I've added Video Gallery Block to the homepage. The alignment of Google Adsense(only the bottom one) & Footer is out since then. This only happened at the homepage, the rest of the pages are OK.
My site is www.anydude.com. Anyone can help? I've tried to adjust the width of the homepage but to no avail...
I can't see the problem actually.
The homepage looks the same as the rest to me.
hi RumpyBumpy, are you using IE7 or FireFox? My friends are seeing the same thing like me. I've tried to adjust the width & took out some block from the Homepage but didn't help. The rest of the pages are ok though... |
Did you put the adsense code in with your admin panel with something like the banner manager/feature? Or did you insert the code into the _footer.html or other html page? Also you might like to use the <center>google code here</center> to center it in the footer. This is a matter of preference but just a thought. DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
actually I put the Google Adsense code into the banner at admin panel & Alexa code in footer.php file & both were working fine since few weeks back until this morning I added 1 html block into the homepage & then removed it after a short while. If you guys see other pages, you would noticed that they are working fine at other pages except homepage.
I'd just tried to insert the <center> code but didn't help either. I think the alignment of my homepage is a bit "out" now but I've no idea how to fix it. I adjusted the width & even tried to removed some blocks but just didn't help..
my problem still not solved yet. Anyone can help, please?
And, I noticed that when my site is viewed by using IE6, all the Homepage blocks are displayed in one column instead of 2 columns. Anyone can advise can to fix it? Thanks!
Use the <center></center> tags in your admin banner code. Otherwise edit or do the same to /templates/yourtemplate/_footer.html first removing the banner code from you admin panel if this is the route you end up going. DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
I've tried all the suggestions but still couldn't solve my problem. I had written & sent reminder twice to Boonex support but only received their auto reply. And, they have not logged in to Skype for at least 2 weeks. Who can help me please? |
Your google adsense footer looks centered for me in firefox 3x. I am thinking this is what you were after correct? If there is still something messed up or you are shooting for in particular let us know. But your footer is centered which is what this post seems to be after. There is some other counter thing or other below that that kind of makes it look not so pretty, but not bad either, I've seen much worse.
But your whole site is a little out of whack with ie6. I don't have ie7 due to some vulnerabilities and plain old don't like it. I think they need some work on ie7 yet. Anyway... So I can't say how it looks in ie7.
DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
I have check this site with IE7 and the google adsence is lined right outsite te frontpage... Kids first |
Yes, if viewing by IE6, my site would display in one column instead of 2 columns. It looks awful, i know that. But I've not solution how to solve it.
As for FireFox, when I view it from my laptop, the alignment of footer & google adsense is totally out, but strange enough it's absolutely alright when I view it from PC. I don't know why behave like this?
And, for IE7, the alignment is totally out when I view it with both laptop & PC.
I had already reported to boonex support staff 2 weeks ago but no reply . I've been trying to "catch" those support staff on Skype but no luck so far. I think they've not been online for at least 2 weeks. Too busy woth their projects I guess..
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Looks like your stacking without proper breaks in the pieces "ads" you are stacking. If you don't break properly then you run the risk of a default CSS settings which it looks like you have. Since I see alot of messy code I don't feel like cleaning...I would say your issue is directly related to the default 100% width just above this block of code in the orginal view source file. Which is connected to CSS Style Varibales via the _footer.html???
Best advice. Remove all the "added code" returner footer back to normal and reinsert that ad-code properly breaking it into there own sections.
Thanks for the help. The only code i've added is the Alexa code. I've added Google Adsense in Admin Banner so I don't think there's a need to remove it. I'll try to remove Alexa code tonight & see if it helps. |
i removed both Alexa code & Google Adsense but didn't help. I've just re-installed back both Alexa code & Google Adsense.
If Alexa code & Google Adsense was the root cause, then why other pages are not being affected? This problem occured when I created & inserted a HTML Block & then removed it from Homepage.
Try removing those 2 banners/pictures from promo block. Their size is 800 width each? Clear your promo block and hit refresh few times and see it that helps.
If you pay attention, there is a scroll bar on the bottom for the width. Its the way off the size of your template size. I dont see anything else but those 2 banners you placed in your promo section.
Try removing those 2 banners/pictures from promo block. Their size is 800 width each? Clear your promo block and hit refresh few times and see it that helps.
If you pay attention, there is a scroll bar on the bottom for the width. Its the way off the size of your template size. I dont see anything else but those 2 banners you placed in your promo section.
I've tried to remove & refreshed a few times, But didn't help either....