It looks like BoonEx have washed their hands of this software, there is no back up at al, appart from one or two users who try to help others, they don't reply to direct enquiries, and too many part of the software don't work.
I always thought the whole point of software like this was to make life easier for those of us that are fairly novice at all this, after all, if we were coders, we would do our own.
There are not even any instructions on how to do some of the fairly basic things, I find it hard to understans why people would put all the effort into developing software only to then abandon it.
I've been trying to set it all up for days, and it seems unless you basically are willing accept the defaults, you are stuck as customising seems impossible.
And now, not only is the the AV not working (I know it needs RMS installing as the BoonEx RMS doesn't work), the chat doesn't even connect at all.
At my wits end, so think it's time to give up.
It doesn't help when simple questions go unanswered.
And under this user name a couple of days yes, not under a previous one.
And I have looked all over for instructions on how to link Predefined Values to a new action in Builder to no avail.
And it would seem somewhat false economy to pay for hosting that can run RMS (once installed) and then pay for RMS access with another.
I'm starting to get the feeling that most of the help and advice on here is only offered if there is a financial insentive.
Dear Funswing,
Sammie's right Bro! You're lack of knowledge is the problem and not the software. Version 6.1.4. will work fine if you know how to tweak it.
If you are serious about producing a quality community website my advice to you is "Hit The BOOKs!" - Community websites are complex animals which are not easily managed and Dolphin is no exception with over 1000 separate files in a variety of shapes and colors. Before you start thinking that the sky is falling I recommend that you purchase the HTML, XHTML, and CSS All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies by Andy Harris as a starting point - Also James Tadeo (One of the leading web developers around) has produced a 250 page Dolphin How-To book.
Sammie is also producing a Dolphin For Dummies book and she is one of the most helpful people in the community and you're lucky she has time to reach out to you.
Unless you are made of money and can hire a Web Manager then you need to be prepared to spend the equivalent of at least one college semester studying PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and XHTML.
Boonex hasn't washed their hands of their software but you shouldn't expect them to do it all. We are all WEB DEVELOPERS here including YOU and everyone has their part to play in the community.
Welcome Aboard!
All I've asked for is answers to some basic questions, I'm not asking for it to be done for me, just a litle advice, I've been to James' site, and I did find an answer or two, but not to the main one, linking Predefined Values.
Where there are instructions on how to do things, I will read it, I spent 8 hrs last night searching for answers and direction with no success, so I resorted to trial and error, again to no avail.
Aside from trying to use Builder to create profile options, I did nothing else to alter, but then this evening (UK time) I decided to take a look at chat, but it wouldn't load.
I'm not critisizing the software, it's the lack of support.
For example, the shared RMS not being available, nowhere is this made clear, so you think you are doing something wrong, it's only on looking through the forums that you get the idea it's not been available for months, so surely there should be an official anouncemrnt on the site wouldn't you think?
The lack of support leads to frustration, and it's certainly no incentive to even consider ever paying for the Ad Free license,
That sort of elitest arrogance really helps!
Hi Bro!
AWW GEEE! - Sorry if I seemed rough on you. You sound like a really cool guy.
I guess I don't really understand your basic problem - Linking Predefined Values - but the RMS thing is nothing new.
Even if the shared RMS is working it's usually so overloaded that your site is super slow.
You're experiencing the same horsecrap that we all did at the start but try not to dispair. I had lot's of mysterious problems with Dolphin and I went through two hosting companies until I found a working RMS server. Again, I think Sammie's right and you have a hosting problem. What she didn't tell you is that she and DosDawg are offering a hosting solution with excellent service. I'm sure she didn't want to come across with a commercial pitch.
I won't tell you who I'm using because it's too expensive but even though I don't use Sammie's service I recommend it because she and DosDawg really care about people. So maybe before you do anything else you should get the right server.
God Bless,
I'm actually discussing things with DosDawg just now, I realise my choice of host was a mistake (see one of my other posts).
But the issue I'm trying to fix at the moment is an admin one, not an hosting one.
I'm trying to link Predefind Values in bulder, to create further options in profile.
Hi funswing,
Thanks for visiting my site. I made a tutorial for predefined lists in my dolphin manual book. As a sampler, I've posted it at:
That might help you. The sample will give you some idea of how I am tackling the tutorials. One of my members is doing a PDF version of the original blog version of the manual. It's not exactly the same as the book version but it's a start.
I will be adding more tutorials when I have a more time. I just got back from a much needed break and catching up with what's been happening.
Updating my site. |
Thanks for that, but I know how to create the lists, what I don't know is how to link them to builder.
In the ready made options in builder they have live links to the lists, and it says you can link new activity items in the same way, but I can't work out how.
There are some default Predefined Lists that are not catered for in Builder, an I wish to create the new item and then link it, but I can't work out how.
Thanks for that, but I know how to create the lists, what I don't know is how to link them to builder.
In the ready made options in builder they have live links to the lists, and it says you can link new activity items in the same way, but I can't work out how.
There are some default Predefined Lists that are not catered for in Builder, an I wish to create the new item and then link it, but I can't work out how.
The last bit of that tutorial shows how to link your list to field builder. From field builder you can then assign the field block to your form. If you are trying to link a form in page builder then you will need to do that via code.
Updating my site. |
@ funswing
Just use the name of your predef list, using: #!ListName
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
It doesn't help when simple questions go unanswered.
And under this user name a couple of days yes, not under a previous one.
And I have looked all over for instructions on how to link Predefined Values to a new action in Builder to no avail.
And it would seem somewhat false economy to pay for hosting that can run RMS (once installed) and then pay for RMS access with another.
