Support forum for IBDW EVO Wall - part 16

21 Oct 2015


When is the photodeluxe update coming? I can't use the EvoWall module and MegaProfile quite yet because the PhotoDeluxe module isn't installed.

The update is in progress.

These last 2 weeks have updated many modules, we have sent a newsletter with the list of the updates.

Anyway, EvoWall and the other modules (1Col, MegaProfile, ecc..) can be used with or without PhotoDeluxe.


For more information about PhotoDeluxe, please write on the dedicated forum.

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21 Oct 2015

EvoWall ver. 2.0.5

this update is an improvement for the support of the protocol https and http.

If you have already apply the changes of EvoWall ver. 2.0.4, you can simply overwrite the files:

  • socialbuttons.php
  • message.php
  • like_action.php
  • exe_url.php
  • comment.php
  • basecore.php

Then remember to empty the cache.

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23 Oct 2015

EvoWall 2.0.6: new fix for the thumbnail icon (single and couple)

If you have upgraded the EvoWall with the changes of the version 2.0.5, just overwrite the files

- basecore.php

- rayzembedactivated.php

- main.php

and the folders:

- templates

- install


Then empty the cache.

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26 Oct 2015

OK - I have downloaded the entire zip file for EVO-Wall 2.0.6 and have copied over all the files in the current EVO Wall installation whenever there were new files in the zip file, with the exception of the config file. Then I uploaded the script you sent to my server and sent over a request to my host to run the script. When I hear back from them, I will empty cache and delete the script. Finally I will let you know how it went here on my site.


Thanks for the update - CHOPS

26 Oct 2015

Seems OK - but I'm still getting the bottom half of the text cut off in the Status line, as my screen grab showed. You said that is a problem with a template? Let's take a look.

Also, is there any way to determine what version of the module is being used now?

Thanks, CHOPS

26 Oct 2015

After following the instruction on replacing files above , i can't see the version of my evowall changes ? it still showing 2.0.5 , is there away to change it manually , or just leave it not something to worry about .


Also one more question , when posting a picture , is there anyway to post just picture without taking all those info like Title of the picture and the rest, like facebook for example , you upload picture and that's it :)


Also one more thing i think it would be good addition , is it possible to post picture and same time post txt with it , how difficult to achieve that ? Because now you can post picture but your not able to add post next to it ...

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28 Oct 2015

When i enter the link into the wall it changes it to and even if I send it as a message only, it doesnt put it out as a link but as text.  If I do use message only it does put out the link but NOT as a link.  Its text.

I should be able to put in a link without the wall changing it.  Why does it do that?

Please look into this.


29 Nov 2015


When i enter the link into the wall it changes it to and even if I send it as a message only, it doesnt put it out as a link but as text.  If I do use message only it does put out the link but NOT as a link.  Its text.

I should be able to put in a link without the wall changing it.  Why does it do that?

Please look into this.


When the a page require the login, the .htaccess redirect the script to the default page of the site.

See my products at | Hosting:
30 Nov 2015



When i enter the link into the wall it changes it to and even if I send it as a message only, it doesnt put it out as a link but as text.  If I do use message only it does put out the link but NOT as a link.  Its text.

I should be able to put in a link without the wall changing it.  Why does it do that?

Please look into this.


When the a page require the login, the .htaccess redirect the script to the default page of the site.


That defeats the whole purpose of sharing links.  I cant share this link in my own site because of this.  When i go to the boonex post to timeline it works fine but your evo wall does not.  

If I put in a link I don't want the system changing it.  I also want it posted and as a link.  This isn't right.  Is this something that can be changed or is that the way it is?  If it cant be changed I might just put the evo wall to rest.  I don't want members putting things in and be thwarted by the system.  It was very frustrating to not be able to do something so simple as put in a local link and the boonex post to timeline was no problem.  It didnt change anything and made it a link that was clickable.

Please look into this.  



30 Nov 2015

The method used in the timeline allows only to add a link, exactly as typed. The auto-detection used by EvoWall, as on facebook, get all info by the url (site title, description, ecc...). If you add the link:

in facebook, you will see that the title it's the title of the login page (because the page added it's not accessible and the script is redirected to the login page), the link you see after the title is the same of the url you have added but if you try to click on it, you will be redirected to the login page as using EvoWall. So...

the only difference is the link displayed, not the destination url.

