Tooltips on join.php

Hi.  I am new to Dolphin and have a test installation running at the moment.  It is hosted in the UK by

My problem is that on the 'join' page for new members, when I hover the mouse over the little blue info icons the text does not appear as expected.  Initially I thought the problem might be caused by .htaccess directives as my host is extremely restrictive about which ones can be used.  But after mucking about with that I don't think it's causing this problem.

The info icon text seems to be generated by a small JavaScript that uses onmouseover.

Any help is appreciated.



Quote · 17 Sep 2008

in admin> builders> fields builder: click on the respective block and check that the description is filled in as that is what shows when you hover over the blue circle..

Quote · 17 Sep 2008

Thank you for the tip.  I checked the field descriptions and they are filled in correctly. 

More information:  In the source code of the page - the Javascript is visible, along with the text it is supposed to display.  Could this be a permissions or .htaccess problem?

Quote · 18 Sep 2008

In fact - here is the code of the icon element:

<img onmouseout="hideFloatDesc();" onmousemove="moveFloatDesc( event )" onmouseover="showFloatDesc('Translation of the item description on the Join page to default language. Used key: <b>_FieldDesc_NickName_Join</b>.');" class="info_icon" src="images/info.gif"/>

Quote · 18 Sep 2008

Always rule out a browser cache issue first - it can really trip you up searching for something complicated when that is all it is.  Good idea to have IE, Firefox and maybe Chrome all installed so you can have admin in one and a member account in the other.  Unless you have Javascript disabled, I'm betting that is all it is.

Quote · 18 Sep 2008

The javascript has to be in the page source to be able to work which is normal  ..... 

Upload a fresh copy of join.php to your site  ..... 

Try different browsers  .....  No browser is consistent across the entire installation  .....

Also be sure to clear your browser caches  .....

And you do 'allow' javascript in your browser right  .....


Quote · 18 Sep 2008

I read all the posts and confirmed everything was there and working, but still no text in tooltips on the join page.  I am working with a new there a different way of doing things?  which folder/file do I deal with???



Quote · 25 Sep 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.