Besides, this is a flaw in your module. And caused me a lot of headaches in the first hours to get a work around on your flaw. My website is depending on guest comments for a great deal.

So urgency to fix this flaw is important to me.



I have over 80 mods that I provide support for. It is not possible to provide instantaneous solution to every problem reported. You have stated the issue already. As I always do, I will investigate and provide an update. I working on updating other mods presently.

Hi Modzzz,


It has been a week now, and my problem is still not solved. I am not in an hurry as i told you, but the problem should be resolved.

Non-member visitors cannot leave a comment. I have a workaround for this problem, so i am not in an hurry. But an official resolution would be very appreciated.






19 Mar 2011

As stated above, I am presently updating other mods in my collection and will get to this in due time. You have already fixed the problem on your site so this is no longer an issue for you.

I understand this, but you could leave some sort of reply of progress.

Besides, this is a flaw in your module. And caused me a lot of headaches in the first hours to get a work around on your flaw. My website is depending on guest comments for a great deal.

So urgency to fix this flaw is important to me.



I have over 80 mods that I provide support for. It is not possible to provide instantaneous solution to every problem reported. You have stated the issue already. As I always do, I will investigate and provide an update. I working on updating other mods presently.

Hi Modzzz,


It has been a week now, and my problem is still not solved. I am not in an hurry as i told you, but the problem should be resolved.

Non-member visitors cannot leave a comment. I have a workaround for this problem, so i am not in an hurry. But an official resolution would be very appreciated.







Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
19 Mar 2011

Version 2.0.2 released. (See patches/version_2.0.2 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability to post anonymous comments (if enabled by admin)

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
23 Mar 2011

great ! thanks Modzzz

23 Mar 2011

I want to upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2. The upgrade instructions appear to be for upgrading from the Boonex Articles module.

How do I upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 without losing my articles.

I apologise in advance if I misunderstand your instructions.

Is there a way to 'Backup' the articles similar to the way Deanos Facebook Inviter' works and then 'Restore' them?



Version 2.0.2 released. (See patches/version_2.0.2 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability to post anonymous comments (if enabled by admin)


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
24 Mar 2011

You will not lose your articles. The upgrade instructions are correct. There is no need to back up the articles since you will not be doing anything to the database that affects the articles tables.

I want to upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2. The upgrade instructions appear to be for upgrading from the Boonex Articles module.

How do I upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 without losing my articles.

I apologise in advance if I misunderstand your instructions.

Is there a way to 'Backup' the articles similar to the way Deanos Facebook Inviter' works and then 'Restore' them?



Version 2.0.2 released. (See patches/version_2.0.2 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability to post anonymous comments (if enabled by admin)



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
24 Mar 2011

great to see another version released. one feature i would like to see in the next release is the ability to make articles auto approved depending on users membership. that way we can assign a writer membership and have their articles auto approved.

24 Mar 2011

Version 2.0.3 released. (See patches/version_2.0.3 folder in zip file)

a) Adds the ability to make articles auto approved depending on users membership

b) Adds dummy table to prevent errors during Dolphin version updating

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
26 Mar 2011

thanks modzzz, excellent to see such great support and listening to what people would like to see =).


Will perform update now and see how it goes!

26 Mar 2011

Thanks modzzz!

If you find the time, please have a look at the categories ... now all of them are displayed even if they contain 0 (NULL) posts. Esthetically, it looks better if they are omitted, but thats my opinion ;-)




26 Mar 2011

Hey Modzzz...

I have found out that it is this mod that is giving me the problem from this post: http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/?action=goto&my_threads=1#topic/Homepage-Blocks-don-t-look-right.htm.

When I remove the public articles block on the homepage all the block and the quote goes as it should.. But when I put it back and clear the cache it messes up the blocks and quote on the front page..

For now I will keep the public articles off the homepage..


Thanks for your help and the great mods..

26 Mar 2011

PM me with your site details so I can check your site.

Hey Modzzz...

I have found out that it is this mod that is giving me the problem from this post: http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/?action=goto&my_threads=1#topic/Homepage-Blocks-don-t-look-right.htm.

When I remove the public articles block on the homepage all the block and the quote goes as it should.. But when I put it back and clear the cache it messes up the blocks and quote on the front page..

For now I will keep the public articles off the homepage..


Thanks for your help and the great mods..


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
26 Mar 2011

i have actually been getting that same subscribe block problem, was never sure what it was. all seemed fine but now since you mention it, since the previous update i have been having that problem.



Hey Modzzz...

I have found out that it is this mod that is giving me the problem from this post: http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/?action=goto&my_threads=1#topic/Homepage-Blocks-don-t-look-right.htm.

When I remove the public articles block on the homepage all the block and the quote goes as it should.. But when I put it back and clear the cache it messes up the blocks and quote on the front page..

For now I will keep the public articles off the homepage..


Thanks for your help and the great mods..


27 Mar 2011

To fix the problem with blocks not displaying properly, download the mod again and replace this file :


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
27 Mar 2011

has view.css been altered since the latest update which i have installed?

27 Mar 2011

Yes, i just altered the file, which is why I made the post above.

has view.css been altered since the latest update which i have installed?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
27 Mar 2011

Thanks for your prompt reply ! :-)

27 Mar 2011

Is there an easy way to change the display order of articles on the site?