Anyway this report well be considered for an improvement of the post view.

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1 Dec 2015

As explained the issue has been considered as a good improvement. On our demo site we have already installed the new improvement, anyway we'll release the update after the development (if possible) of another feature to filter the bad words in the messages and comments.

See my products at | Hosting:
1 Dec 2015


The method used in the timeline allows only to add a link, exactly as typed. The auto-detection used by EvoWall, as on facebook, get all info by the url (site title, description, ecc...). If you add the link:

in facebook, you will see that the title it's the title of the login page (because the page added it's not accessible and the script is redirected to the login page), the link you see after the title is the same of the url you have added but if you try to click on it, you will be redirected to the login page as using EvoWall. So...

the only difference is the link displayed, not the destination url.

Anyway this report well be considered for an improvement of the post view.

 I put the link into facebook and it did call the link the login but when you float the mouse cursor over the link its correct at and it did not get changed.  I clicked on it and it took me to the correct link because I am logged in.  

I should be able to put a link into the evowall without the .htaccess redirecting it to some other location.

It works right with Facebook & with the boonex timeline too but not with the evowall in members.php.


1 Dec 2015



The method used in the timeline allows only to add a link, exactly as typed. The auto-detection used by EvoWall, as on facebook, get all info by the url (site title, description, ecc...). If you add the link:

in facebook, you will see that the title it's the title of the login page (because the page added it's not accessible and the script is redirected to the login page), the link you see after the title is the same of the url you have added but if you try to click on it, you will be redirected to the login page as using EvoWall. So...

the only difference is the link displayed, not the destination url.

Anyway this report well be considered for an improvement of the post view.

 I put the link into facebook and it did call the link the login but when you float the mouse cursor over the link its correct at and it did not get changed.  I clicked on it and it took me to the correct link because I am logged in.  

I should be able to put a link into the evowall without the .htaccess redirecting it to some other location.

It works right with Facebook & with the boonex timeline too but not with the evowall in members.php.


Yes, as I've wrote.

Anyway, we have uploaded the new version on our demo site where also we have added the BAD WORDS FILTER (Configurable). For this new feature we have added as bad words the following words:

"cazzo, culo, fica, merda, nicchio, ass, asshole,arse,bastard,bitch,bloody,bollocks,child-fucker,cunt,damn,fuck,goddamn,godsdamn,hell,shit,shitass"


This was a request of an our customer :)

We hope you can appreciate this improvement. If you want try this new feature visit our demo site:


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1 Dec 2015

When a long url is posted on evowall it runs off the template in 7.2. Screenshot attached.


3 Dec 2015

I  would like to be able to use the editor when creating posts.  I mean the editor that allows me to make changes to the format, etc.  Right now the font size is too small.  With an editor I could change that and with the current platform I cant do anything when keying in a post. 


Also I would like to EDIT a post.  Many times I have seen a mistake after clicking the share and there is no way to edit a post.



5 Dec 2015

Released EvoWall 2.0.7

About this update:

Fixed the last bug reported

Added a new feature "Bad Words Filter" for comments and personal messages.

Uninstall the previous version (copy the activation code first) then upload all files and reinstall the module.

No data will be lost during the uninstallation procedure.

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14 Dec 2015

What is the process for uninstalling your module?

14 Dec 2015

For the user's with no avatar the layout is not adjusting itself with the dolphin default avatar. Please refer to the attached images. This is the same problem in 1col Ajaxed mod. any updated version for this bug?



friend.jpg · 101.1K · 378 views
evo.jpg · 86K · 372 views
4 Jan 2016


For the user's with no avatar the layout is not adjusting itself with the dolphin default avatar. Please refer to the attached images. This is the same problem in 1col Ajaxed mod. any updated version for this bug?



 for the first issue, we have released the fix for MegaProfile (it's not a problem in EvoWall). You can download the version MegaProfile 9.0.3 where we only have added in the file modules/ibdw/megaprofile/templates/base/css/style.css these lines:

.singoloava p {
    overflow: hidden;


for the second issue, it's related to the template you are using, if you want we can suggest how to fix this problem but contact us in private to get more support.

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22 Jan 2016

Released EvoWall version 2.0.8 for D7.2.X

where we have changed the message limit function. We have added the "See more" link to display the full message and the full description in to the post.

