If I go to my mailbox, the time of messages shows correctly: month/day/time. But when I go into the message, the time shows as day/month/time. I have all settings under variables to show as m/d/time.
Short Date Format(for code):m.d.Y
Long Date Format(for code):m.d.Y H:i
Short Date Format(for database):%m.%d.%Y
Long Date Format(for database):%m.%d.%Y %H:%i
PHP date format: F j, Y
The time on the mailbox is using Long Date Format(for database), but the time in the message itself, I don't know where that's being pulled form. I changed the seperators from (.) to dashes. It's still showing the seperator as periods in the mail message itself, and doesn't seem to be pulling from ANY of those time settings under variables.
The template is using __date_create__ in mail_box_view_message.html The template mail_box.html uses __date__, so I tried to replace that in mail_box_view_message.html, and it shows as just that, __date__, rather than show the time and date.
So how can this be happening? Can anyone confirm the same with their Dolphin? I have 7.0.9