Traffic inspector from eSASe

You always wanted to distribute website trafic effectively between your site users: to limit or grant access for media content upload (audio, video files) And of cause to get additional income on site popularity? If so, this mod is a great help to archieve this!

This module allows site users to use only limited disk space for photo, video, files and music files upload. Admin is able to set up free disk space for all the profiles in the mod settings.

Also you can create a list of different services (price, tariffs, space etc.) in admin panel . Users will be able to purchase this service via standard payment modules integrated into Dolphin, thus they can have more disk spaces
Services are offered for different period of time and user is not able to use this service when it is expired

If user exceeds the default disk space he allowed to use, he won't be able to upload any files and will be offered to purchase this service or he will have to remove files uploaded before to clean his disk space.

The statistic of user's disk space will be available on member's page. The automatic notification will be sent to user if his purchase disk space service is going to expire


view more details here:

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
11 Oct 2012

This is an awsome Idea Esases..... A great alternative to advertising revenue. It is great to see a developer tinking and commin up with such a great idea. I hope it does very well. Good luck with it : )

11 Oct 2012


This is an awsome Idea Esases..... A great alternative to advertising revenue. It is great to see a developer tinking and commin up with such a great idea. I hope it does very well. Good luck with it : )

 thank you

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
11 Oct 2012

My development team was just discussing how we could monitor storage of members and have a way for them to buy a certain amount of storage.

I have one question.  I looked at the screenshots and noticed on the dashboard view there is not a listing for how much traffic a user may be using for videos.  Would the member also be able to track how much space for video storage they are using on the dashboard as well?

Geeks, making the world a better place
30 Oct 2012



The common idea is that user purchases traffic and spend it the way he wants and needs. On the member's page user is able to track how much traffic he uses for pictures or videos . The default module's version doesn't have video block feature but it can be added customly



We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
2 Nov 2012

Thank you for your answer.  The only problem I have with paying for custom work to a mod is that I pay for the custom work that is then added to the mod later and everyone else gets for free what I had to pay for; that has never set that well with me.  I will most likely buy this mod as I don't have the Dolphin skills at this time to code it from start and then try to add the extra bit myself.  If you do decide to add the video bit, it would be appreciated.

Geeks, making the world a better place
2 Nov 2012



Actually custom development request is cost very high if customer doesn't want the new feature to be added to a version offered on the market. So, if you are ready to pay , we can do this specially for your website



We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
5 Nov 2012

Module is available for Dolphin 7.1

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
17 Nov 2012

 I am trying to understand the same question?  It appears all others are tracked but videos on the dashboard.  Videos being the highest use of what is being tracked? This is a great idea but clearly it would be a fantastic mod if it tracked videos on the dashboard as well.  Is there any thought to adding this feature?  Also just curious why it was not part of the first edition? Great Idea... 

Thank you for your answer.  The only problem I have with paying for custom work to a mod is that I pay for the custom work that is then added to the mod later and everyone else gets for free what I had to pay for; that has never set that well with me.  I will most likely buy this mod as I don't have the Dolphin skills at this time to code it from start and then try to add the extra bit myself.  If you do decide to add the video bit, it would be appreciated.


24 Nov 2012

It would be very nice if you could add tracking of videos as part of the package.  It would probably increase sales of the mod.  You now have a few people interested in buying the module except for that one little thing, users can not keep up with how much space they are using for their uploaded videos; one of the most space hungry file types out there.

Geeks, making the world a better place
24 Nov 2012

Most well some people who don't know how large files can be especially HOW GIGANTIC videos can get IMHO defeats the entire purpose of tracking the size of media files.  It kind of leaves them in the lurch because they only get a message to pay or lose their work.  I think this would upset me if I could not figure out why.  Sure the site might get some money but if the client has a chance to see what is going on they then would be happier with all involved and more apt to refer the site for being helpful...  

24 Nov 2012

@ESASE:  Does this mod track video uploads but just not show it in the member's account panel?  If it does track video uploads, can you add the video tracker to the account panel?  Finally, can you give us a price for adding the tracking view of videos to the account panel since you appear to be unwilling to just correct such a "defect" to your module; for one, adding it improves your module and makes it more attractive to buyers.