I tried putting my published articles into 'pending' then editing the publishing date before making them live again, but didnt change anything on the display order.


Would be really good if there was a way to order published articles?

29 Mar 2011

Thanks for fixing this Modzzz.. It looks great now..

29 Mar 2011

White screen of death. with the error below

checkAction() fatal error. Unknown action ID: 0


What have i done?

in admin i have turned this off

Activate all articles after creation automatically: [BLANK]

then logged in as a user with article wrting rights, add article .. hit enter .. voila error

3 Apr 2011

must have been a weird fluke .. i cannot reproduce it

3 Apr 2011

I just installed 7.0.6 and purchased Ultimate articles mod. No luck installing. It says: "Cannot install module from "modzzz/articles/" directory Failed".

Any suggestions?

13 Apr 2011

You have uploaded the files to the wrong path. The path should look like this :



I just installed 7.0.6 and purchased Ultimate articles mod. No luck installing. It says: " Cannot install module from "modzzz/articles/" directory Failed".

Any suggestions?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
13 Apr 2011

Hi Modzzz,


quick question;

with the function below :

bx_import('BxDolService'); return BxDolService::call('articles', 'profile_block', array($this->oProfileGen->_iProfileID));

i can get a specific users articles, sorted on most recent on top. But how would i get the latest posting, and just 1 article? I am trying to add a block on my homepage .. on this block i only want to show 1 article (the last article) of a specific user.

14 Apr 2011

never mind :-) .. i have my solution.

14 Apr 2011

HI Modzzz,


when i adjust the number of comments shown on article main page ... the number will not change, it just sticks to 5

any ideas?

15 Apr 2011

Modification request

Hi Modzzz,

I made a few modifcations to your module and perhaps you want to incorporate it in your module, i think they are good additions;

Column writers. On my site i have a few people writing columns, and their columns are presented on the homepage.

I changed the following:

I created a new function, which i call from a php block on my home page like this:

return BxDolService::call('articles', 'column_block', array(2377));

2377 = USER ID

I copied the original function " Profile block with user's articles"  ... and the function is adjusted a little bit so that it will only return the most recent article, and only 1 article instead of more.

* Column block with user's articles
* @param $iProfileId profile id
* @return html to display on homepage in a block

function serviceColumnBlock ($iProfileId) {
$iProfileId = (int)$iProfileId;
$aProfile = getProfileInfo($iProfileId);
bx_import ('PageMain', $this->_aModule);
$o = new BxArticlesPageMain ($this);       
$o->sUrlStart = getProfileLink($aProfile['ID']) . '?';


return $o->ajaxBrowse(
$this->_oDb->getParam('1'), <--- i changed this line so it will get only 1 article, the most recent one

Perhaps you can add this in a more better way, or 'officially' add it to your functions, so that in future updates i have no worries over this :-)

Another modification, only show the button 'add article' & 'show my articles' to members who are allowed to add articles.

in the database i changed in table : sys_objects_actions ->

from this

return $GLOBALS['logged']['member'] || $GLOBALS['logged']['admin'] ? _t('_modzzz_articles_action_add_article') : '';

to this:

$aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($this -> oProfileGen -> _iProfileID);
$sMemberShipInfo = getMemberMembershipInfo($aProfileInfo['ID']);
if (( $sMemberShipInfo['ID'] == 6 ) || $GLOBALS['logged']['admin']) return _t('_modzzz_articles_action_add_article'); return;

Membership id number 6 in my case allows people to add articles.

i did the same for 'SHOW MY ARTICLES' button ... now those buttons are only visible to members with member id 6




17 Apr 2011

just one thing i would like to see with this mod. it would be good to be able to embed videos and already uploaded images into the "post videos" rather than uploading all new ones. that way we can embed a youtube video and have it listed as an 'article video' on the bottom.


is this possible?

27 Apr 2011

I will consider that for the next update.

just one thing i would like to see with this mod. it would be good to be able to embed videos and already uploaded images into the "post videos" rather than uploading all new ones. that way we can embed a youtube video and have it listed as an 'article video' on the bottom.


is this possible?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
4 May 2011

How do I set up my own categories?

The DB doesn't seem to have a table for them.

16 May 2011


How do I set up my own categories?

The DB doesn't seem to have a table for them.

Oh. Now I see them in the main Categories settings. Never mind!


16 May 2011


i have question

How to rename permalinks?

i want change m/articles   to m/czytelnia


Can you help me?

dolphin-forum.pl - Polish support for Dolphin 7
4 Jul 2011

 You will have to do a find and replace throughout the mod files to achieve this.


i have question

How to rename permalinks?

i want change m/articles   to m/czytelnia


Can you help me?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
4 Jul 2011


 You will have to do a find and replace throughout the mod files to achieve this.


i have question

How to rename permalinks?

i want change m/articles   to m/czytelnia


Can you help me?


 in folder class i not find any lines with m/articles

dolphin-forum.pl - Polish support for Dolphin 7
4 Jul 2011

 This operation is not limited to the classes folder. The mod has other folders with files (such as the install folder). Also, You must perform this find/replace before installing the mod.


