Technical Support for Nanbargal Community

We are here to help you for any technical queries

Quote · 24 Jul 2013

I've purchased and am enjoying the template, but have a question: Is it possible to disable (delete) all social shares above the menu? Where would I find that? Thank you!

You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.. although it does work the other way around!
Quote · 29 Nov 2013


I've purchased and am enjoying the template, but have a question: Is it possible to disable (delete) all social shares above the menu? Where would I find that? Thank you!

 Yes, but you will need to edit a file, please make backups of the file before your edit!!!

open /templates/tmpl_nanbargal-community/css/custom.css

There you will scroll to line 156 and see,






.social_icon ul




.social_icon li







margin:0 0 0 5px;



.social_icon li:first-child




.social_icon li a






-webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;

-moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;

-o-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;

-ms-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;



.social_icon li a:hover


background-position:0 0 !important;


.social_icon li.facebook a


background:url(../images/fa-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon a


background:url(../images/f-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon a


background:url(../images/g-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;



.social_icon li.linketn a


background:url(../images/l-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon li.pintrest a


background:url(../images/p-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon li.twiiter a


background:url(../images/t-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon a


background:url(../images/y-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon li.rssico a


background:url(../images/icon_rss.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon li.tumblr a


background:url(../images/icon_tumbler.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon li.digg a


background:url(../images/icon_digg.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;



What you need to do is either delete all of that, or "comment" it out like this. See the /* just add that where I have and that will remove all of the icons.






.social_icon ul




.social_icon li







margin:0 0 0 5px;



.social_icon li:first-child




.social_icon li a






-webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;

-moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;

-o-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;

-ms-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;



.social_icon li a:hover


background-position:0 0 !important;


.social_icon li.facebook a


background:url(../images/fa-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon a


background:url(../images/f-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon a


background:url(../images/g-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;



.social_icon li.linketn a


background:url(../images/l-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon li.pintrest a


background:url(../images/p-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon li.twiiter a


background:url(../images/t-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon a


background:url(../images/y-icon.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon li.rssico a


background:url(../images/icon_rss.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon li.tumblr a


background:url(../images/icon_tumbler.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.social_icon li.digg a


background:url(../images/icon_digg.png) no-repeat scroll 0 -20px;


.. I have a client with that template.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 29 Nov 2013

Hello, I hope you can help me with the following:-

1) how can I adjust menu width without it looking wrong and can I adjust the actual page sizes to suit requirements?

2) how would I add other stuff like banner etc in the empty space below the site menu / navigation ?

3) when choosing to show status or header in advanced settings > 'Member brief info', the details do not have character limit and looks bad in blocks showing members on pages

4) things like outline cause empty white space when adjusting column sizes.

5) there seems to be some padding / margin issues with different things like search block and other blocks when adjusting column sizes ..

6) is there away to have font previews as it's a real pain having to pick from and check each time until the perfect ones are found ?


I will upload some screenshots below of what I think are some issues also ... -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
Quote · 5 Dec 2013

seems wrong:-


when adjusting column sizes >> blocks and also outline have a lot of space and are not filled in etc, there also seems to be bad padding issues with blocks when adjusting columns:


no character limit for details causing things to look messy and all over place at times: -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
Quote · 5 Dec 2013


I purchased the Nanbargal theme a while back but would like to make a change to it, just don’t know exactly how to accomplish this. I sent you a mail to your back on November 13 but never did get a response. Hope this way I can. I would like to be able to move the searchblock div above the submenu_whole div in the layout, but I’m not sure what code to manipulate to make that happen. See attached picture for further understanding.



Can you tell me what file/code to switch to make that happen?

move-section.jpg · 150.2K · 655 views
Quote · 12 Dec 2013

I sent a message to them on their Skype account when they came online just a few minutes ago..

[11:02:32 AM] Michael Newton: Hello, please help with this about your template>

No way to ignore that I would think...

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 16 Dec 2013

Their Skype is 


ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 16 Dec 2013


ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 18 Dec 2013

Hello Newton,

We are really sorry to hear that we are very slow. But we respond to our clients immediately.

We responded to "copelandc2002" issue within few minutes of him posting his issue via boonex private message.

I have given the screenshot for your reference. we give utmost importance to our customers. We would appreciate if you could change the perception about our company.

If you have any more queries please let us know, so that we would clarify it ASAP.


messagelink.png · 221.2K · 1352 views
Quote · 19 Dec 2013


have given the screenshot for your reference. we give utmost importance to our customers. We would appreciate if you could change the perception about our company.

 Be glad to have a moderator change the comment, ask them not me.

You should have posted the info here or at least said you responded, its how it works here.

That is not the only person that is asking questions. I have not asked any. 

What I did do was answer your question from a member 19 days ago that you never responded to.

If you want to change the image of your company, better and faster support is recommended.

Also remove my website from your demo page as I requested long ago, you never asked to use it.

What gives your company the rights to use our websites as demos on your website?

Never in your free templates did it mention you would plaster our websites all over the internet.

