I'm new to Dolphin 7 and I've managed to get it up and running with a few issues on the way.
I am running 7.0.9. and as a Joomla person, I was expecting to see an option to configure Tinymce
to add more functionality, I do not see anywhere to do this?
Also, I'm trying to embed a youtube video but it keeps stripping the code out.
There seems to be a few people selling MOD's but this should be possible to do without
having to purchase a MOD to do it???
Does anyone know how to add the extra options and stop the html code stripping?
I also tried to installed the newest version of Tinymce and renamed the plugin directory to .old but
Dolphin 7 seems to be still accessing the old version?
Any help would be appreciated. I'm looking to start doing video support for Dolphin 7 so everyone can
benefit from the issues that I had and explain in detail the "work arounds" once I master the issues that I
have with Dolphin 7.