TinyMCE language does not change?



When I use Chinese, TinyMCE language is still English, it does not change for the Chinese.

Does anyone know why TinyMCE language does not change?



Quote · 31 Oct 2015

I've noticed that TinyMCE language doesn't switch to Russian ('ru') on Boonex's own demo site, so I believe this qualifies as a bug... unless I'm missing something.


Topic moved to Bug Reports forum.


Until Boonex comes up with an official fix, give this a try:


Rename: /templates/base/scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php to BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php.original

Then upload the attached file in it's place, and see if the problem is corrected in your case. Keep in mind, that this is not intended to be a permanent fix.... only diagnostics.


Example of changes in attached file:

                        width: '100%',
                        height: '320',
			language: '{bx_var_lang}',

Added the code in red to TinyMCE init - 3 places


If it still doesn't work, it is possible that your Chinese language pack used a language code that does not match one of the Chinese language codes used by TinyMCE. There are two Chinese language codes used in the version of TinyMCE used in Dolphin 7.2.1  zh_TW  and zh_CN.  

BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php · 11.9K · 283 downloads
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 31 Oct 2015

Yes, it still doesn't work that according to your instructions. I do not know how to fix it.

Thank you all the same.

Quote · 2 Nov 2015


Yes, it still doesn't work that according to your instructions. I do not know how to fix it.

Thank you all the same.

 What is the language code used by the Chinese language pack you implemented?  It is important to know this. If you open the main language file of the Chinese language you installed, it will begin with something like this:


$LANG_INFO = array(
    'Name' => 'ru', 'Flag' => 'ru', 'Title' => 'Русский'

The above example is from the Russian language file.  I am interested in what this section of code  in your Chinese language file looks like... in particular, the name it is given, which I show highlighted in red.  Can you post this section of code from your file here? Do not post the entire file.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 2 Nov 2015

look at this https://www.boonex.com/forums/topic/change-calendar-and-editor-language.htm

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
Quote · 2 Nov 2015


look at this https://www.boonex.com/forums/topic/change-calendar-and-editor-language.htm

 I hadn't realized there was already an official Boonex fix.  I've attached the Boonex fix in this reply.

However, the previous BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php should have worked. Since it didn't, the Chinese language jackpot is using, must be using a language code that doesn't exist in TinyMCE, and as I stated previously, the two options for Chinese language in TinyMCE are 'zn_TW' and 'zn_CN' (I won't pretend to know the difference).

I believe previous versions of TinyMCE used the language code 'zn' for Chinese, and it is now gone.  That's why I wanted to know how the OP's language file was named.

BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php · 11.8K · 292 downloads
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 2 Nov 2015


look at this https://www.boonex.com/forums/topic/change-calendar-and-editor-language.htm

 It worked according to the link you gave.

Quote · 10 Nov 2015
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