(If I need to pull up the emails and messages to your website I can.)

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 19 Dec 2013

Hello Newton,

We really apologize for the inconvenience. We would remove your website from our portfolio immediately.

Please let me know the name of the website

Thank you

Quote · 19 Dec 2013


Hello Newton,

We really apologize for the inconvenience. We would remove your website from our portfolio immediately.

Please let me know the name of the website

Thank you

 I have sent the website URL via PM.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 19 Dec 2013


I have given the screenshot for your reference. we give utmost importance to our customers. We would appreciate if you could change the perception about our company.

 Thanks BSETec, as per your request and mine, our moderator here at BoonEx has corrected my post.

Thanks for the personal reply's, we need your responses here too, there are many aspects of your templates that need more explaining on how to fix or how the columns are displayed when the bootstrap is active. 

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 21 Dec 2013

Hello Newton,

Thank you. Hereafter we will update our comments in forum.

Quote · 21 Dec 2013

Hello BSETEC, one further question: is there a way (or are there plans or if you can tell me how) to get tinynav working here on the menu when responsive like it does on the hope4life template? Currently, when viewed on a smaller screen the nav and everything is simply moved above the main content, but it still shows the full nav instead of a dropdown/bootstrap style like the hope4life template. Is there an easy way to get this template to do the same?



Quote · 18 Feb 2014

Just bumping to see if you've had a chance to look at this since I hadn't heard anything

Hello BSETEC, one further question: is there a way (or are there plans or if you can tell me how) to get tinynav working here on the menu when responsive like it does on the hope4life template? Currently, when viewed on a smaller screen the nav and everything is simply moved above the main content, but it still shows the full nav instead of a dropdown/bootstrap style like the hope4life template. Is there an easy way to get this template to do the same?




Quote · 20 Feb 2014

I posted this question to them also. I haven't heard from them only the answer we will look into it.
Now I am doing it myself as I am tired of waiting...

Just bumping to see if you've had a chance to look at this since I hadn't heard anything

Hello BSETEC, one further question: is there a way (or are there plans or if you can tell me how) to get tinynav working here on the menu when responsive like it does on the hope4life template? Currently, when viewed on a smaller screen the nav and everything is simply moved above the main content, but it still shows the full nav instead of a dropdown/bootstrap style like the hope4life template. Is there an easy way to get this template to do the same?





Quote · 17 Mar 2014

I asked many months ago and you said it would be done the next day but still nothing ?!

I asked about being able to have the page full width and being able to adjust navigation and column sizes via page builders ...

Any idea when you will be doing this please ? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
Quote · 3 Apr 2014

there is also a issue with 'member menu' ....

when placed at top of site is causes issues with logo and forces logo down leaving a lot of white space ? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
Quote · 3 Apr 2014

After our chat on Skype yesterday; will you be sorting the template out please ? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
Quote · 4 Apr 2014

Out of curiosity, was it ever determined if you could change the left menu size/width, and also add an ad underneath it? I am interested in buying the theme, but if I can't do that, I think I will pass.

I wish there was an option to have this menu on the top. I am guessing no? 

I've had some bad experiences here, and don't want to shell out more money, to someone who seems legit, only to find out after the fact they barely speak english, and don't care to help me once I paypal them the money.

Any experience feedback here is appreciated. 

Quote · 13 Aug 2014


Out of curiosity, was it ever determined if you could change the left menu size/width, and also add an ad underneath it? I am interested in buying the theme, but if I can't do that, I think I will pass.

 From working with clients that have it...

  • the ads under the left column is simple by adding three columns to the page, number one column will shift under it
  • the width can be change but it depends on the size the user is seeing it, responsive makes it four settings (I think) each column has it's independent size setting
  • changing that will affect profile photos if they are placed in the third or menu column

I hope that was explained right, it's late here.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 13 Aug 2014

Please Bsetec, this problem was reported in December 2013 détective08, I just bought this theme and the problem is still not resolved a year later. Can I expect a solution?

Spaces and "-" pose problems !

28-11-14 04-09-44.png · 397.4K · 980 views
Quote · 28 Nov 2014

I "ve tried the solution proposed by Newton27 but the menu was fairly low down" one line per link "invisible but clickable.

So just in _sub_header.html remove this line, and everything is in order. If it helps someone ...

<bx_include_auto:_header.html />
<bx_injection:injection_bsecolor />
    <bx_injection:banner_left />
    <bx_injection:banner_right />
    <div class="container containerback">
    <div class="row">
    <div class="span3 left_block">
    <bx_injection:injection_bsesocialshare />
    <div class="sys_main_logo">
        <div class="sys_ml">
            <div class="sys_ml_wrapper">
                <div class="logo">

I've purchased and am enjoying the template, but have a question: Is it possible to disable (delete) all social shares above the menu? Where would I find that? Thank you!


Quote · 28 Nov 2014

From the lack of responses from the dev's about the same old problems, Im going to pass.

