Does anyone know how to make title of view photo page like: Photo: name of photo, description photo. I mean tag <title></title>.
Hello! Does anyone know how to make title of view photo page like: Photo: name of photo, description photo. I mean tag <title></title>. |
Hello You need to edit modules/boonex/photos/classes/BxPhotosPageView.php file. Find the following code in BxPhotosPageView function $this->oSearch = new BxPhotosSearch(); and add the code below just after it. $sTitle = _t('_bx_photos_photo') . ' ' . $aFileInfo['medTitle'] . ', ' . $aFileInfo['medDesc']; Then add language key _bx_photos_photo => Photo: via admin panel -> settings -> languages settings -> manage keys. That's all. Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Thank you very much! |
Hello You are welcome. :) Best Regards AntonLV - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/AntonLV |
Hello Anton, Can you help me to get rid of the photo title in "view photo" or "view ad"? I sometimes look at a members photo and its title is a looong number like 847464_37444_383837373 and it looks bad so I want to get rid of it. I attached an example. Thank you. Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
Hello Anton, Can you help me to get rid of the photo title in "view photo" or "view ad"? I sometimes look at a members photo and its title is a looong number like 847464_37444_383837373 and it looks bad so I want to get rid of it. I attached an example. Thank you. I hate this as well! i.e. 548617_10150686883699130_781434129_9745345_1128622285_n.jpg as in copied from Facebook. I thought it was in the permalinks, yoursite.com//administration/settings.php?cat=26 Looking at this I have been trying to come up with something. This is for wordpress but I get what it does now.. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Yeah I hate it too Newton. I'm glad I have you on board to fix this one. Its such a random unnecessary line on the page.
Hello Anton, Can you help me to get rid of the photo title in "view photo" or "view ad"? I sometimes look at a members photo and its title is a looong number like 847464_37444_383837373 and it looks bad so I want to get rid of it. I attached an example. Thank you. I hate this as well! i.e. 548617_10150686883699130_781434129_9745345_1128622285_n.jpg as in copied from Facebook. I thought it was in the permalinks, yoursite.com//administration/settings.php?cat=26 Looking at this I have been trying to come up with something. This is for wordpress but I get what it does now..
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
Come'on dolphins!....it should be an easy fix. Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
Hello Anton, Can you help me to get rid of the photo title in "view photo" or "view ad"? I sometimes look at a members photo and its title is a looong number like 847464_37444_383837373 and it looks bad so I want to get rid of it. I attached an example. Thank you. I hate this as well! i.e. 548617_10150686883699130_781434129_9745345_1128622285_n.jpg as in copied from Facebook. I thought it was in the permalinks, yoursite.com//administration/settings.php?cat=26 Looking at this I have been trying to come up with something. This is for wordpress but I get what it does now.. Yes indeed i hate it too |
Ok so if we get more posts from people who don't like it then finally someone will pay attention and share the fix to this thing. Anton! we are counting on you :) Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
Ok so if we get more posts from people who don't like it then finally someone will pay attention and share the fix to this thing. Anton! we are counting on you :) i hope so |
Just keep this thread alive and someone will present us with the solution.
Ok so if we get more posts from people who don't like it then finally someone will pay attention and share the fix to this thing. Anton! we are counting on you :) i hope so
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
up |
The title uses the image name so 548617_10150686883699130_781434129_9745345_1128622285_n.jpg
so much to do.... |
The title uses the image name so 548617_10150686883699130_781434129_9745345_1128622285_n.jpg
Tell that to user's rrsrsrsrs |
Prashank, I'm sure we can remove photo title somehow. Facebook doesn't have it, right? If we cannot move it maybe we can set it up so that it will not allow numbers in photo title but that will annoy the users and it won't work so good. I think its best to remove it!
The title uses the image name so 548617_10150686883699130_781434129_9745345_1128622285_n.jpg
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
I was able to change the long description to a default message, and that is in the view block. Showing under the picture, not the loooooooooooooooooooooooong link below the breadcrumbs ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
/modules/boonex/photos/templates/base/view_unit.html line 18 and 19 <div class="fileTitle" style="width:__width_ext__px;"> __fileTitle__ I changed to this <div class="fileTitle" style="width:__width_ext__px;"> <p>Duval Locals Photos System</p> [edit] had to do this because of so many photos uploaded this way via a Facebook module I have been looking to change the other, I'll find it soon.. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
It would be Great if this could be something like get some info of the user
like state | city | relationship
that do you think???
