Support forum for IBDW EVO Wall - part 17

Quote · 5 Sep 2016


????? The question remains unanswered

The EvoWall module will be improved during this winter. We have some ideas but all will starts from october.

About the issue you have reported for the images, you can send a screenshot of the problem at

This will help to understand exactly the problem you have got on your site.

See my products at | Hosting:
Quote · 5 Sep 2016

Ok thank you.. Sent two screen shots..

Quote · 5 Sep 2016

Two things.


1. I have the same problem Trucking Space is describing where it is only showing half of the screenshot now. This is new problem perhaps with the last update. 


2. Please consider in the winter improvements to allow members to edit their posts and comments to evowall.



Quote · 7 Sep 2016

I'd like to see the caption inside the submission box in the first line of the news feed "What are you thinking or doing?" be more readable. I think this could be done easily by enlarging the size (depth) of the text box. I've tried to address this with the designers of my template, but they point back to the Evo Wall code. It is such a simple thing - but leaves a bad impression. Currently the text is clipped off on both desktop and mobile versions.


Other than that, I really like your product and am proud to have it be the first thing seen by members.


Thank you,


Quote · 7 Sep 2016

 Thank you for your fix for the images on the wall.



I'd like to see the caption inside the submission box in the first line of the news feed "What are you thinking or doing?" be more readable. I think this could be done easily by enlarging the size (depth) of the text box. I've tried to address this with the designers of my template, but they point back to the Evo Wall code. It is such a simple thing - but leaves a bad impression. Currently the text is clipped off on both desktop and mobile versions.

 What I did to fix that and hope it is the right way.

In the  file: modules/ibdw/evowall/templates/base/css/evowallstyleUNI.css

goto about line: 133 in the .areamsgnoava area

I changed:

min-height: 24px !important;


min-height: 24px;


That gave me the full readable line.


Like I said I do not know if it will mess the wall up somewhere else but I have not came across anything as of yet.

Quote · 3 Oct 2016

Hi TruckingSpace -


I went after your fix and got a satisfactory result by changing the height from 24 px to 36 px. Thanks much for going to the trouble of finding this and sharing it with me. It looks much better now and I'm so glad to have it done. Too bad the author couldn't help us with it. It was buried deep in the CSS and must have been challenging to locate. Well done!


Quote · 3 Oct 2016

It has been no problem.. Best friend with these templates is Firefox's Firebug. Just make sure you turn off all caches and clean them after there off.. Then use there Box with the arrow and click on the element in the page to inspect. A box will show your css code and where it is (file including line number). But the best part is you can try different things to see what works before really changing the code.. Like colors and borders and stuff. Then if you like your changes you find the file and it tells you even what line it is at.. CSS made simple. If you don't like it you just re-fresh the page and start over.

Quote · 3 Oct 2016


When there is a new update.

Are reposts displayed?

If I click in group or events, click resolved in evo wall nothing

Only in the Boonex Timeline it appears.

Furthermore one should think about it

When people write a comment on this post, the original post at the top of the "wall" should return. Currently, it remains the same.

Furthermore, it should be possible even if

@Ibelloweb is something planned?

Quote · 28 Nov 2016

hi, i have 7.3.3 dolphin version

installed "IBDW-EVO-Wall" and "Spanish Package for Dolphin" on two modules exist error:

Module Files add files:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '\' (T_NS_SEPARATOR) in /home/mysite/public_html/cache/bx_templ_es_uni_76a5f6b71a9bf8df07f91c15dcf08bbc.php on line 127

Module Photos add Photos:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '\' (T_NS_SEPARATOR) in /home/mysite/public_html/cache/bx_templ_es_uni_76a5f6b71a9bf8df07f91c15dcf08bbc.php on line 127

Quote · 15 Dec 2016

Hey again,


I'm looking for a little more help or suggestions on my Evo Wall module. At the end of an abbreviated post, I see the words "_ibdw_evowall_see_more" indicated in blue as a link, rather than a more appropriate "Read More."


Clicking on this only expands the text within the text while staying on the EvoWall page, rather than taking the reader to the linked Blog Post or whatever. And the expanded text is stripped of all formatting including line breaks and paragraphs, so it is really hard to read. It just becomes a big blog of grey on the page, and makes you want to run in the other direction.