Ultra Newb reporting for duty.
Quote · 29 Nov 2014

To fix "browse member page" issue remove the following css code from custom.css file.
Custom.css file located in templates/tmpl_nanbargal-community/css/custom.css from dolphin root

Custom.css File line no : 933
    padding:5px 0 0;
Custom.css File line no : 914
div.thumbnail_block_with_info {
    height: auto;
    width: 54px;

Add the following css code in custom.css file

.featured_blocks div.thumbnail_block_with_info {

Quote · 29 Nov 2014


Perfect, thank you for your quick response.

Quote · 29 Nov 2014

Is it possible to make this template 4 columns as i'm using evowall mod.


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Quote · 15 Mar 2015

How do you get That widget Play with style that show on the right of the screen in the demo template ?

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Quote · 18 Mar 2015

How do you make the logo colors changes in nanrbangal community template !

I made four logos with different colors but nothing happen !

can i get a help here !

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Quote · 25 Mar 2015

Those guys they respond oonly if $$$ involve !

Proud Hosted by
Quote · 25 Mar 2015

Was thinking about getting this for our site. But not now if there not responding to others needing help to make it work right.. Why would anyone want to buy this if they are not on top of there work and helping to get there product right.

Sorry but I will pass..

Quote · 25 Mar 2015

Usually our clients have been contacting us at via mail and if you require an immediate response, please contact us by the above given email ID. Generally forum is used only for technical discussion, where everybody could participate and we weren't active there. We have assigned a dedicated team of executives exclusively for support and from now on, we will make sure to be active in the forum as well.

Our sincere apologies for inconvenience caused.

Quote · 26 Mar 2015


Those guys they respond oonly if $$$ involve !

Just to say i was silly putting `this , but i manage to get a 5 star support from those guys , and i would recommend the template for anyone else , there support was great when i managed to get hold of them and surely they are committed to help and go extra mile for anyone else .

Thank you guys . 5*

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Quote · 7 Apr 2015

Maybe i am stupid but I tried out the template and when i click on the mobile or tablet i get something like this ( see the attachment)

so please tell me how i can adjust the template so when somebody goes to the url he/she gets the mobile friendly version of the site?

(ofcourse i won't buy before i can try it out and see that it really works)

2015-09-30 17.50.57.png · 636.3K · 466 views
Quote · 30 Sep 2015

Hello Dasco,

Our Nanbargal community is a responsive website, it will automatically get adjusted to fit with mobile screen resolution.
Responsive toolbar is only for demo purpose ( to allow user to check different viewport or screen resolution using desktop or laptop.

Quote · 6 Oct 2015

Can someone please respond, I want to make a purchase but need to know if you will do the install, nothing else.  I just want everything just like it is content and all and I will change it myself.  Please respond.

Quote · 15 Oct 2015

I got this module yesterday and so far i can say that it has some issues when you open it on mobile vertical orientation.

some parts that i could help by removing the links i did but some other areas i can not simply redesign modules since it is done by other developers.

for example in user account setting and profile the column  and the boxes are squeezed in non readables

service is very slow and sometimes non responsive , right now even the profile of users are "page not found".

I realize that for 43 dollars you can't expect a top notch design and service but at least a little bit more than just "as it is".

I am talking to them on skype and it is exactly 29 minutes that the employee is online and not responding to my question to confirm that they are fixing the template causing  "page not found" or i have to talk to my Hosting provider.

 and clock is ticking /..........


profile is totally gone, 

a column on setting page is gone too 

contacted my hosting provider 
i hope i will get an answer from bcetec guys soon. 

Quote · 15 Oct 2015

no assistance (stating that their network is down so they won't be fix the problem) and not estimation time when i could see or hear any kind of progress.

In the mean time changed the template and i saw that the problem is still there 

i asked my hosting provider to take a look at it 

i am afraid i might need to re install dolphin all over again

i would give the service on scale 10 a 1 and well about the template itself i can not say alot because it messed up my set up and i was not abl to use it that much to be able to give you a honest opinion.

Quote · 15 Oct 2015

it took a while but i got what i want and more 

excellent service but had to be a bit assertive to get it!
i am a content user  

Quote · 15 Oct 2015

Once again , 

It was a misunderstanding 

we sorted things out and everything is working and service was way too good 

just a misunderstanding i guess 

thanks again :)

Quote · 16 Oct 2015

sorry to bother you guys again , but i have some issues with the menu's and not loading graphics 

also some of the building blocks seem to disappear (in quick links and also outside such as profile costumizer 

i emailed you and hope to have the issues fixed as soon as possible 

my impression is that the template is not ready for 7.2 (i can't say anything about other versions) so hope to have all the issues fixed soon!

missing values.png · 29.1K · 442 views
Quote · 20 Oct 2015

Dear support:


        I have some question for the template:

       1: How can remove the Design (mastero) menu at bottom of menu list?

       2:how can change the module layout on front of template homepage? eg, i want to store item instead of videos 

Quote · 21 Apr 2018

Hello I have bought the theme but it is not workin in Dolphin Pro v.7.4.2

Quote · 4 May 2020
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.