 You will have to do a find and replace throughout the mod files to achieve this.


i have question

How to rename permalinks?

i want change m/articles   to m/czytelnia


Can you help me?


 in folder class i not find any lines with m/articles


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
4 Jul 2011

 Video Embedding is added in latest version.

just one thing i would like to see with this mod. it would be good to be able to embed videos and already uploaded images into the "post videos" rather than uploading all new ones. that way we can embed a youtube video and have it listed as an 'article video' on the bottom.


is this possible?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
6 Jul 2011

Version 2.0.4 released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

a) Adds missing subscription email template.
b) Adds video embedding.

c) Fixes javascript error typically seen when viewing in IE.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
6 Jul 2011

Im very happy with this mod, Mr Modzzz.

I would like to make a modification and I wonder if you could help. I would like to add the writers full real name to the info block. Can you provide information on how that can be done?

I attached a vague example derived from paint.

chat1.jpg · 114.1K · 424 views
This sentance says nothing, and its possibly spellt wrong.
7 Jul 2011

i had few question

1) is it possible to install it in other directory means in http link it doesnot show Http://yourdomain/articles/index.php? I want to install this it in   Http://yourdomain/papers/index.php directory as i have education website where peoples can contribute exam papers

2) in this mod is it possible to insert images in between articles words? because some time paper contain graphic image.

2 Aug 2011

1) is it possible to install it in other directory means in http link it doesnot show Http://yourdomain/articles/index.php? I want to install this it in   Http://yourdomain/papers/index.php directory as i have education website where peoples can contribute exam papers.

RESPONSE : PM me for help with this.

2) in this mod is it possible to insert images in between articles words? because some time paper contain graphic image.

RESPONSE : Yes, the tinymce editor will facilitate this

i had few question

1) is it possible to install it in other directory means in http link it doesnot show Http://yourdomain/articles/index.php? I want to install this it in   Http://yourdomain/papers/index.php directory as i have education website where peoples can contribute exam papers

2) in this mod is it possible to insert images in between articles words? because some time paper contain graphic image.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
3 Aug 2011

Version 2.0.5 released. (See patches/version_2.0.5 folder in zip file)

a) Updated for compatibility with Dolphin 7.0.7

b) Fixes problem with search when the "Use operator LIKE for search" setting is de-activated

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
10 Aug 2011

Can you change the destination of the picture file when you post an article? so it is not put into a private folder.

21 Aug 2011


Can you change the destination of the picture file when you post an article? so it is not put into a private folder.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
21 Aug 2011


Which or what file would i have to place html code for a banner into, so that every time a member creates an article the banner would be at the base of their article automatically?

I do not mean at the base of the website this is for the base of the created article.

1 Sep 2011

 You can place it in modules\modzzz\articles\templates\base\block_description.html


Which or what file would i have to place html code for a banner into, so that every time a member creates an article the banner would be at the base of their article automatically?

I do not mean at the base of the website this is for the base of the created article.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
1 Sep 2011

Hello Modzzz,

What is this error:


INSERT INTO modzzz_articles_rating SET `gal_id` = '1295', `gal_rating_count` = '1', `gal_rating_sum` = '2'

Mysql error: Duplicate entry '1295' for key 1

Found error in the file '/home/tugentel/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolVotingQuery.php' at line 56.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.

Thank You

7 Sep 2011

 I have no history of you purchasing this mod.

Hello Modzzz,

What is this error:


INSERT INTO modzzz_articles_rating SET `gal_id` = '1295', `gal_rating_count` = '1', `gal_rating_sum` = '2'

Mysql error: Duplicate entry '1295' for key 1

Found error in the file '/home/tugentel/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolVotingQuery.php' at line 56.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.

Thank You


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
7 Sep 2011

Hello Modzzz,

I buy the module with the user "tugentelatina".


Item Title:   Ultimate Articles
Date:   May 22, 2010
Time:   12:06:08 CDT
Status:   Completed 


Unique Transaction ID #0WA40837G6997911EI'm Sorry

Best Regards,

Ruben G.

8 Sep 2011

This is something extra-ordinary happening on your site. I will have to look at your site to see what is happening there.

Hello Modzzz,

I buy the module with the user "tugentelatina".


Item Title:   Ultimate Articles
Date:   May 22, 2010
Time:   12:06:08 CDT
Status:   Completed 


Unique Transaction ID #0WA40837G6997911EI'm Sorry

Best Regards,

Ruben G.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
12 Sep 2011

Version 2.0.6 released. (See patches/version_2.0.6 folder in zip file)

Adds the ability to embed Youtube Videos by entering only the Video Url.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
12 Sep 2011

One of the first mods I bought when I started with Dolphin and still one of the most used!


Future request for update... (2 mods!)

I would love to have U-Articles merged with your Premium Groups mod which is also exellent!

The addition of articles that group members can write within a group would open so many new ways to use both mods....



12 Sep 2011

 I think it would be better for the Groups to have their independent Articles section instead of merging with the Global Articles.

One of the first mods I bought when I started with Dolphin and still one of the most used!


Future request for update... (2 mods!)

I would love to have U-Articles merged with your Premium Groups mod which is also exellent!

The addition of articles that group members can write within a group would open so many new ways to use both mods....




Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
12 Sep 2011

Thats what I mean :-)


With Premium Groups, you have integrated news, forums, events into each group.

To have Articles also would be an excellent addition!

12 Sep 2011

I have the latest update installed and I am still having problems with the Google maps feature.

When the map goes to Pattaya, Thailand it comes up Blank. If you zoom out the map appears.

Secondly, The area code location system does not work for Thailand, it appears to be US centric. Any chance of an update to this otherwise excellent mod?

Thanks in advance.


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
17 Sep 2011

I just installed 7.0.6 and purchased Ultimate articles mod. No luck installing. It says: "Cannot install module from "modzzz/articles/" directory Failed".

Any suggestions?

18 Sep 2011

 This mod does not have Google Maps feature.

I have the latest update installed and I am still having problems with the Google maps feature.

When the map goes to Pattaya, Thailand it comes up Blank. If you zoom out the map appears.

Secondly, The area code location system does not work for Thailand, it appears to be US centric. Any chance of an update to this otherwise excellent mod?

Thanks in advance.



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
18 Sep 2011

 I have no record of you purchasing this mod.

I just installed 7.0.6 and purchased Ultimate articles mod. No luck installing. It says: "Cannot install module from "modzzz/articles/" directory Failed".

Any suggestions?

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
18 Sep 2011

 but I bought from another person

18 Sep 2011

 Really ? I am anxious to find out who you bought it from since nobody has resell rights to any of my mods.

 but I bought from another person


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
18 Sep 2011

 Oh I did not know or was cheated? or how are you not buying it will not work?

 Really ? I am anxious to find out who you bought it from since nobody has resell rights to any of my mods.

 but I bought from another person



18 Sep 2011

 Still waiting to hear who you purchased it from.

 Oh I did not know or was cheated? or how are you not buying it will not work?

 Really ? I am anxious to find out who you bought it from since nobody has resell rights to any of my mods.

 but I bought from another person




Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
18 Sep 2011

 Hi Modzzz, Apologies. I was referring to your Premium Business Listings mod. Got confused there....

 This mod does not have Google Maps feature.

I have the latest update installed and I am still having problems with the Google maps feature.

When the map goes to Pattaya, Thailand it comes up Blank. If you zoom out the map appears.

Secondly, The area code location system does not work for Thailand, it appears to be US centric. Any chance of an update to this otherwise excellent mod?

Thanks in advance.




There are none so blind as those that will not see.
18 Sep 2011

Hiya, I am updating my articles plugin. I ran the sqlbefore.php file Having done so I saw the message Start, followed by updating database and then the message, database query error. Is it safe to proceed or will proceeding kill my article database?


I do have a backup so no biggy either way. ;) I am upgrading from version 1 of your mod.



Database query error
18 Oct 2011

 You should have received an error message in your bug report email. Forward it to my support email.

Hiya, I am updating my articles plugin. I ran the sqlbefore.php file Having done so I saw the message Start, followed by updating database and then the message, database query error. Is it safe to proceed or will proceeding kill my article database?


I do have a backup so no biggy either way. ;) I am upgrading from version 1 of your mod.



Database query error


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
18 Oct 2011

Feature request for Ultimate Articles!


Can you add a country select option when creating an article as you have with your other mods?


I need to allow my users to filter articles by country but the mod doesnt have that setup as default.



18 Oct 2011

Hiya, log is forwarded to the gmail address from the mod files. I hope that is the right one. gmail?



18 Oct 2011


20 Oct 2011

You should only be running sqlbefore.php if you are just installing the mod. None of the patches folder has any instruction that tells you to run sqlbefore.php

Hiya, I am updating my articles plugin. I ran the sqlbefore.php file Having done so I saw the message Start, followed by updating database and then the message, database query error. Is it safe to proceed or will proceeding kill my article database?


I do have a backup so no biggy either way. ;) I am upgrading from version 1 of your mod.



Database query error


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
20 Oct 2011

My apologies,

I had thought from what I read that if I was upgrading and keeping old articles that this was the route to go.


Anyhow, I started with upgrading to V1.0.3  - it looks as though each patch needs to be applied sequentially, yes?

I uploaded the versions of the following:



uploaded the sqlupdate.php and ran it with success.

Recompiled the languages

Cleared the cache

and then when I went to use the module I received a database error and the whole front end of the site is now on error.


I have sent you a copy of the most recent error log file, there are very many of these (generated as we get each new visitor?)

I need to get the site back ASAP and I'd be happy to pay you to help me get there.



20 Oct 2011

Thanks for getting the install sorted out! Now to find out how all the new options work. ;)

20 Oct 2011

Request - Country select when posting an article!


Articles and News are 2 of the only mods that do not have country select as default when creating a post. Its needed with Ultimate Articles as users post country specific content...


20 Oct 2011

Is there any way of setting a privacy so that only members can view articles?

28 Oct 2011

 Yes,when posting an article you can decide who has viewing privileges.

Is there any way of setting a privacy so that only members can view articles?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
30 Oct 2011

Hi, I just wanted to check with you when you were going to get round to doing the customisation of the Ultimate Articles  mod that we agreed upon.

Sorry to raise it here but emails to your addresses are unanswered - going to spam(?)


