Technical Support For SocialShare

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Quote · 3 Aug 2018

Is Social Share template finished?

Testing out the admin panel it seems to be missing some of the functionality of Giving a Hand and Meastro templates; in respect to Unlimited Colours, Slider and Footer Module.

What are three banner sections supposed to do at the top? Clicking on them doesn't do anything.

Michel -
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
Quote · 14 Aug 2018

I guess not. With no support this isn't going anywhere fast. - The Online Guide to Travel
Quote · 17 Aug 2018


What are three banner sections supposed to do at the top? Clicking on them doesn't do anything.

bsetec seems to prefer e-mail messaging to answering in the forum, which doesn't help interested buyers looking around.


So as an update (Module Updated: 17.08.18) - the ability to add a link to the three banner sections has been added in the admin panel.

A small step in the right direction.

Now how to edit the footer module?

Michel -
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
Quote · 18 Aug 2018


Is Social Share template finished?

Testing out the admin panel it seems to be missing some of the functionality of Giving a Hand and Meastro templates; in respect to Unlimited Colours, Slider and Footer Module.

What are three banner sections supposed to do at the top? Clicking on them doesn't do anything.

Michel -

Thanks for checking our Socialshare theme, we've not included the features of 'Giving a Hand & Mastero', this is set of required features only in admin panel. Like setting up banner, social media links, Footer content display and general items.

Regarding banner in homepage, you need to add banner link given in admin panel [  ] and this will be displayed in frontend banner [  ] place when you click this will be redirected to given links.

Quote · 18 Aug 2018



What are three banner sections supposed to do at the top? Clicking on them doesn't do anything.


A small step in the right direction.

Now how to edit the footer module?

Michel -

 Please refer this video to edit the footer module :

Quote · 18 Aug 2018

Thanks for coming to the forum, bsetec.

I did watch the video earlier and play with the admin.

Demo:  username - admin,password - JU%*yn9#_8H

Unfortunately, Footer (in template admin) is just a box to edit a little corner of the footer text (About Us), while there's other elements on the demo homepage that can't be edited or replaced:

(Recent Post, Members, Categories), not even with the Homepage builder.

Unless I'm missing something, I'm assuming the 'Powerful Admin Panel' for this template is not yet the finished product.

The ability to change colours and fonts in admin would also make it more 'powerful'; as in your Giving a Hand and Maestro templates.

Michel -
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
Quote · 18 Aug 2018


Thanks for coming to the forum, bsetec.

I did watch the video earlier and play with the admin.

Demo:  username - admin,password - JU%*yn9#_8H

Unfortunately, Footer (in template admin) is just a box to edit a little corner of the footer text (About Us), while there's other elements on the demo homepage that can't be edited or replaced:

(Recent Post, Members, Categories), not even with the Homepage builder.


>>Recent Post, Members, Categories blocks of footer sections are dynamic one. The contents of these blocks will be automatically updated when a new entries included in News, Members, Categories sections. Since the footer section is common for all pages, you can't manage it within Homepage builder[In Homepage builder you can manage all blocks except banner and footer section].

The ability to change colours and fonts in admin would also make it more 'powerful'; as in your Giving a Hand and Maestro templates.

>>For current version of SocialShare template, we've added limited features. We planned to include these mentioned features in upcoming versions.

Quote · 20 Aug 2018

As suspected, this template is not yet the finished product.


1. We should be able to edit which 'dynamic elements' appear in the footer.

2. When do you plan to fully complete the admin panel for SocialShare?

While we're here, is it possible to get similar admin access to test back end of Giving a Hand and Maestro template demos?

Thanks for your help.

Michel -
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
Quote · 25 Aug 2018


As suspected, this template is not yet the finished product.


1. We should be able to edit which 'dynamic elements' appear in the footer.

2. When do you plan to fully complete the admin panel for SocialShare?

While we're here, is it possible to get similar admin access to test back end of Giving a Hand and Maestro template demos?

Thanks for your help.

Michel -

Currently our next release is in development stage, we'll update you once we finished with QA and all.  

Please use below admin access of Giving a hand and mastero,


Domain path :

Admin Login :

Admin :

Username : admin

Password : )9VEV:6YG*B9>



Domain path : 

Admin Login Path : 



Username/EmailID >> admin

password >> a2FiQCNsaSE=

Quote · 28 Aug 2018


Keep up the good work.

Michel -
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The Online Guide to Travel
Quote · 28 Aug 2018

We just purchased the SocialShare template but the download doesn't seem to work. It downloads only a 528 byte zip file that fails to decompress.


Please advise...

Quote · 16 Sep 2018


We just purchased the SocialShare template but the download doesn't seem to work. It downloads only a 528 byte zip file that fails to decompress.


Please advise...

Hello, Thanks for your interest towards our script !

We've sent the script download link via message. Please find it..

Quote · 17 Sep 2018

Your install instructions reference replacing a section shown in a screenshot for the BxBaseIndexPageView.php with the new section in the getMembers function. However there is no screenshot so we do not know which portion to replace. Please post that screenshot here or post the relevant original section to replace so we can complete our installation.



Quote · 31 Aug 2019
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