Geeks, making the world a better place
25 Nov 2012

Hmmm he appears to not want to answer your question... I wonder why... 

26 Nov 2012

Hopefully he will reply to this error I am getting in his module.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function isAdmin() in /esase/traffic_inspector/classes/SasTrafficInspectorModule.php on line 477

   public function serviceCheckTraffic()
        if ($this->_userId && !isAdmin() && $this->_isTrafficPage() && null !=
                $this->_model->getParam('enabled')) {

I am getting that error when I tried to access certain areas of the admin; like clicking on Dashboard or trying to enter administration.

Geeks, making the world a better place
26 Nov 2012

I am not seeing the traffic log on the account pages either and I set a base level for all members.  With the module installed I can not access page builder to see if the block is there or not.

Geeks, making the world a better place
26 Nov 2012

Hello all!

First of all, let me answer to the question in regards to Video. The3 Traffic inspector module tracks traffic of the following default modules:

Sounds, Music, Video and Files. There is not any details about video traffic on a dashboard because I didn't upload any video files, my fault but information will be shown on a dashboard as soon as video file is uploaded, same with other modules (music, files etc)

In regards to trffic tracking, this first module's version works as follows:

user purchase / has common amount of traffic which he is able to spend the way he wants. Module doesn't provide with separate traffic for music, for files, for video etc... it is common traffic which is spent the way user wish to spend and he is able to track this process.

I understand you want to have separate traffic for each module and I'm thinking about this and probably I'll develop it this way in the next version


NOTE:::: it is always faster to get an answer if you contact me by mail directly




We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
27 Nov 2012


I am not seeing the traffic log on the account pages either and I set a base level for all members.  With the module installed I can not access page builder to see if the block is there or not.


and in regards to the error you get, please, provide me with your server accesses via unity mail box or at so I could check and fix the issue and explain what was the issue



We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
27 Nov 2012

Thank you.  access information has been sent to your email address.

Geeks, making the world a better place
27 Nov 2012

Please let me know if the install is ready to go and will not cause an issue...

27 Nov 2012

Fatal error: Call to undefined function isAdmin() in modules/esase/traffic_inspector/classes/SasTrafficInspectorModule.php on line 477

This is what I got when I tried to go to the admin section after install...

28 Nov 2012

 Did you try an uninstall?

Hopefully he will reply to this error I am getting in his module.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function isAdmin() in /esase/traffic_inspector/classes/SasTrafficInspectorModule.php on line 477

   public function serviceCheckTraffic()
        if ($this->_userId && !isAdmin() && $this->_isTrafficPage() && null !=
                $this->_model->getParam('enabled')) {

I am getting that error when I tried to access certain areas of the admin; like clicking on Dashboard or trying to enter administration.


28 Nov 2012

OK, you have two independent people with different server configurations that has the same error.  The problem is with the module.  isAdmin() is undefined because it is not defined; was that part of an include or required that got left off of the mod?  Please fix this ASAP.

Geeks, making the world a better place
28 Nov 2012

 Yes, but of course that is not the problem  I am guessing that when the module was updated to 7.1 that some part was left off.  The error message is saying that isAdmin() function is undefined.  My guess is that function is part of another file that was suppose to be included or required by the module.  Since I don't know what it is, I can not add it.  I don't know if this is a function he wrote or part of the Dolphin core.

 Did you try an uninstall?

Hopefully he will reply to this error I am getting in his module.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function isAdmin() in /esase/traffic_inspector/classes/SasTrafficInspectorModule.php on line 477

   public function serviceCheckTraffic()
        if ($this->_userId && !isAdmin() && $this->_isTrafficPage() && null !=
                $this->_model->getParam('enabled')) {

I am getting that error when I tried to access certain areas of the admin; like clicking on Dashboard or trying to enter administration.



Geeks, making the world a better place
28 Nov 2012

This module looks very promising for what I need it for and really is the first time I have seen the ability to throttle disk space usage and then benefit from the same knowledge.  IMHO this should be part of the Dolphin site by itself.  Yes you can limit the size of the files uploaded but that IMHO defeats the purpose and makes you less competitive with other sites by doing that.  In this case they get a measure amount and if they want or need more they will have to pay for it. 

