This is why Style Sheets was trashed in 1998.


While nearly everyone that supports using Cascading Style Sheets has probably only been coding for a few years and think it's a new language it is not. It was first seen in 1996, and then replaced by HTML in 1998. Web developer gurus tried to lock CSS in a time capsule, bury it as deep as they could, and throw away the key and hoped to forget it ever existed. Because of things like this that are fairly difficult to fix so it's the same in every browser to every user. CSS is buggy, causes a lot more work and files that need to be created and it's not reliable among another thousand+ reasons as to why it was replaced, and therefore should only be used unless there is absolutely no other way. This example can be done, and fixed, with tables and be locked in place so it's the same in every browser, to every user.

This is not due to my screen or my display settings, it is a well known issue with CSS that can't be fixed with more CSS so it works and displays way it's intended flawlessly....unless you replace the CSS with HTML the experts did 14 or so years ago.

It's like a boat (the site) full of rocks (css) and by using more CSS to try and fix it you're basically saying "Crap! It's sinking! Throw more rocks in it!"! Use a better boat.

Right, this is probably an Orca issue. So maybe the question at hand is why Boonex developers used very shotty forum portal that's known to suck instead of the most common and widely used phpbb.

A fix and update patch is in order.

If I need to go to orca to bring it to their attention, will do. In that case I apologize for telling you about it.

19 Dec 2011

CSS Replaced. LOL. Sorry. But i have to disagree with you. CSS is becoming the standard and in fact, tables as you mentioned is how i do most of my stuff because i am old school and have been doing this for years and hate to change what i know works, but tables are being elimited by most web developers so i do not know where you are getting your information, but it is inaccurate.

Anyhow i am not going to get into an argument about the use of CSS.

Orca. Well perhaps you are not aware that orca used to be a standalone forum package from boonex. It no longer is of course, they integrated it into dolphin. It is however a poor integration. They should have either integrated something else or started from scratch.
19 Dec 2011

Moved. Unity does not use Dolphin, it uses its own codebase.  It should be using Dolphin in the next major release.


The problem here is the number of redesigns this site has gone through over the years.  That page isn't viewed as often as it used to be, so it seems the developers missed it.  Nothing a quick CSS edit won't fix.


Also, tables are meant for tabular data.  The layout of a page is not tabular data, and should not use a table.  It may make displaying the page easier in NetPositive, but it's not proper.  I'm also not going to enter an argument over CSS, because I would like to keep my face intact, and my desk dent-free.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
19 Dec 2011

Reported by accident! I saw "rep" and clicked, thought it was reply. Sorry!

anyway...oh gawd. Ya. Throw more rocks at it. LOL

Go look at the history of CSS, bub. It is fact.

I'm not arguing about it. Just fix it.

Bug reported.

19 Dec 2011


Go look at the history of CSS, bub. It is fact.

 I have.
19 Dec 2011

I thought everyone hated tables. I know everywhere you look everyone is always bragging about "table-less" or "table-free" html.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
19 Dec 2011


I thought everyone hated tables. I know everywhere you look everyone is always bragging about "table-less" or "table-free" html.

I don't hate tables.  I use them for tabular data, which is what tables should be used for.  I don't like when people use them for layouts, because that's a bad habbit from the past.  It's easier to create a layout with tables, but it's far from elegant, and can quickly become a pain in the arse to maintain (imagine all those layers-upon-layers of tables to create a navigation menu).


NetPositive and Opera 3.2 are no longer current browsers.  The web has moved forward, and CSS has made it easier to make sites look and behave the way we want them to (would you honestly prefer to declare <font> whenever you want to change the font on the page, or specifying properties again and again when specifying a class is so much easier?).  The only reason someone would be suggesting we all move back to tables is because they are either a troll, or someone who learned basic HTML and are too lazy to learn anything more.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
19 Dec 2011

I use lots of css and i never got any big problem with it. It looks the way i want and can't use tables or html for styling the page its not even possible everywhere. I will continue to use css...........Laughing

so much to do....
19 Dec 2011

You lost all credibility when you cited W3Schools.


Edit:  For those who don't know:

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
19 Dec 2011

That's it.  You're obviously a troll.  Topic locked.


Edit:  His posts were deleted.  I won't repeat them to save him from further embarrassment.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
19 Dec 2011
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.