I have searched the Market for a twitter plugin for blog posts where a member can write a new post and have a tweet (and I am guessing that a post to their facesucks wall thingy is possible as well) automatically sent after they submit the blog post; none were found. We have this feature in our CMS. The user would have a setting in their pedit page where they can enter their twitter info. The blog module would check to see if the member has the "send tweet" turned on and their twitter info and then send a tweet out notifying their followers that they had posted a new blog article; the blog module would check to see that the post is set to public before sending the tweet since a post has to be available to the public, to non-site members, otherwise you would have followers coming to read and not having access. This is a very logical use for twitter since twitter is an announcement system; announcing new blog posts would tie in nicely.