Any Ideas on amount of space would be greatly appreciated...The module sets the default at 1000MB do you think 500MB is enough to get people off to a good start?  Too Much Not enough?  The great part is knowing there is indeed a limit...If you have a terabyte hard drive to start with? 

28 Nov 2012

I am very interested in this module also, but at US$79 it is too expensive and in principal I would not pay that for it. A much more equitable (fairer) price point would be US$40.

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
28 Nov 2012

 500 meg should be good for a starter amount.  What you can do for photos is to look at the common file sizes for images. Videos is the memory hog and that is where they may need more space

This module looks very promising for what I need it for and really is the first time I have seen the ability to throttle disk space usage and then benefit from the same knowledge.  IMHO this should be part of the Dolphin site by itself.  Yes you can limit the size of the files uploaded but that IMHO defeats the purpose and makes you less competitive with other sites by doing that.  In this case they get a measure amount and if they want or need more they will have to pay for it. 

Any Ideas on amount of space would be greatly appreciated...The module sets the default at 1000MB do you think 500MB is enough to get people off to a good start?  Too Much Not enough?  The great part is knowing there is indeed a limit...If you have a terabyte hard drive to start with? 


Geeks, making the world a better place
28 Nov 2012


I am very interested in this module also, but at US$79 it is too expensive and in principal I would not pay that for it. A much more equitable (fairer) price point would be US$40.

If you want to see really overpriced software, look at MicroCrap, er, MicroSoft, software.

Geeks, making the world a better place
28 Nov 2012

OK, I have this working now and I did the work myself so we need to discuss compensation for the defective mod in some manner.

Geeks, making the world a better place
28 Nov 2012


OK, I have this working now and I did the work myself so we need to discuss compensation for the defective mod in some manner.

I really do seriously hope you're joking and that is not the kind of person you are. You found a possible bug. Nothing more.

Just because isAdmin was not working for you does not mean it is defective. As i mentioned, i use it in some of my mods as well and it works for me as i am sure it is also working for him or he would not have used it. Asking that you be compensated for it is in my opinion a little over the top.

If that is the way it should be, then i am going to start asking boonex to pay me for debugging dolphin.
28 Nov 2012

Two people purchased this module and it acted the same way with both on different configurations of servers; I expect it will probably act the same way for everyone.  This was a $79.00 mod.  It would be the equivalent of me buying microcrap office and it would not let me write a document.  Would you say to Microsoft, oh well, you have my money but too bad, so sad; I guess I lose?  Or would you expect Microsoft to do something?  If it had been a server configuration error, then no, I would not have said anything.  We are not talking about open source free modules.  So yes, I think a little compensation is in order; maybe a discount on a future purchase.

Geeks, making the world a better place
28 Nov 2012

Vista? Cool I am still pissed...

If you have to fix something after you bought it like she did I agree at least a sorry about that and this is what I will do...

28 Nov 2012



If that is the way it should be, then i am going to start asking boonex to pay me for debugging dolphin.

You don't purchase Dolphin.  The licence is to remove the branding, not paying for the software. That is where the difference lies, I purchased a module with the expectation that it works without crashing my admin panel.

Geeks, making the world a better place
28 Nov 2012


I got when I tried to go to the admin section after install...

the function  "isAdmin()" is part of dolphin's core. Make sure that this function is located here : Also provide me with your dolphin version



We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
28 Nov 2012


This module looks very promising for what I need it for and really is the first time I have seen the ability to throttle disk space usage and then benefit from the same knowledge.  IMHO this should be part of the Dolphin site by itself.  Yes you can limit the size of the files uploaded but that IMHO defeats the purpose and makes you less competitive with other sites by doing that.  In this case they get a measure amount and if they want or need more they will have to pay for it. 

Any Ideas on amount of space would be greatly appreciated...The module sets the default at 1000MB do you think 500MB is enough to get people off to a good start?  Too Much Not enough?  The great part is knowing there is indeed a limit...If you have a terabyte hard drive to start with? 

 You can change size of free traffic in module's settings

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
28 Nov 2012

It's ok now it's been fixed and I am using 7.1 

Yes I also saw that you can change the settings which is quite appealing indeed... Now that it works it looks like it will be quite helpful... 