/modules/boonex/photos/templates/base/view_unit.html line 18 and 19 <div class="fileTitle" style="width:__width_ext__px;"> __fileTitle__ I changed to this <div class="fileTitle" style="width:__width_ext__px;"> <p>Duval Locals Photos System</p> [edit] had to do this because of so many photos uploaded this way via a Facebook module I have been looking to change the other, I'll find it soon..
How about adding a button next to the title that links to the Actions > Edit popup so the image *owner* (or site admins) can changed the image title? http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
How about adding a button next to the title that links to the Actions > Edit popup so the image *owner* (or site admins) can changed the image title? I tried putting the code found in the actions block, but, it has a picture number for each and every photo http://www.yoursite.com/m/photos/edit/1817 the problem is what is in red, it will not pull up the right image if you leave the 1817 off, which is the image number I guess.
added this under the image "Site Members, please use the "edit" button below to change the name of your image to what you want.." look below the image, move the actions block below the "View Photo" box. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Hey Newton! when we upload a photo we need to insert... *title tags *description categories What will happen if we remove *title from the form? Facebook photos don't have a name, right? Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
Hey Newton! when we upload a photo we need to insert... *title tags *description categories What will happen if we remove *title from the form? Facebook photos don't have a name, right? That's needed for the database. It processes the image and gives it an incremental number looks like. That number is stored in the database i.e. the photo above it number 2288 in the database, with the long 548617_10150686883699130_781434129_9745345_1128622... in three tables. Title, Uri, and Desc all with the same entry, so leaving that off is a no. [edit] that is a facebook photo. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I understand it better now, thanks. Well, I guess we need someone like Deano92964 to help us handle this one. It must be a simple fix. Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
Main photo info - you will find it here probably not so easy to change |
edit __fileTitle__ |
What does this fix do?
edit __fileTitle__
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
No fix, only shows where you find the code |
It's certainly not my facebook mod thats doing it. When my facebook connect imports photos from facebook it uses the title it finds on facebook. If the facebook member was too lazy to enter a title then my mod sets it to the word Untitled. https://www.deanbassett.com |
I understand it better now, thanks. Well, I guess we need someone like Deano92964 to help us handle this one. It must be a simple fix. As a rule of thumb. Nothing in dolphin is simple. https://www.deanbassett.com |
It's certainly not my facebook mod thats doing it. When my facebook connect imports photos from facebook it uses the title it finds on facebook. If the facebook member was too lazy to enter a title then my mod sets it to the word Untitled. Hey Deano, not referring to your mod.. Your facebook connect works perfect! ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
look at this image https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/577316_428813610465141_100000095161782_1579361_1846445433_n.jpg (anaconda movie scene here you can see facebook image name is just like that lots of numbers in it. Dolphin pull that if you don't give it another name. Its so simple.. It can't predict its name you have to give it to dolphin. so much to do.... |
Hello Deano, we basically just want to get rid of the annoying long number line. We understand that our members are lazy but I think we are the ones who need to adjust to them and if they won't/can't name each photo then I believe its best to remove it. If we can't find a way to remove it I guess I'll use Newton's line change with your "untitled" wording and that will be a fair compromise and instead of having a long number there I'll get "untitled".
It's certainly not my facebook mod thats doing it. When my facebook connect imports photos from facebook it uses the title it finds on facebook. If the facebook member was too lazy to enter a title then my mod sets it to the word Untitled.