2 Nov 2011

 The modifications are in progress.

Hi, I just wanted to check with you when you were going to get round to doing the customisation of the Ultimate Articles  mod that we agreed upon.

Sorry to raise it here but emails to your addresses are unanswered - going to spam(?)



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
2 Nov 2011

That's good to hear. Any estimate as to when you will be completed?

Did you receive my email in respect of 'related articles' which is still not showing up in the pagebuilder blocks?

2 Nov 2011

Thanks for the amended mod!

Everything is working very nicely now.

There is one question that has come up and it is a general thing.

I noticed that in the TinyMCE editor it is possible to post any HTML based code - javascript, i'-frames etc etc This seems to be something of a security hole. This seems to be something of a Dolphin thing but can you tell me how to go about turning off javascript and i'frames within the editor whilst still keeping the basic HTML functions?

I have previously turned off HTML entry in most places on my site but this could be an issue elsewhere for those who use HTML in comments, blogs or forums.



9 Nov 2011

 Yes, this can be done in the membership settings.

Is there any way of setting a privacy so that only members can view articles?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
10 Nov 2011

Hi Modzzz, any chance you could implement States into this mod?


I need to allow users to create article content on a regional basis.

Would be a big addition for location based sites?



14 Nov 2011

hi can u tell me whether its work on alert system or not?

16 Nov 2011

 Yes, it does.

hi can u tell me whether its work on alert system or not?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
16 Nov 2011

Version 2.0.7 released. (See patches/version_2.0.7 folder in zip file)

Allows regular site members to save Articles as Draft (for publishing at a later date).

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
25 Nov 2011

Hi Modzzz, can you add 'states' to this mod? As you have with many of your other mods?


25 Nov 2011


I got a database error  today :-(

Database error in my site description !


DELETE FROM `modzzz_articles_fans` WHERE `confirmed` = 0 AND `id_profile` = 2916

Mysql error: Table 'mydatabase.modzzz_articles_fans' doesn't exist

Found error in the file '/home/mysite/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolTwigModuleDb.php' at line 314.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.


I am not sure if this happen when this user try tp post an article, or delete his profile.


My module version is 2.0.3 and my dolphin 7.08


Thanks in advance for any help.


29 Nov 2011

 Update the module. The latest version is 2.0.7 and you have 2.0.3.


I got a database error  today :-(

Database error in my site description !


DELETE FROM `modzzz_articles_fans` WHERE `confirmed` = 0 AND `id_profile` = 2916

Mysql error: Table 'mydatabase.modzzz_articles_fans' doesn't exist

Found error in the file '/home/mysite/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolTwigModuleDb.php' at line 314.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.


I am not sure if this happen when this user try tp post an article, or delete his profile.


My module version is 2.0.3 and my dolphin 7.08


Thanks in advance for any help.



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
29 Nov 2011

 First thank you again for your support thrue PM for my issue with the update.


I am agree with Dailho. When you publish articles in different languages, or for different country, it will be much better to be able to filter the articles.

Do you will considarate this in a future update ?


Feature request for Ultimate Articles!


Can you add a country select option when creating an article as you have with your other mods?


I need to allow my users to filter articles by country but the mod doesnt have that setup as default.




4 Dec 2011

 The suggestion has been noted.

 First thank you again for your support thrue PM for my issue with the update.


I am agree with Dailho. When you publish articles in different languages, or for different country, it will be much better to be able to filter the articles.

Do you will considarate this in a future update ?


Feature request for Ultimate Articles!


Can you add a country select option when creating an article as you have with your other mods?


I need to allow my users to filter articles by country but the mod doesnt have that setup as default.





Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
4 Dec 2011

Will your module help with this:

I have created a page called 'Hunting"  On that page I have created a Special Block to show Articles using code:

return BxDolService::call('articles', 'archive_block_member', array(0,0,false));

I want to filter this to only show Categories = Hunting.

I can't figure out exactly what the BxDolService call expects to create this filter.



12 Dec 2011

 Create a RSS block using the RSS feed for that Category.

Will your module help with this:

I have created a page called 'Hunting"  On that page I have created a Special Block to show Articles using code:

return BxDolService::call('articles', 'archive_block_member', array(0,0,false));

I want to filter this to only show Categories = Hunting.

I can't figure out exactly what the BxDolService call expects to create this filter.




Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
12 Dec 2011

" Create a RSS block using the RSS feed for that Category."

I could but I really want to use the Special Block and have all of the build-in Article formatting.  Using RSS just spits out what it feeds.

I have this working I just need a filter based on Category...

return BxDolService::call('articles', 'archive_block_member', array(0,0,false));

I'll ask on the main Forum.  I was hoping that your module could help.

12 Dec 2011

I have now added the ability to do this. Download the latest version of the mod and check the help.txt file for instructions.

Will your module help with this:

I have created a page called 'Hunting"  On that page I have created a Special Block to show Articles using code:

return BxDolService::call('articles', 'archive_block_member', array(0,0,false));

I want to filter this to only show Categories = Hunting.

I can't figure out exactly what the BxDolService call expects to create this filter.




Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
13 Dec 2011

Version 2.0.8 released. (See patches/version_2.0.8 folder in zip file)

Adds Service functions to allow loading of Articles based on a specific Tag or Category in a block on any desired page.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
13 Dec 2011

Awesome response time, thanks, I'll give it a try.

13 Dec 2011

I'm confused.  I purchased the module and downloaded and copied folder Modzzz to modules folder.  It showed up in Setup > Modules > Install and when clicking on Install failed and it says that it's already installed:


Installation of: Ultimate Articles Failed

The module was already installed.


13 Dec 2011

 The default articles mod must first be un-installed. If you have existing Articles that you want to preserve then check the readme.txt for instructions.

I'm confused.  I purchased the module and downloaded and copied folder Modzzz to modules folder.  It showed up in Setup > Modules > Install and when clicking on Install failed and it says that it's already installed:


Installation of: Ultimate Articles Failed

The module was already installed.



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
13 Dec 2011

Weird.  The first time I looked at the readme.txt file it showed this text:


That was within the IZArc zip program.   Then after unzipping it showed the full package installation info.

That's why I missed seeing the remove existing Articles module.

13 Dec 2011

 That is because you were looking at a readme.txt file in one of the patches folder. 

Weird.  The first time I looked at the readme.txt file it showed this text:


That was within the IZArc zip program.   Then after unzipping it showed the full package installation info.

That's why I missed seeing the remove existing Articles module.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
13 Dec 2011

In your new help.txt file you write:

return BxDolService::call('articles', 'tag_block', array('my category',10));

You might mean:

return BxDolService::call('articles', 'category_block', array('my category',10));


What is the syntax in the above  array to find  'my category' using wildcards ?   Something like:   '%Hunting' will find Bear Hunting and Deer Hunting, etc.?

And finally...

How do you administer Article Categories?  I do not see a new category created in a new article showing up in the Settings > Categories Settings Listing.

13 Dec 2011

You might mean:

return BxDolService::call('articles', 'category_block', array('my category',10));

Response : You are correct.

What is the syntax in the above  array to find  'my category' using wildcards ?   Something like:   '%Hunting' will find Bear Hunting and Deer Hunting, etc.?

Response : Wildcard search is not supported.

How do you administer Article Categories?  I do not see a new category created in a new article showing up in the Settings > Categories Settings Listing.

Response : Only Categories global to the module (not just this but any Dolphin module) will appear in Categories Settings Listing.


In your new help.txt file you write:

return BxDolService::call('articles', 'tag_block', array('my category',10));

You might mean:

return BxDolService::call('articles', 'category_block', array('my category',10));


What is the syntax in the above  array to find  'my category' using wildcards ?   Something like:   '%Hunting' will find Bear Hunting and Deer Hunting, etc.?

And finally...

How do you administer Article Categories?  I do not see a new category created in a new article showing up in the Settings > Categories Settings Listing.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
13 Dec 2011

Response : Only Categories global to the module (not just this but any Dolphin module) will appear in Categories Settings Listing.


That's so unfriendly of them...  ;-)

13 Dec 2011

Your wrote:

Response : Only Categories global to the module (not just this but any Dolphin module) will appear in Categories Settings Listing.


I've been trying really hard to understand your Category structure.  On my Articles home page there is an Articles Category Block ( _modzzz_articles_block_article_categories ) that only shows the Global categories and not the Article Categories.   Are you saying that this is correct ?


15 Dec 2011

 It shows the Article Categories except the custom categories that were created for a specific Article.

Your wrote:

Response : Only Categories global to the module (not just this but any Dolphin module) will appear in Categories Settings Listing.


I've been trying really hard to understand your Category structure.  On my Articles home page there is an Articles Category Block ( _modzzz_articles_block_article_categories ) that only shows the Global categories and not the Article Categories.   Are you saying that this is correct ?



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
15 Dec 2011

To the article related pages:  ../articles/browse/categories or recent, top, popular   I'd like to add sidebar modules.  Please tell me this is possible...?   

16 Dec 2011

 Custom development would be needed for this.

To the article related pages:  ../articles/browse/categories or recent, top, popular   I'd like to add sidebar modules.  Please tell me this is possible...?   


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
17 Dec 2011

Any hints on where to start?

" Custom development would be needed for this."

17 Dec 2011

Ok, one last question and I'll stop bugging you...  


I found this module:  http://www.boonex.com/m/Extended_Articles_Mod_D7


Can you tell me if there might be any interference with your module (that I am using...).  Before I purchase I don't want to find out that these two won't play nice...    Thanks!

17 Dec 2011

Both modules will not run together. I am not sure why you want to buy another mod with a subset of the existing functionality of the Ultimate Articles.

Ok, one last question and I'll stop bugging you...  


I found this module:  http://www.boonex.com/m/Extended_Articles_Mod_D7


Can you tell me if there might be any interference with your module (that I am using...).  Before I purchase I don't want to find out that these two won't play nice...    Thanks!


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
17 Dec 2011

Both modules will not run together. I am not sure why you want to buy another mod with a subset of the existing functionality of the Ultimate Articles.

Again, trying to get sidebar modules on Articles pages.  It states:

"Extended Articles Mod D7: This Mod adds new Blocks to your standard dolphin articles mod on articles home and articles view site"

Your module doesn't do this...