You are welcome to take a look at, where I think you can see the Wall OK if you join. You are welcome to join temporarily and I will help delete you if you wish. It's a free site and I'm the host.

I should add that I'm Dolphin 7.3.3 now and haven't seen an update to EvoWall since Feb 2016. It would make sense to go look for that, and I will do it.


Help is always greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Quote · 5 Jan 2017


Hey again,


I'm looking for a little more help or suggestions on my Evo Wall module. At the end of an abbreviated post, I see the words "_ibdw_evowall_see_more" indicated in blue as a link, rather than a more appropriate "Read More."


Clicking on this only expands the text within the text while staying on the EvoWall page, rather than taking the reader to the linked Blog Post or whatever. And the expanded text is stripped of all formatting including line breaks and paragraphs, so it is really hard to read. It just becomes a big blog of grey on the page, and makes you want to run in the other direction.


You are welcome to take a look at, where I think you can see the Wall OK if you join. You are welcome to join temporarily and I will help delete you if you wish. It's a free site and I'm the host.

I should add that I'm Dolphin 7.3.3 now and haven't seen an update to EvoWall since Feb 2016. It would make sense to go look for that, and I will do it.


Help is always greatly appreciated. Thank you!


uninstall the EvoWall (as you said, the language strings are not all compiled at all). Also, download the current version of EW compatible with D7.3.3 (the last version of EW has been released on September 2016)

See my products at | Hosting:
Quote · 10 Jan 2017

What is the best process for uninstalling this module and then installing the new version?


We installed the new version over the old version, but that did not correct the issues.


Thanks, Gary

Quote · 10 Jan 2017

Looks like this has fixed the See More... problem OK. I had to get and install my activation code over again, plus I also had to rebuild the home page to include the NewsFeed, since uninstalling it removed its presence from the site. It would sure be nice to not need all that extra work, to accommodate your fixes.


Also, one of my members mentioned that the button for sharing disappears from the upper corner of the new feed item, so it is not really that clear that this module has the sharing power it does have. Is there a way to -not hide- the sharing button? And do I need to establish a Facebook API connection for this module? What will that accomplish?


Thank you for your assistance -


Quote · 12 Jan 2017

Where are the emoticons and CSS icons in the latest version? is there some way that this feature needs to be activated?

Quote · 31 Jan 2017

What's going on I thought the winter is coming a new version.


It ollte finally time to be considered the comments also pictures with can be deposited.

Furthermore, when I post a post which also this up again appears as new

As it is now, EVOWall is badly realized

Quote · 16 Mar 2017

How do I confirm an account that is still active?


Attached files show the error on attempted loading (no feed. jpg) and the confirmation that my activation key is still good (still active.jpg) when I selected "click here to get the code" after deleting my activation number from the admin panel.


Uninstalling and re-installing accomplished nothing.

What do I need to do to get this working again?

no feed.JPG · 13.5K · 230 views
still active.JPG · 16.9K · 247 views
7.3.5 with responsive UNI
Quote · 4 Oct 2017


How do I confirm an account that is still active?


Attached files show the error on attempted loading (no feed. jpg) and the confirmation that my activation key is still good (still active.jpg) when I selected "click here to get the code" after deleting my activation number from the admin panel.


Uninstalling and re-installing accomplished nothing.

What do I need to do to get this working again?


do you are using the module on the same domain name?

If yes, you can simply type the activation code in the EvoWall settings.


Let us know.

See my products at | Hosting:
Quote · 4 Oct 2017

Has developement of this module completely stopped?

Quote · 12 Jan 2018


Has developement of this module completely stopped?


I'm curious to know this too as I will need to look for other options if that is the case

7.3.5 with responsive UNI
Quote · 22 Mar 2018

I've encountered a problem with EvoWall and Dolphin 7.3.5, where the first page after a member's log-in is members.php. I want them to see their Feed at index.php and that got changed in the update. I have made a code change in members.php, but it didn't help this situation, so I assume it must be code in the EvoWall section somewhere.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Quote · 16 Jun 2018

Its sad that we have paid hundreds of dollars for certain mods and its been months since we have tried to get the codes so that they work Boone should never allow peoe lime this to sell mods it makes your company look bad.

Quote · 5 Oct 2018
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.