I'm starting to get the feeling that most of the help and advice on here is only offered if there is a financial insentive.
"It doesn't help when simple questions go unanswered."
question, "my dolphin site dont work, whats wrong?" (believe it or not this is ask just like that 30+ times on the forum)
#1 no reply
#2 "bump" usually by OP
#3 "anyone?" again by OP
#4 "can you give us information on whats wrong?" by member of boonex.
#5 "i dont know whats wrong, it dont work, thats why i'm asking whats wrong idiot" usually by OP
#6 "this software is a piece of shit, it dont work, and support dont reply to my emails" by OP
a very simple question and 100's just like it posted on these forums.
you can not ask a simple question and expect a simple answer with something so complex as Dolphin.
you need to help us to help you. ask a question so it tells us what you are trying to do with as much info as you can, something like:
i want a php block on the profile page that used the location field in the predefined values, to do this so it looks like this on the profiles.
this helps us to understand what you are trying to do so we can give you the best solution, sometimes it needs a php code change and or an sql injection to get what you want. if you help us to help you, then you get better results, someone like MrP or OKWEB would most likely pop in and post a post of code changes and whatever is needed and keep returning until you get what you wanted done, done.
if the experts are not about, then someone thats not a programmer or expert may remember having the same problem last year and post links to the threads that helped them to solve your problem. enabling them to feel please because they helped someone solve a problem.
"And under this user name a couple of days yes, not under a previous one."
this suggests you have pissed people off before and they refused to help, so a name change and different tact was needed.
"And it would seem somewhat false economy to pay for hosting that can run RMS (once installed) and then pay for RMS access with another."
you are being asked for $50 by hostforweb to install Tomcat on your VPS when Dolphin does not need Tomcat to run. sounds like your host is in for a few bucks from you.
"I'm starting to get the feeling that most of the help and advice on here is only offered if there is a financial insentive."
you asked me to install the RMS and JRE for you, in pm, my reply was:
"i cant sorry, i really do not get involved with anything to do with hostforweb. if you just need RMS access, why not just buy it from someone that provides RMS access?"
i do not get involved with anything to do with hostforweb members because hostforweb is the most hacked dolphin hosting provider there is, and boonex staff and experts have been openly accused of hacking someones hostforweb account because it was hacked within a month of the experts helping out the member and being the only one that was given the cpanel login, it had to be them that hacked the account.
sorry i wont stake my reputation on being accused of shit like that because of your hosting provider, not because i want paying. you can forward me $500 to install the RMS. i will just refund it and wont install it, because i value my honesty and reputatuion more than anything.
I haven't paid HFW to install anything.
Thank you MichelSwiss for a simple answer to a simple question.
James. thanks but I didn't see it.
@ funswing
Just use the name of your predef list, using: #!ListName
MichelSwiss What box does it go in?
I put it in possible values and all that showed up was #BodyType as an option, on the ready made buttons in that area it shows a live link to the Predifined Values, but I can't get it to do that with new button
You have to login and scroll down. The answer is there. It gives you a 7 screen captures step-by-step. But you have to login.
I've implemented a member login because member's like this guy keep stealing my content and claiming it on their site. I've yet to receive a reply from them regarding my request for them to cease and desist. They just ignored me. The member login is not fool proof but it at least makes it less convenient.
It's disappointing as I've provided free tutorials and mods for the past couple of years. My free mods are also being distributed and sold. The dolphin manual I wrote in blog format also got scammed.
Pretty crazy sometimes. It's like the wild west! lol...sip...
Updating my site. |
After having created your own predef list, go to Builders - Fields Builder. Create a New Item and you can type your predef list name with #! before in the field Possible Values, tab Advanced.
Maybe you will have to close your New Item box and open it again to complete the needed infos...
As for me everything is working fine using IE7 but I heard that some need to use Firefox while working with builders...
And yes, you are right... Your #!ListName will be replaced with a live link.
I'm sure of that you will find a good video tutorial here: ;-)
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Use the search button and read. This is so basic.
Holy f*ck. You are being handed the answer on a silver platter and you still can't get it. Look how long it's taken 4 people to help you.
It looks like mr swiss knows how to read. good boy. |
driveby Sarcasm doesn't help and just makes you look like an ignorant idiot, go and play elsewhere, some of us are trying to get work done..
I did exactly as stated, and had infact already tried that as part of my trial and error (last night), but it will not work, when the field is displayed on the site, in the options (drop down) I get #BodyType not the actual values that are predefined.
jtadeo I registered on your site last night, and went right through the guide, i even posted the question on linking the list.
driveby Sarcasm doesn't help and just makes you look like an ignorant idiot, go and play elsewhere, some of us are trying to get work done..
I did exactly as stated, and had infact already tried that as part of my trial and error (last night), but it will not work, when the field is displayed on the site, in the options (drop down) I get #BodyType not the actual values that are predefined.
jtadeo I registered on your site last night, and went right through the guide, i even posted the question on linking the list.
You have #BodyType
It should be #!BodyType
Then it will work.
Cheers guys, got there in the end, but it looks like i'm probably moving hosts, so these won't matter right now, but they certainly will soon.  |
Right, couple more Q's (for now).
How do you delete a predefined list heading?
Why is it, if you add to or create a new list, and you use the existing format oh __Large for example, does it show up like that on the site yet the existing defualt entries don't?
I know the solution is not to use underscores at the beginning in new lists or entries to defualt lists, it just seems a bit odd.
Intersting situation to say the least but with DosDawg and Sammie in your corner you can"t go wrong!! |
I'M TELLIN' YA DUDE! It's not not just getting your questions answered but it's discovering that you are among friends. I love the Dolphin community and so will you in short order.
Patience is the key!