probably someone launched a DDOS attacking worm on the net all pointing to to shut it down..
disgruntalled users having to put up with non operational webcode and rms.. My guess...
oh well.. qwhy don't you ask the anti virus people to find it and kill it.. after all it is attacking your website..
and automation is such a pain in the butt these days..
and the nice part about it.. the work can infect windows systems with the DDOS warhead,. I always thought you buggers said linux was secure and fool proof.. obviously not for the past week or so.. hope you fix your system soon... like you ifx your webwarez. heheheh |
Do you honestly think someone unable to get to grips with Dolphin code would be savvy enough to instigate sustained repeated DDOS attacks on Boonex that kept it down for 12hr periods, sometimes longer? |
Dude go get bent over. you dont like the software dont use it. Go use wordpress or something. and maybe if your not a cheap prick and stop trying to host dolphin from your moms basement it might actually work the way it should for you. - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Do you honestly think someone unable to get to grips with Dolphin code would be savvy enough to instigate sustained repeated DDOS attacks on Boonex that kept it down for 12hr periods, sometimes longer?
Someone is. It's not a random attack and is directed at their servers. It only has to do with the level of activity and the perceived income from the site. The blackmail attempt tells all. It is only someone trying to squeeze Boonex for a few bucks and has nothing to do with the code or the product.
The worst thing Boonex could do is pay. Like everyone else, hackers (aka dick rubbers) needs to have a return on their investment. At some point, they will decide this target is a dead fish and move onto someone else. ... Hosted by! |
My reply was to the original poster's comment, "disgruntalled users having to put up with non operational webcode and rms.. My guess...". |
RoaringBizz, you seem to take a large amount of pleasure in the illegal activities of other people - which, by the way, adversely affect us all. I find it very interesting. |
Maybe RoaringBizzz is smarter than we think? maybe Roaringbizzz is personally responsible for the attacks on Boonex. It would make sense, he is always making statements that Boonex is violating his rights and such.... ... Hosted by! |
you know i am sick of faulty websoftware from boonex. avert 7 version and many sub versions...
they charge 900 and up for the full deal..
and force you to use their webhosting services as they refuse to put full disclosure on hosting configurations.
i am happy if someone wrote that virus...
one word of advice.. fi they go through the code and find the SPY address and the VERIFICATION address and add it to the DDOS worm it will shut down every single dolphin site on the planet.. think about that...
further more a small mod to DDOS with a buffer overrun to the intertuction pointer allows small machine code to make bios calls and do the following...
wirte not one but twice to both directory track sector clusters renedering all drives UNFORMATABLE. and another little machine code to write 0's to the file link SECTORS makes it impossible to even rebuild the fiels on the drive no matter how much your spend..
fuck with the best.. die like the rest..
and no i didn't do it.. buit i know people that hate your stupid non working code so much when they pay mega dollars to have a fully functional website to make money off of.. so all you little people that like to BElittle other people that know way more than you do about computer programming (not networks) shut your bloddy mouths. when people ask for help do you best to help them.. don't constantly put them down.. makes you look like really big people.. losers..
I am totally pissed off. you know nothing. and bios runs all operating systems so does machine langauge.. it's your stupidity to buy an intel
Congratulations, roaringbizzz, you've managed to show all the world with a single topic that you are the most clueless, moronic person here. I'm getting tired of you. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I think a lot are getting tired of him. Why not spend all the time you spend here bitching, on making sure your intelligence keeps your site up and running all by yourself..rofl wow what a guy, bet your mom is so proud of you! You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress. |
Congratulations, roaringbizzz, you've managed to show all the world with a single topic that you are the most clueless, moronic person here. I'm getting tired of you.
Yeah... me too. What this site needs, is an ignore feature that actually works. I'd like to be able to add a person to my ignore list, and have all content they have posted, disappear from view.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
And....apparently, this guy's been working with Dolphin for at least 1107 days now. I would have thought he would have learned something by now, but his learning curve seems to be working in reverse.
His other account:
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
And....apparently, this guy's been working with Dolphin for at least 1107 days now. I would have thought he would have learned something by now, but his learning curve seems to be working in reverse.
His other account:
Phillip John Jatzek - a muso!