18 Dec 2011

The Ultimate Articles does add new blocks to Articles home and view page. This is not what you inquired about in your first post. You asked, "To the article related pages:  ../articles/browse/categories or recent, top, popular   I'd like to add sidebar modules.". Neither of the mods you are looking at now will do that by default.

Both modules will not run together. I am not sure why you want to buy another mod with a subset of the existing functionality of the Ultimate Articles.

Again, trying to get sidebar modules on Articles pages.  It states:

"Extended Articles Mod D7: This Mod adds new Blocks to your standard dolphin articles mod on articles home and articles view site"

Your module doesn't do this...


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
18 Dec 2011

will the already posted articles with boonex standard module be lost on using your module?

http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/paansystems - your resource for Dolphin Pro
9 Jan 2012

 No, the mod has instructions on how to retain the Articles.

will the already posted articles with boonex standard module be lost on using your module?


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
9 Jan 2012

nice, so it could be the next future investment ;)

http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/paansystems - your resource for Dolphin Pro
9 Jan 2012

Is there anyway to add in the articles settings in admin the ability to NOT allow video embed code? Currently it has no such ability.

16 Jan 2012


I get this error while trying to change thumbnailpicture, I have uploaded two pictures. Can you please help me?

Thanks you


"Found error in the file '/home/admin/domains/hundintresse.se/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolFilesDb.php' at line297.
Called 'getRow' function with erroneous argument #0.

Debug backtrace:"

20 Jan 2012

Hi Jerome, please can you look at integrating States into this mod?


I have many of your other mods with States and its a key feature on my site.

UArticles doesnt have this though which means it wont work the way I need it to as your other mods do.


Would be a very much appreciated addition if you could add it?


Thanks - Tim

21 Jan 2012



I get this error while trying to change thumbnailpicture, I have uploaded two pictures. Can you please help me?

Thanks you


"Found error in the file '/home/admin/domains/hundintresse.se/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolFilesDb.php' at line297.
Called 'getRow' function with erroneous argument #0.

Debug backtrace:"

 I occasionally get the error "Called 'getRow' function with erroneous argument #0." with several of modzzz mods... yet the seem to work okay.

24 Jan 2012

PM me your FTP and Admin login so investigation can be done. This sounds like your site has some customization done to it which is causing problems.



I get this error while trying to change thumbnailpicture, I have uploaded two pictures. Can you please help me?

Thanks you


"Found error in the file '/home/admin/domains/hundintresse.se/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolFilesDb.php' at line297.
Called 'getRow' function with erroneous argument #0.

Debug backtrace:"

 I occasionally get the error "Called 'getRow' function with erroneous argument #0." with several of modzzz mods... yet the seem to work okay.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
24 Jan 2012

 Done... thank you Smile

PM me your FTP and Admin login so investigation can be done. This sounds like your site has some customization done to it which is causing problems.

24 Jan 2012

I am having this issue, that it keeps on deleting my articles for no reason, is this a bug?


8 Feb 2012

You have Articles for Dolphin 6.x. PM me for further assistance as this support forum is dealing with Dolphin 7.x

I am having this issue, that it keeps on deleting my articles for no reason, is this a bug?



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
8 Feb 2012

hello modzzz sir,

can you please help me out ...

i am getting a database query error regarding getRow function...

4 Mar 2012

 Please PM me the full details of the error.

hello modzzz sir,

can you please help me out ...

i am getting a database query error regarding getRow function...


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
4 Mar 2012

Version 2.0.9 released. (See patches/version_2.0.9 folder in zip file)

Adds alphabetical quick search to main page.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
2 Jun 2012

This only appears to search on the first letter of the title... what if the "keyword" in the title is not the first word?

Also, it would be nice to have the option of using a keyword search block and/or the "search by letter" block.  If I have to choose only one, I'd choose to search by keyword.... but I'd prefer to display both options in the same block... letter search above keyword search.

Currently... it appears our only option is the new block to 'search by the first letter of the title'.  Unless we rollback to the previous set of template and class files to restore the mini keyword search block :-)

2 Jun 2012

 It was meant to search by first letter of Title. I have reinstated the keyword search, apply the patch again.

This only appears to search on the first letter of the title... what if the "keyword" in the title is not the first word?

Also, it would be nice to have the option of using a keyword search block and/or the "search by letter" block.  If I have to choose only one, I'd choose to search by keyword.... but I'd prefer to display both options in the same block... letter search above keyword search.

Currently... it appears our only option is the new block to 'search by the first letter of the title'.  Unless we rollback to the previous set of template and class files to restore the mini keyword search block :-)


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
3 Jun 2012

The following CSS file needs to be re-uploaded too :


 It was meant to search by first letter of Title. I have reinstated the keyword search, apply the patch again.

This only appears to search on the first letter of the title... what if the "keyword" in the title is not the first word?

Also, it would be nice to have the option of using a keyword search block and/or the "search by letter" block.  If I have to choose only one, I'd choose to search by keyword.... but I'd prefer to display both options in the same block... letter search above keyword search.

Currently... it appears our only option is the new block to 'search by the first letter of the title'.  Unless we rollback to the previous set of template and class files to restore the mini keyword search block :-)



Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
3 Jun 2012


after i updated the ultimate articles module, my whole site crashed and can't load.

