A problem with tags in dol v6.1.6
If i put the tags tab on the homepage, and most of the tags i see are just names like eg: effectionate or helpful or loving which might be under the profile tab of the tag section for example, but some of the tags seam to have a . after the tag word like effectionate. and when someone clicks on those tags with a . after the name it brings up an error page cant find 404 not found, even though it must have found it somewhere to get in the profile->tag section in the first place so you would think it should be valid?
From what i can see its looking randomly through the profiles as it should and yes the words are there, but its strange why . after it or not it would give 404? Is there somewhere in dolphin i can change this so it accepts this or i guess and option so i can remove the dot option of any names found with a dot after them so i dont get this error as there might be alot like this anywhere on the website under the other tab options as well under tags.