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
you can code it like a way the uploaded image's title will be checked for numbers and if found will be replaced with a default name you set so much to do.... |
This is what I really want, this will work right now. for this photo only! Deano, do you think you can figure this out? [removed link]
using this to put button there, <div class="button_wrapper" style="width:100%; margin: 0;" onclick="window.open('http://www.duvallocals.info/m/photos/edit/2288', '_blank', 'width=500,height=380,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no') "> <div class="button_input_wrapper"> <button class="form_input_submit" type="button"> <img alt="Edit" src="http://www.duvallocals.info/templates/base/images/icons/edit.png"> Edit </button> </div> ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
in what file you are putting this code in? Its id can be pulled i think so much to do.... |
in what file you are putting this code in? Its id can be pulled i think it would be great to figure out the ID, that is the hang up. As you see in RED relates the to the ID for the database. I'm putting this in view_unit.html [edited to show Prashank25 solution to this..] <img src="__pic__" class="fileUnitSpacer"/><div class="button_wrapper" style="width:100%; margin: 0;" onclick="window.open('http://www.duvallocals.info/m/photos/edit/__id__', '_blank', 'width=500,height=380,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no') "> <div class="button_input_wrapper"> <button class="form_input_submit" type="button"> <img alt="Edit" src="http://www.duvallocals.info/templates/base/images/icons/edit.png"> Edit </button> </div></div><h4 align="center">Site Members, please use the <b>"edit"</b> button below to change the name of your image to what you want..</h4> </div> ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
open BxPhotosPageView.php at line 152 add 'id' => $this->aFileInfo['medID'], like
'pic' => $this->oSearch->getImgUrl($this->aFileInfo['Hash'], 'file'), 'id' => $this->aFileInfo['medID'], 'width_ext' => $iWidth + 2, 'width' => $iWidth, and in view_unit.html use __id__ instead of the static id you are using (in red)
so much to do.... |
open BxPhotosPageView.php at line 152 add 'id' => $this->aFileInfo['medID'], like
'pic' => $this->oSearch->getImgUrl($this->aFileInfo['Hash'], 'file'), 'id' => $this->aFileInfo['medID'], 'width_ext' => $iWidth + 2, 'width' => $iWidth, and in view_unit.html use __id__ instead of the static id you are using (in red)
Have you tested this?! I'm doing it now to see. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
IT WORK'S A huge thumbs up on this Prashank25 I can throw simple stuff around but have no schooling at all in php, just seft taught. Thanks a million buddy ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I am glad, i could help so much to do.... |
That's cool guys!! Can you post a summery or the full fix of what you did? Thanks. Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
change /boonex/modules/photos/templates/base/view_unit.html <div class="button_wrapper" style="width:100%; center; background-color:#CCFF66 margin: 0;" onclick="window.open('http://www.yoursite.com/m/photos/edit/__id__', '_blank', 'width=500,height=400,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no') "> <button class="form_input_submit" type="button"> <img alt="Edit" src="http://www.yoursite.com/templates/base/images/icons/edit.png"> Edit </button> </div><div style="width:100%; margin: 0;"><h4 align="center">Site Members, please use the <b>"edit"</b> button above to change the name of your image to what you want..</h4> </div> change /modules/boonex/photos/classes/BxPhotosPageView.php look for line 151 $aUnit = array( 'pic' => $this->oSearch->getImgUrl($this->aFileInfo['Hash'], 'file'), make it look this way (your adding 'id' => $this->aFileInfo['medID'],) $aUnit = array( 'pic' => $this->oSearch->getImgUrl($this->aFileInfo['Hash'], 'file'), 'id' => $this->aFileInfo['medID'], 'width_ext' => $iWidth + 2, 'width' => $iWidth, clear your cache ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
The button displays for site visitors (non-members). Some may want that but I would prefer that it be hidden for all but admins and the photo owner. http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
that does not matter to me, if a guest tries to edit, the get the usual "access denied" for as much as a problem this was causing my members, i could care less about it hidden or not , actually I think it will help I predict my users actually using this new feature ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
It's all good. I added it to my site for evaluation and even tweaked the layout so the button was next to the photo title... but in the end decided I didn't want to have yet another "access denied" link on my site. ;-) http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
That was a short evaluation.. lol I look at "access denied" as a site plus, when I see that elsewhere, I sign up... meaning, "curiosity killed the cat" "curiosity gained me another member" ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Good point... for some links "Access Denied" is a good teaser for people to sign up... but not for the option to edit someone's photo title... not in my view. http://pkforum.dolphinhelp.com |
Good point... for some links "Access Denied" is a good teaser for people to sign up... but not for the option to edit someone's photo title... not in my view. True, but this does STICK out when the members actually view the photo and think, "damn why didn't I change that to begin with." No one looks at the actions block, Dolphin to TOO busy as it is for the casual user, this let's non-members know that is just this easy to change the title. Maybe Prashank25 will enlighten me on how to hide this from guest and only show for members. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Looks good guys!!! I guess if we can't remove it then we better give a convenient solution for the users to edit the title and maybe then they'll get used to add the title in the actual upload of the photo. GOOD JOB!!! Thanks. Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
Okay i will post a solution in another thread because this thread is so longgggg. I don't like long thread....:) You want to hide it from guest and all users who don't own the photo. Am i right?
Good point... for some links "Access Denied" is a good teaser for people to sign up... but not for the option to edit someone's photo title... not in my view. True, but this does STICK out when the members actually view the photo and think, "damn why didn't I change that to begin with." No one looks at the actions block, Dolphin to TOO busy as it is for the casual user, this let's non-members know that is just this easy to change the title. Maybe Prashank25 will enlighten me on how to hide this from guest and only show for members.
so much to do.... |
I have posted a solution here http://www.boonex.com/forums/topic/Edit-button-on-photos-view-page-.htm so much to do.... |