See my products at | Hosting:
22 Jan 2016

Thanks a lot,

All the problems I was facing, are gone now.  Perfect look in both end .


24 Jan 2016

Released EvoWall 2.0.9

This version solves the problem of the wrong recognition for the protocols (http, HTTP, https, HTTPS) when you share an url (url-autodetection).

To update this version:

1) overwrite the file posturl.php (/modules/ibdw/evowall/posturl.php)

2) overwrite the file /modules/ibdw/evowall/install/config.php

3) run the file sqlstate.php (put this file in to the site root folder)

4) empty the cache

See my products at | Hosting:
5 Feb 2016

I would like some help updating - I still don't have it figured out how to uninstall, and what needs to happen to install the new version? What would you suggest, please? I think I'm on version 2.0.6. How do I tell?

11 Feb 2016

i cant even uninstall to reinstall to the newest verison 

 Fatal error: Call to undefined method evowallInstaller::updateEmailTemplatesExceptions() in /home/vibin/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/install/installer.php on line 107

That the error im getting im a little behind running 1.63 recently upgrade to 7.2.1
12 Feb 2016


i cant even uninstall to reinstall to the newest verison 

 Fatal error: Call to undefined method evowallInstaller::updateEmailTemplatesExceptions() in /home/vibin/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/install/installer.php on line 107

That the error im getting im a little behind running 1.63 recently upgrade to 7.2.1


replace the old files with the new ones and retry the uninstallation.

See my products at | Hosting:
12 Feb 2016

I'm still hoping for a reply! It would sure make life easier if you could help me with this updating process. I see you are mentioning uninstall processes, but I can't find it on my own.


Thanks very much, Gary

12 Feb 2016

Not being one to be held back, I got some free help from my guys at TMD Hosting to help me with the update. Props to TMD's Service Team! Lots of free help for $46 a year hosting a Boonex Dolphin site - now that's impressive! And it was completed with 10 minutes of sending my support ticket (or less, actually).


Have a good weekend! CHOPS

13 Feb 2016



i cant even uninstall to reinstall to the newest verison 

 Fatal error: Call to undefined method evowallInstaller::updateEmailTemplatesExceptions() in /home/vibin/public_html/modules/ibdw/evowall/install/installer.php on line 107

That the error im getting im a little behind running 1.63 recently upgrade to 7.2.1


replace the old files with the new ones and retry the uninstallation.


thanks allowed me to uninstall it...
17 Feb 2016

Since I updated recently, I have received the message - "Error: this URL seems to be not valid or the site is offline." several times when trying to post a link. I know the link is good, it posts OK in Facebook or other places within Dolphin.

What's going on and how can it be fixed?

thanks, CHOPS

18 Feb 2016

Here is an example of a URL that is giving me trouble -


Could this be browser-related? It is happening in Chrome and Firefox. The link above is good in both of these browsers, but is reported to be invalid on my site in the News Feed.

What other info do you need to check this?


18 Feb 2016

The url we'll help for the test. Stay tuned, we'll back here as soon as possible

See my products at | Hosting:
18 Feb 2016


Here is an example of a URL that is giving me trouble -


Could this be browser-related? It is happening in Chrome and Firefox. The link above is good in both of these browsers, but is reported to be invalid on my site in the News Feed.

What other info do you need to check this?


As promised....

1) upload the file attached (this improvement will be applied to EvoWall 2.1.0 compatible also with D7.3)

2) empty the cache

posturl.php · 9.9K · 297 downloads
See my products at | Hosting:
19 Feb 2016



is possible to add option admin pinned post to top of evowall

24 Feb 2016

 syncronized boonex video and photo comments

that see comment module in evowall and possible add comment to wall that syncronize with photo and video module comments


2 Mar 2016

One really annoying issues is when people want to post photo from their iPhone camera roll it defaults the file name as 'image' and if the user doesn't change it the image posted will be black and link to another with the same name.


this mod isn't reliably for rename uploaded content from it. 


loosing content > pissed off members

18 Mar 2016


One really annoying issues is when people want to post photo from their iPhone camera roll it defaults the file name as 'image' and if the user doesn't change it the image posted will be black and link to another with the same name.


this mod isn't reliably for rename uploaded content from it. 


loosing content > pissed off members

EvoWall, as Dolphin, allows to choose the default uploader. In EvoWall are used the uploaders of Dolphin. If you choose to use in the EvoWall settings, as default upload method "HTML5" you will use the default uploader of Dolphin "Multi-uploader". This method dont allows to edit the name of the image during the uploading process. But's it's an issue related to the uploader of Dolphin....