28 Nov 2012

Can you supply the code needed to change this?

Traffic Inspector.jpg · 51.4K · 604 views
8 Dec 2012


Can you supply the code needed to change this?

Look in the traffic mod /templates/base/usr_tariff_item.html  You can then see the CSS code controlling layout.

<div class="tariff_item">
    <div class="icon" style="background-image:url(__icon_url__);">
        <img src="<bx_image_url:spacer.gif />" alt="spacer" />
    <div class="price">
        <img src="__payment_icon__" />__cost__
    <div class="content">
        <div><b>__name__ (__days__ <bx_text:_sas_traffic_inspector_common_days />)</b></div>
        <div><bx_text:_sas_traffic_inspector_common_size />: __size__ (__type__)</div>
        <div class="description">__description__</div>
        <br />

Here you can see the CSS for each section as well as the class for the whole section; tariff_item

Open the CSS file common.css and you should be able to make adjustments to the layout.

/* tariffs manage */
    background-color: #F2F2FF;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 10px;
    position: relative;
    font-size: 12px;

div.tariff_item img{

div.tariff_item div.icon{
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    background-position: center center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
    height: 114px;
    left: 10px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 10px;
    width: 114px;

div.tariff_item  div.price {

    font-weight: bold;
    height: 16px;
    position: absolute;
    right: 10px;
    top: 10px;

div.tariff_item div.content{
    min-height: 116px;
    padding-left: 126px;

div.tariff_item div.content div.description{
    font-size: 11px;
    color: #6E6E6E;

Make sure the style sheet is being loaded.


As for the submit button, put it in a <p> tag, create a new entry in the CSS file .align_center {text-align:center;} and give the <p> tag the class align_center

Geeks, making the world a better place
8 Dec 2012

/* tariffs manage */
    background-color: #F2F2FF;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 10px;
    position: relative;
    font-size: 12px;

I tried to adjust the padding and the margin and nothing moved? I cleared cache as well...

8 Dec 2012


/* tariffs manage */
    background-color: #F2F2FF;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 10px;
    position: relative;
    font-size: 12px;

I tried to adjust the padding and the margin and nothing moved? I cleared cache as well...

 Yes, which is why I am wondering if the CSS is being loaded.  If you have FireFox with the firebug plugin installed; the default inspector is crap, then you can actually see what CSS is being applied and can even manipulate the settings temporary (they will be reset on page reload) to see how to fix the layout.  Opera has a decent element inspector but firebug on FireFox is better; I use it to help me decided what to set in stylesheets to get the layout I want since I have an interactive inspector and can manipulate the styles on the fly.

Geeks, making the world a better place
8 Dec 2012

tariff_item has a left padding of 126px.  That padding of the outer division holding the inner content should leave a space on the left; padding is inside the box, margins are outside the box.  Since the space is not there, I have a feeling the CSS is not being loaded, or something is overwriting it.  Style sheets have an hierarchy with the last control being held by the inline style for the element.  One thing you can do is to place an inline style for the outer division; that will take control over any other styles being set.

Geeks, making the world a better place
8 Dec 2012


/* tariffs manage */
    background-color: #F2F2FF;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 10px;
    position: relative;
    font-size: 12px;

I tried to adjust the padding and the margin and nothing moved? I cleared cache as well...

 Look a bit further down:

div.tariff_item div.content{
    min-height: 116px;
    padding-left: 126px;

Why isn't that padding-left being applied?  Perhaps the style is not being loaded?  If you add an inline style to the division tag; it will be loaded with the html.  <div style=" insert style code here;">  If you need help , send me a PM so I will be notified.

Geeks, making the world a better place
8 Dec 2012

I dont know about anyone else but I find the idea of asking a dev for compensation for a dolphin error a bit trashy, the devs work there buts off and sure they aint always there immediatly for you as believe it or not they mostly have lives to lead. They are also working on other mods and improving and updating the ones they have. When you buy a mod you buy it KNOWING that it is still in development as ALL mods always are as dolphin changes constantly. Im sorry geekgirl but you have acted like a petulant child told she cannot have desert before pudding. It is true I have only used this guys free mods so far but the fact is they have been working and when i did have an issue it was sorted and it was FREE and my fault. Acting the way you have here only annoys the devs and makes them not want to try and help, if i was a dev and someone demanded compensation like that i would ban them from buying anymore of my mods as it is pathetic.

