Your site keeps making me sign in over and over when it comes to looking at my profile and things pertaining to it. This has been going on since my first Dolphin license. So I quit and close the sign out window and it shows me my profile but will not let me navigate in anything but the forums.... Most of the time.
I also have a ticket out that I could use an answer to but I don't know if these issues are preventing you from seeing it. (Sorry if this is posted in 2 diff locations. I figured out that this might be the better place for this... Deleted the other.... Received warning that I had no authority but found it gone any way.)
Please check if your browser clears cookies upon browser closing, it maybe some additional extension or browser setting. Rules → |
Hi AlexT,
I constantly clean out my browsers cache of cookies and all history and even my computer, especially while I am working on my site. I have even switched browsers as I have three. It isn't my end. But thank you as that is the most logical first step.
If you constantly clear your browser cookies, how do you expect to remain logged in? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
LOL I'm not that fast at it. |
I come on the site constantly using IE, Chrome and Firefox and have never had this problem. Are you surrrrrreeeeeeeeee it isn't on your end :-) BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I've always had the same sort of issue. (not with their demo site since I don't go there much). There's a fix on the site somewhere. Complaining about it always falls on deaf ears around here.
I also noticed it happening on my tests of the new 7.1 that I've installed on one of my servers. Here's another one. Open an album with 20 or more images, then click through them one at a time. At some point, it will log you out and your access vanishes.
I'll see if I can find it for you. Most of us have just gotten used to it. ... Hosted by! |
The only thing I have noticed about in the last several months, is that if I leave the forum page open in a browser tab and ignore it while using other tabs, my login expires. Refreshing the page doesn't help, but visiting some other page like my account page, restores my login. Navigating back to the forum pages, and everything's OK.
My login expires ONLY when the browser is open on any one of the forum pages. It does not happen it the browser is open on any other pages of the site. I have become used to this,and not mentioned it before now. I can only say that it happens in FF, because I never use IE. Perhaps there's a problem with that "keep me signed in for a week" thing on the login form conveying to the forum pages.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
It happens lot to me on the forums. I get logged out after sometime and occasionally when i click post and type my message and hit the submit button it says i am not logged in and discard everything. Thats really piss me cuz i have to type again. From some time i copy the message before hitting submit. I am so scared . To login again i just need to go to my account page and i am logged back in. And i use chrome.
I am copying this also before posting :P
so much to do.... |
@mscott.... the only way that it could be on my end is that it could be due to my having to clean out my browsers and computer caches so much while working in Dolphin 7.0.9 (So no.... but that still wouldn't be considered on my end) Or it being a browser issue but I can't see Firefox, Google and Safari all having the same issues.... still would not be on my end.
@SkyForum and houstonlively... yes those issues are pretty much every day issues, mostly but not always due to connectivity issues in an isp. (I don't have any members yet so I wouldn't be able to check an album that large.)
And... Oh yeah... back to SkyForum.... It was more like I was mentioning the issue. I've been dealing with it all of this time. It's workable but irritating.
@Prashank25... my issue seems to be the opposite of yours... how funny. I hit enter to sign in, it just keeps refreshing me to sign in again. I give up after two or three times and close the box to move on to another page in the forum and I am signed in already. No real problems with the forum after that but it takes a bit more of the back and forth, push and shove to access my profile pages and info.
Thanks for the input guys....
Same thing happens to me, I have to go to account to login before I can post in the forums.
Sign in is working... Thank you ") |