Survey Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Survey mod.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 2 Apr 2014

I plan on looking at this once I get caught up on a few other things :)


Peer L. Plaut Executive Director, Single Booklovers Connecting Bookworms Since 1970
Quote · 30 Apr 2014

This is a good mod and exactly what i was looking for however:

1. It would be nice to be able to move the questions around without having to delete and re-enter them.

2. HOW do you cast your vote as there is No button appearing on Guest, Member or Admin....

3. Can guests vote without having to be a member? if not i need this.

4. Why is there only a PUBLIC option there are no other options to change this or any explaination in how to do so included in the installation instructions.


Please let me know as soon as possible.



All for one and one for all....ah sod it who am i kidding!
Quote · 22 Jul 2014

 1. It would be nice to be able to move the questions around without having to delete and re-enter them.

RESPONSE : This may be considered for a future update.

2. HOW do you cast your vote as there is No button appearing on Guest, Member or Admin....

RESPONSE : The button will not appear for one of the reasons below :

a) Members cannot vote on their own Survey.

b) When creating a Survey, you setup certain criteria for Takers. This criteria must be met.

c) Voting is restricted by membership level.

3. Can guests vote without having to be a member? if not i need this.

RESPONSE : This functionality is being added to the next release.

4. Why is there only a PUBLIC option there are no other options to change this or any explaination in how to do so included in the installation instructions.

RESPONSE : I am not sure what you are talking about here. Which PUBLIC option are you referring to ?

1. It would be nice to be able to move the questions around without having to delete and re-enter them.
2. HOW do you cast your vote as there is No button appearing on Guest, Member or Admin....
3. Can guests vote without having to be a member? if not i need this.
4. Why is there only a PUBLIC option there are no other options to change this or any explaination in how to do so included in the installation instructions.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 22 Jul 2014

when is the next release?

as it stands this product is a useless paperweight at present if guests cannot vote on the polls and there is no vote button appearing even though permissions have been set....

i kind of feel that i have wasted my $50 when i could of purchased an alternative one.

All for one and one for all....ah sod it who am i kidding!
Quote · 22 Jul 2014

I have checked your site and the reason why the vote button is not showing is because the criteria is expecting the gender to be male or female (as it exists in default dolphin) but your site is customized with different values for gender. I have adjusted the module on your site to overcome that issue.

when is the next release?

as it stands this product is a useless paperweight at present if guests cannot vote on the polls and there is no vote button appearing even though permissions have been set....

i kind of feel that i have wasted my $50 when i could of purchased an alternative one.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 22 Jul 2014


When i want to export awnsers, it gives me the infos of thoses who awnsered but not the actuals awnsers...
Is it normal?
can it be easily fixed? 

Thank you!

Quote · 18 Sep 2014

The export functionality is correct. The button says "Export Takers" and it provides a list of all those who took the quiz.


When i want to export awnsers, it gives me the infos of thoses who awnsered but not the actuals awnsers...
Is it normal?
can it be easily fixed? 

Thank you!


Paypal email is -
Quote · 19 Sep 2014

oh ok... sorry bad translation et retranslation of my part.
and would it be possible te add the to the stylesheet? 

Quote · 19 Sep 2014

 Sorry, I do not understand your question.

oh ok... sorry bad translation et retranslation of my part.
and would it be possible te add the to the stylesheet? 


Paypal email is -
Quote · 19 Sep 2014

well it would be nice to have somethig like that:


Pseudo Nom Prénom Ville Pays Age My first question? My second one? do you like my question?  how many more?  
tati tasto TOTO dream land haven 44 ok  not sure 1 - 100  1  
mimi esta TATA dream land haven 34 dunno  fine  1 - 100   3  
toto tota TITI dream land haven 43 fine  why not  100-1000   2  
Quote · 19 Sep 2014

Is it something you might consider adding?

Quote · 25 Sep 2014

 Sorry, no. You would have to get this done as a custom job.

Is it something you might consider adding?


Paypal email is -
Quote · 18 Nov 2014

Version 2.0.1 released. (see patches/version_2.0.1 folder for instructions)

Fixed issue with Sharing Surveys.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 18 Nov 2014

Well it seems that there are multiple problems with this module.  I can't share it no matter how it is setup as if I try it comes up as acess denied.  There are multiple language strings missing throughout the module at least 4 so far and I have no idea what is suppose to go in the provided string.  Please address the progress on when the sharing feature will be fixed.  It appears there are multiple permissions based on memberships, age, gender but a simple share to be a draw to the survey can't be completed.  This has amazing potential to be a complex data gatherer but right now seems to be not up to Modzzz typical standards of a module... 

Quote · 20 Nov 2014

The issues which you reported yesterday are already addressed on your site. If you check the sharing from Facebook console, you will get access denied because the page access restriction mechanism will block it. However, if you use the Share button on the actual Survey page, then sharing works.

Well it seems that there are multiple problems with this module.  I can't share it no matter how it is setup as if I try it comes up as acess denied.  There are multiple language strings missing throughout the module at least 4 so far and I have no idea what is suppose to go in the provided string.  Please address the progress on when the sharing feature will be fixed.  It appears there are multiple permissions based on memberships, age, gender but a simple share to be a draw to the survey can't be completed.  This has amazing potential to be a complex data gatherer but right now seems to be not up to Modzzz typical standards of a module... 


Paypal email is -
Quote · 20 Nov 2014

An issue with some privacy values not being updated is resolved, the following file is updated :


Paypal email is -
Quote · 22 Jan 2015

Is there a way to trigger a survey after every new signup and sign in process?

Quote · 15 May 2015

 Do you mean you want the members to be automatically redirected to a 'Take Survey' page ?

Is there a way to trigger a survey after every new signup and sign in process?


