Trouble with couples profile

I am trying to edit the couple profile option on my site. The main thing that I am having trouble changing is getting the couple profile to have only a single profile image. I have a nice couple's default profile image, I just have not been able to get the code working to where it load the default image if they haven't uploaded an image.


Anyone have any suggestions or a mod to do this would be great.


Thank you

Quote · 25 May 2009

That would be some great info to have.. I think the two photos on profile looks bad.

Quote · 26 May 2009

that has been a thorn from its very conception. this will be realized in the release of D7.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 26 May 2009

I will keep working on it and i will post the code that i have when get something working a little better and see if anyone has any suggestions to it.


This code is located in the root/inc/ from starting at line 774 to 804.


if ($aSexSql['Couple'] > 0) {
       $aCoupleInfo = getProfileInfo( (int)$aSexSql['Couple'] );
       //$oPhoto = new ProfilePhotos( $aCoupleInfo['ID'] );
       $aCoupleFile = $oPhoto -> getPrimaryPhotoArray($aCoupleInfo['PrimPhoto']);
       if( extFileExists( $oPhoto -> sMediaDir . 'thumb_' . $aCoupleFile['med_file'] ) && $aCoupleInfo 'PrimPhoto']>0 ) $sCplFileName = $oPhoto -> sMediaUrl . 'thumb_' . $aCoupleFile['med_file'];
     if( $aCoupleInfo['Sex'] == 'female' or $aCoupleInfo['Sex'] == 'Female' )
         $sSexPic = 'couple_medium.gif';
     elseif( $aCoupleInfo['Sex'] == 'male' or $aCoupleInfo['Sex'] == 'Male' )
         $sSexPic = 'couple_medium.gif';
         $sSexPic = 'visitor_medium.gif';
   $sCplFileName = getTemplateIcon( $sSexPic );
  $sCplStyle =
  'width:' . $oPhoto -> aMediaConfig['size']['thumbWidth'] . 'px;' .
  'height:' . $oPhoto -> aMediaConfig['size']['thumbHeight'] . 'px;' .
  'background-image:url(' . $sCplFileName . ');';
  $sCoupleImgEl = '<div class="thumbnail_block" style="float:' . $float . '; '.$sMarginsRCAddon.' ">';
  /*$sCplMarginsAddon = " margin-right:10px;margin-bottom:10px; ";
  $sCoupleImgEl = '<img src="' . getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) . '" style="' . $sCplMarginsAddon . $sCplStyle . '" alt="' . process_line_output( $aFileName['med_title'] ) . '" />';
  $sMarginsAddon = ($bDrawMargin) ? " margin-right:10px;margin-bottom:10px; " : '';
  //$sMarginsRCAddon = ($bDrawMargin) ? " margin-right:10px; " : '';*/

This a my test site : and you can see the problem I am having right now with the spacing and the online/offline graphic. And I am still working on getting it to default to the couple_medium.gif image rather the male or female default image.


Hope this isn't too confusing :)


Quote · 26 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.