And yeah, im angry about this, but not just for this dev or you but about everyone who demands attention right away without waiting or accepting that the devs provide to us what makes dolphin great, without the devs and their dedication NO ONE woul have a site that is unique. We would all be the same. As for the mod being to much, think about it, really, this mod could if you have the right site make you 1000s without any problems and if you have not got the right site you really dont need it anyways. If you are any kind of human being you will appoligise and ask forgiveness.

Rant over, excuse the spelling but im typing in angry mode.

12 Dec 2012

MasterSlyway, I really don't care what you think.  I purchased a mod that had problems.  Would you purchase a car that had problems and feel the same way; after all, the car manufactures worked their butts off to build that car; you should take it like it is and not expect them to fix it.  Yeah, right, you would be yelling your head off about the car.

When I contacted the mod author, he wanted access to my server, which I begrudgingly gave,  The thing is, it was a bleeding programming error that was very simple to fix and he should have said, on yeah, I upgraded the mod and forgot that bit and updated the mod and told me to download it again.  Even after giving him server access and waiting I had to go begging in the forum for help on his mod.  I told him exactly what the error was, so if he had actually looked at what I posted here and done the three second fix, I would not have been so upset.  In fact, I was not the only one that posted the error.  He may be a great mod developer but his customer relations could use improvement.

Now bugger off.


Geeks, making the world a better place
13 Dec 2012

MasterSlyway a petulant child really it appears the only comments here that fit those words are your own.  I don't expect to buy an mod that crashes my site for nearly $80 and if it does you better believe I expect to be provided a solution within hours.  Her car example is exactly right.  Maybe you don't think people's time is worth money but I assure you mine is.  She found the mistake and fixed it then provided me with the solution because the developer could not be reached ASAP!  Maybe no biggie to you but it is unthinkable to be like when you get a minute could take get my site back online.  If you cant reach a developer which we could not you better believe I am going to be petulant about it.  So really you are way off base about commenting on something you have no money in the game about.  You can have a caveat emptor attitude with your money but really to chastise others because they do not have the same forgiving attitude is beyond acting like a petulant child.  Get a shot of something and relax about commenting on people who have a passion for their site's! 

13 Dec 2012

version 1.0.1 was realized - fixed trouble with css file in tariff page.

For manual update open the "modules/esase/traffic_inspector/classes/SasTrafficInspectorTemplate.php"

find this code line:


and replace with :

$content .= $this->addCss('user.css', true);

We only have a unique modules for dolphin!
13 Dec 2012

In the admin, when I click on profiles, it only lists two profiles at a time.  How can I increase the number of profiles I see at one time.

Geeks, making the world a better place
19 Dec 2012

I just downloaded the latest version and installed it. The bleeding error I reported before has not been fixed.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function isAdmin() in /var/www/modules/esase/traffic_inspector/classes/SasTrafficInspectorModule.php on line 477

I want this fixed, or a refund, or I will file a report with Boonex and maybe my payment provider as well.  This has gone on for too long and there may be others that purchase this mod who don't have the skills to fix it themselves.  You report that the mod is compatible with 7.1; so figure out what you need to do, either include the bloody function or whatever.  This is programming 101, even I know this and I am not a programmer.

Geeks, making the world a better place
19 Dec 2012

It is a mystery to me how he could ignore these posts?

20 Dec 2012

Now when I click on the link "Traffic Inspector" in the account page I get "Page Not Found" error so I can not even get this mod to work.

Geeks, making the world a better place
20 Dec 2012


Now when I click on the link "Traffic Inspector" in the account page I get "Page Not Found" error so I can not even get this mod to work.

 OK, I have found the problem, it is back to the isAdmin().  When I try to fix the isAdmin() error, it prevents the tariff page from showing.  With the original SasTrafficInspectorModule.php in place, the traffic inspector link works.  I wish you would address this problem with your module and provide a fix.

Geeks, making the world a better place
21 Dec 2012
21 Dec 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.