Paypal email is -
Quote · 15 May 2015

An update is made to the following file :


Paypal email is -
Quote · 15 May 2015

Version 2.0.2 released. (see patches/version_2.0.2 folder for instructions)

Added ability to properly manage existing Questions/Answers.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 24 Jul 2015

Survey Module - This is now compatible with Dolphin 7.2 . For those upgrading from Dolphin 7.1, just re-upload the module files (no re-install needed).

Paypal email is -
Quote · 18 Sep 2015

Upgrade instructions in my previous post is wrong, see correct instructions below :

For those upgrading from Dolphin 7.1, please check the upgrade folder for instructions.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 18 Sep 2015

Version 2.0.3 released. (see patches/version_2.0.3 folder for instructions)

This version is compatible for integration with Groups module.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 14 Dec 2016

Please add notification to survey admin when someone takes survey 

Also add warning when a person who is not admin of survey and unable to add a question. The screen fades simply in this case.

Quote · 27 Mar 2017

Please add notification to survey admin when someone takes survey 

RESPONSE : Presently Email notification is sent. i will look at adding inbox notification


Also add warning when a person who is not admin of survey and unable to add a question. The screen fades simply in this case.

RESPONSE : If a member does not have access to add a question, they should not see the button in the first place. Please send me a screenshot of this. I am unable to replicate.

Please add notification to survey admin when someone takes survey 

Also add warning when a person who is not admin of survey and unable to add a question. The screen fades simply in this case.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 27 Mar 2017

 Please see the screenshot, this faded thing happens after clicking add question.

Also adding new question in survey by admin after its publication and some takers taking,

the question appears with blank answer in results for survey results for all takers.

The takers not able to answer the added question after survey modification.


Please add notification to survey admin when someone takes survey 

RESPONSE : Presently Email notification is sent. i will look at adding inbox notification


Also add warning when a person who is not admin of survey and unable to add a question. The screen fades simply in this case.

RESPONSE : If a member does not have access to add a question, they should not see the button in the first place. Please send me a screenshot of this. I am unable to replicate.

Please add notification to survey admin when someone takes survey 

Also add warning when a person who is not admin of survey and unable to add a question. The screen fades simply in this case.



Untitled.png · 30.4K · 232 views
Quote · 27 Mar 2017

 As I said earlier, there is issue with modification after survey gets published, some people taking survey. Please look into that

 Please see the screenshot, this faded thing happens after clicking add question.

Also adding new question in survey by admin after its publication and some takers taking,

the question appears with blank answer in results for survey results for all takers.

The takers not able to answer the added question after survey modification.


Please add notification to survey admin when someone takes survey 

RESPONSE : Presently Email notification is sent. i will look at adding inbox notification


Also add warning when a person who is not admin of survey and unable to add a question. The screen fades simply in this case.

RESPONSE : If a member does not have access to add a question, they should not see the button in the first place. Please send me a screenshot of this. I am unable to replicate.

Please add notification to survey admin when someone takes survey 

Also add warning when a person who is not admin of survey and unable to add a question. The screen fades simply in this case.




Quote · 9 Apr 2017

A few adjustments have been made to the module based on reports. Notification after Survey is taken is now sent to Inbox as well as Email. Re-upload the files for the module and clear cache.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 25 Apr 2017

Hi, I just installed the module but havent tested it yet. I have the following question/issue.


With the survey module and the goals module there is an item in the setting called; Activate All Categories After Creation Automatically

Does deactivating this setting stop people being able to add categories?

I was wondering as if one day I have thousands of members each using and adding categories, wouldnt/couldnt that cause a database problem?

Thanks again for the great support. Cheers

Enhance Your Onlne Experience.
Quote · 21 Jun 2017

@hawk007 - There is no admin setting to disable the ability for members to add Categories. If that is a crucial need for you, I would have to modify the code to remove such ability.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 21 Jun 2017

I am good at the moment. I was just unsure whether the database would get clogged. I removed the folder/category button for other sections of the site (cant remember where). I just dont want 10s of thousands of categories within each feature but leaving it in the goals and survey side wont be to bad. More experience will tell me whether I need to remove the feature, based on database size and functioning.


So its cool. Thanks

Enhance Your Onlne Experience.
Quote · 21 Jun 2017

1.While broadcasting message, message is going.But

Error occured is displayed on screen.

2. what is sql update, is it common for all your modules?

Because everytime sql udate is pasted in root. And was executed through url?

Quote · 12 Aug 2017


1) Try the broadcasting functionality for other modules to see if this is a common problem across your site.

2) sqlupdate.php is used to apply update patches. After you have executed through URL, you can delete the file from your Dolphin root.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 12 Aug 2017



1) Try the broadcasting functionality for other modules to see if this is a common problem across your site.

2) sqlupdate.php is used to apply update patches. After you have executed through URL, you can delete the file from your Dolphin root.


Quote · 12 Aug 2017

See image from ur demo

Quote · 12 Aug 2017

Mail sending is disabled on my demo site so that output is expected. I am asking you to check other modules on your site. 

See image from ur demo


Paypal email is -
Quote · 12 Aug 2017


Then, that might be reason. I also did in my computer in which mail system was not configured.

I havent tested on live site.

Mail sending is disabled on my demo site so that output is expected. I am asking you to check other modules on your site. 

See image from ur demo



Quote · 12 Aug 2017

Hi, Just going through the Survey settings I cannot find a way to hide survey statistics from anyone other than the survey admin/creator.

I would have thought that the reults of surveys would be best kept hidden from the general public as the creator of the survey wouldnt generally want the results to be public.


Is there a way to hide the stats.


Thanks Modzzz

Enhance Your Onlne Experience.
Quote · 18 Aug 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.