Everything is clear now
| 154321 new members this year 4 new members in the past two weeks
5 videos 3 ads 8 files 1 sites 4 discussions 1 events 2 groups
...and yet 125035 photos.
half of my users gets stopped by a 0 bytes recieved by apache server that does not call php code so they can view the website.. I hired some idiot off rentacoder for 50 bucks and what a waste of money. most of my server work has been done in the last 5 days. every sorta fixed your stupid video comment and vide recording problem.. don't dis low level programmers and electronic tecks.. they can be really evil when they want to be.
stick to interpeted coding scripts. like all wanna be programmers do best...
me myself.. I hate learning someone elses scribble of how things should be.. I perfer exectness.. like machine code bios and api.
If you are so against Dolphin, why are you here? You seem to think you are great at programming so why not create your own script and make a load of money selling it to others? Either that or just spend a small amount to have your site hosted professionally and not from a home server. |
when someoen asks for help with misconfiguration or faulty software all i get are you pencil neck geeks throwing dis sgots at me.. grow up.. quit acting like you are 4 years old and still pissing your pants.. this is definately not an elite messge base with so many losers putting people down.. maybe you are all just stupid and don't know the answers or are all just assholes that refuse to give answers.. we'll leave the entire forum for new people to read.. and watch it i am a vindictive bastard and you have a name and a website. |
Well I guess that's one way to talk to people on here. And you're surprised you've had no help? :) Bye. |
Skype: shawn.nelson |
Nothing to see here |
when someoen asks for help with misconfiguration or faulty software all i get are you pencil neck geeks throwing dis sgots at me.. grow up.. quit acting like you are 4 years old and still pissing your pants.. this is definately not an elite messge base with so many losers putting people down.. maybe you are all just stupid and don't know the answers or are all just assholes that refuse to give answers.. we'll leave the entire forum for new people to read.. and watch it i am a vindictive bastard and you have a name and a website.
I recall you getting a lot of help (even from me) in the past, but your constant attitude and refusal to accept problems as being your own has made people stop bothering with you and your drama club-grade topics.
I see no reason to help someone who's knowingly running this script without meeting the requirements- not for this script, but for hosting a site in general. I remember you constantly blaming this script for latency issues, when the problem was your home broadband connection/bandwidth provider, who must have thrown you to the curb, because you immediately switched to another home broadband provider (and I don't even know if you're using broadband, as you are remarkably cheap). Your site may be loading faster, but you're still cutting corners just to save a quick buck.
If the reason why you refuse to pay for professional hosting is due to paranoia- the irrational fear that someone at the hosting company will decide to single you out from thousands of customers and do harm unto you-, that's your problem. I don't really have a problem with people hosting themselves, but they should at least have the know-how and a proper setup, which you completely lack.
And here you are, blasting your mouth off about things you don't even have the basic understanding of. Half of the garbage you wrote here sounds like it came from the script for an episode of CSI.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
.........and some were blaming the Chinese for recent attacks. Of course I have solid evidence that it's the Uranians (after figuring out the Martians were busy those days) but if I told you what I know I would have to put you on a rocket and send you to Mercury |
roaringbizzz suspended for 48 hours.
Comment: You have made a lot of false statements, and many would be happy to discuss those, but your tone and tendency to attack is not tolerable. We hope to see you back in 48 hours ready to discuss, not fight.
Heart Head Hands |
roaringbizzz suspended for 48 hours.
Comment: You have made a lot of false statements, and many would be happy to discuss those, but your tone and tendency to attack is not tolerable. We hope to see you back in 48 hours ready to discuss, not fight.
That won't do any good. He'll just use his other account.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
You don't mean this other profile do you? |
You don't mean this other profile do you?
That's the one I mentioned above.
I think this guy is a plant by a Boonex competitor, sent here to be as annoying as possible.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I recall him saying that he couldn't recover his original account, or something like that. It doesn't seem to have been used in a long time, but it shouldn't be allowed to remain. I've sent a message to AlexT requesting the original account be closed. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Both accounts are now suspended permanently. The user came up with a bunch of ridiculous threats that are enough to justify the ban. Heart Head Hands |
Nothing to see here |
I second the nomination of Andrew Boon for rocking.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I think you should have let him stay. Who we gonna use for a whipping boy now? ... Hosted by! |