3 Jun 2012

 PM me site details.


after i updated the ultimate articles module, my whole site crashed and can't load.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
3 Jun 2012

Have PM.


1) Just checked error.log, getting alot of

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '`', expecting T_FUNCTION in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesPageMain.php on line 27

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesModule.php on line 207

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting '}' in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesPageMain.php on line 177

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesModule.php on line 43

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesModule.php on line 490


2) Noticed the points module is not integrated with the latest article module version?

In BxArticlesModule.php, the     


function onEventCreate ($iEntryId, $sStatus, $aDataEntry = array()) {
        if ('approved' == $sStatus) {
            $this->reparseTags ($iEntryId);
            $this->reparseCategories ($iEntryId);

            //[begin] points mods (modzzz.com)
                $oPoint = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxPointModule'); 
                $oPoint->assignPoints($this->_iProfileId, $this->_sPrefix, 'add', 'add', $iEntryId);
            //[end] points mods (modzzz.com)


is missing from latest version.

3 Jun 2012

Articles integration with Points is functional. The code snippet you referred to was removed a long time ago and is not needed as the alerts system is now used. Did you upgrade the mod versions sequentially or did you jump from a very old version straight to the latest ?

Have PM.


1) Just checked error.log, getting alot of

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '`', expecting T_FUNCTION in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesPageMain.php on line 27

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesModule.php on line 207

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting '}' in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesPageMain.php on line 177

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesModule.php on line 43

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesModule.php on line 490


2) Noticed the points module is not integrated with the latest article module version?

In BxArticlesModule.php, the     


function onEventCreate ($iEntryId, $sStatus, $aDataEntry = array()) {
        if ('approved' == $sStatus) {
            $this->reparseTags ($iEntryId);
            $this->reparseCategories ($iEntryId);

            //[begin] points mods (modzzz.com)
                $oPoint = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxPointModule'); 
                $oPoint->assignPoints($this->_iProfileId, $this->_sPrefix, 'add', 'add', $iEntryId);
            //[end] points mods (modzzz.com)


is missing from latest version.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
3 Jun 2012

 Seems like your files were not properly uploaded. I have logged in to your FTP and re-uploaded the files and the site is now loading.


after i updated the ultimate articles module, my whole site crashed and can't load.


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
3 Jun 2012

Strange, i downloaded the latest package and used those files. Exactly the same.

Thanks for your quick response.

 Seems like your files were not properly uploaded. I have logged in to your FTP and re-uploaded the files and the site is now loading.


after i updated the ultimate articles module, my whole site crashed and can't load.



3 Jun 2012

 I upgraded the mod versions sequentially. Just did a double check and the v2.0.8 zip which I still have and it also has that code snippet. Only the v2.0.9 doesn't have that code.

Articles integration with Points is functional. The code snippet you referred to was removed a long time ago and is not needed as the alerts system is now used. Did you upgrade the mod versions sequentially or did you jump from a very old version straight to the latest ?

Have PM.


1) Just checked error.log, getting alot of

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '`', expecting T_FUNCTION in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesPageMain.php on line 27

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesModule.php on line 207

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting '}' in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesPageMain.php on line 177

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesModule.php on line 43

PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /public_html/modules/modzzz/articles/classes/BxArticlesModule.php on line 490


2) Noticed the points module is not integrated with the latest article module version?

In BxArticlesModule.php, the     


function onEventCreate ($iEntryId, $sStatus, $aDataEntry = array()) {
        if ('approved' == $sStatus) {
            $this->reparseTags ($iEntryId);
            $this->reparseCategories ($iEntryId);

            //[begin] points mods (modzzz.com)
                $oPoint = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxPointModule'); 
                $oPoint->assignPoints($this->_iProfileId, $this->_sPrefix, 'add', 'add', $iEntryId);
            //[end] points mods (modzzz.com)


is missing from latest version.



3 Jun 2012

Can you in your Media articles such as Article please create functionality that adds sub categories?

7.1 My favorite number
14 Jul 2012

I've just patched step by step to 2.0.9 and when I navigated to one of the letter search pages, I discovered missing language key _modzzz_articles_page_title_browse_letter - this one is not even in my languages, so I guess I'd need to create it with Browse by letter content or something similar...

7 Oct 2012

Download the mod again ... re-upload the language file (modules\modzzz\articles\install\langs\en.php) ... go to admin and recompile language for the mod.

I've just patched step by step to 2.0.9 and when I navigated to one of the letter search pages, I discovered missing language key _modzzz_articles_page_title_browse_letter - this one is not even in my languages, so I guess I'd need to create it with Browse by letter content or something similar...


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
7 Oct 2012

1. Sorry, instead of quote I managed to report your post. How... shameful. Embarassed

2. I see, I didn't know we were meant to recompile languages after every patch? Foot in Mouth

8 Oct 2012

The patch usually states whether you need to recompile language or not. If you are applying a number of patches at once, you only need to recompile after the last one.

1. Sorry, instead of quote I managed to report your post. How... shameful. Embarassed

2. I see, I didn't know we were meant to recompile languages after every patch? Foot in Mouth


Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
9 Oct 2012
9 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.