If you want, you can set as default the method "Regular" that allows you to edit the name.

We repeat, EvoWall uses the default uploader, so our suggestion is to understand the functioning and the options of EvoWall.

So try to set "Regular" as default method for photos and let us know if you have got the result desired.

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21 Mar 2016

I'm having trouble with a bug - at the end of a NewsFeed post where I would expect a redirect link to a blog post like "Read More," I see "sp_ibdw_evowall_see_more" and when I click on it, it expands the entire blog into the newsfeed area.


Can you take a look at this? I'm still in Dolphin 7.2 and thinking of updating soon.


Thank you, Gary

26 Apr 2016

Question: Will Hashtags and Mentions ever integrate into the EVO News Feed..

Unknowingly I purchased an expensive EVO News Feed thinking that Hashtags and Mentions (by Modzzz) would be able to work with the MOD. Not so. Now I have a Good News Feed and a Good Hashtag and Mentions MOD and neither work together. Neither mod has a disclaimer to my knowledge that the mods only work within the BASIC Dolphin MODs. So I am out a sizable piece of change with no way to fix it to my knowledge.

EVO Wall states under


    • You can choose 2 different default privacy for the Home page and for the Account page (members or friends)


  • Added the support for many 3D party extensions (by Modzzz, UE30, AndrewP, Rayz, Kolimarfey)

I am hoping that there will be an update that will integrate the News Feed and Hashtags and Mentions other than the Basic Dolphin. These 2 integrations are essential for both MODS/Extension.

Thank you


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30 Jun 2016

I can't upload videos larger than 64 mb in evowall on 7.3.1, but I can upload more in the default boonex videos module. In admin settings, it says 500mb. Why is there a 64 mb limit in evowall? How do I change this?

13 Jul 2016

Youtube Video embed doesnt seem to be working on 7.3 with EVO WALL.

Will allow you to go through the whole add / embed process, give you the successful message, then page refreshes with no video...


All permissions correct - latest version.


Note - the videos are uploading as they are showing in the 'wall album' which is set to public as is the permissions within evo wall for album view. However the video do not show on the wall!

25 Jul 2016

Also, is there a way to get photo's that are uploaded direct to wall not to redirect to the photo module to view them when clicked on?


Surely would be soooo much better if they were simply viewable within the wall itself.

Users hate being constantly re-directed around the site just to view one image, then having to navigate back to where they were. When evo wall is busy with content they then also lose where they were on the wall...

kinda makes it useless on a busy site.

25 Jul 2016

Tried embedding  YT vid on your demo site and it fails also.

Can someone else check?


28 Jul 2016


Tried embedding  YT vid on your demo site and it fails also.

Can someone else check?


Hello Daihlo,

I've tried and it's ok...

Maybe the issue is related to a specific YT video, can you provide the url?

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1 Aug 2016

Just tried this one

amongst others, wont work for me.

It does give the success message saying it worked, and the video is showing in my video album, but cannot get any vid embeds to actually show on the wal for some reason.


3 Aug 2016


Just tried this one

amongst others, wont work for me.

It does give the success message saying it worked, and the video is showing in my video album, but cannot get any vid embeds to actually show on the wal for some reason.


I've tried on the demo site (

and it work

I typed the same address:

Please check on our demo site.

I've tried with a desktop PC / Win10/ Firefox


See my products at | Hosting:
3 Aug 2016


I'm a big fan of their products (have almost all of you)

Your offers a class Support and Help where to Help

but when EvoWall what needs to be done once.


When people comment on a post, the original post at the top of the "wall" should return. Currently, it remains where it was originally written.


Furthermore, it should be possible even if I an image to add a post a comment or video


EvoWall moves as a little medieval :-)

4 Aug 2016

????? The question remains unanswered

19 Aug 2016

If I add more then one image. It seems that the images do not show very well. The thumbnail images are cut in half. But if there is only one image. Then it shows the whole image full size fine..


Thank you for your help..


27 Aug 2016

Still no reply?

4 Sep 2016
5 Sep 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.