Support Forum for Mobile Chat module

This is Support Forum for Mobile Chat module

Please feel free to ask your questions here. If you need urgent support please send me a message on
20 Feb 2012

good chat is fine, but has many penises that make some important can not be used and others to improve their use.

Step by detailing:



1. The android chat application when writing the chat does not leave a blink write and to be on top, this is done every 3 seconds

2. As to eliminate open chats

3. when you press enter to leave the phrase

4. having a history

5. Make the balloons of smaller conversations in a phone screen is now only 3 or 4 sentences, when badoo, whatsapp, etc ... can you fit on a screen 10 phrases / lines


know when you can have any update with this

4 Mar 2012

Hello Carlos,

You wrote me the same message many times on email, I replied to you, did you get my messages? This module is what it is for now. Any (even the best) written program has its own minuses and pluses, I provided testing online on my site so you can test it before you buy and make a decision. There's no sense to have a long history for every chat on your mobile app - that's why you have your Dolphin installed and accessible from PC. But you can adjust from the admin panel how many messages to cut on the chat screen.

There's no 'opened' and 'closed' chats on mobile, when you exit from the chat module so chat is closed. You can't open few chat windows on the same app, but you can switch between the conversations by clicking the Chat home icon and selecting the conversation you want to view or continue.

The module has some adjustments on the admin panel and they can solve some of your questions. 

All future updates will be reflected on this forum, please subscribe.
4 Mar 2012

Looking for the 7.1 update is that ready for download yet?

14 Nov 2012


Looking for the 7.1 update is that ready for download yet?

 Doing it today, will be available in an hour or so.
26 Nov 2012

Mobile Chat is updated for Dolphin 7.1
26 Nov 2012

hi i have uplaoded 7.1   i get error status code  302!=200


on my android ?

11 Dec 2012

My 7.1 works great except it does not update when a chat has been finished


Like if i chat with someone and finish then look at what they have said then exit the app and come back to the app it will how that i have them same messages waiting that i have already seen.

11 Dec 2012


hi i have uplaoded 7.1   i get error status code  302!=200


on my android ?

Error 302!=200 could mean that your app is connected to but actually it redirects to (with www). It's not a module error, but the app message. Please check if you installed Dolphin correctly and connecting to correct url.
11 Dec 2012


hi i have uplaoded 7.1   i get error status code  302!=200


on my android ?

 You can check similar thread (not about my module) here
11 Dec 2012

Version 1.1 is released on January, 27, 2013 

New version has fixed some bugs with new iOS (iPhone/iPad).

To update the module just copy files to your server and recompile the module language. No re-installation needed.
27 Jan 2013

Do you have any screenshots of the app version in action?

Can it do the following:
1) allow viewing of the chat history
2) Allow multiple users to chat as a thread?
3) Sync with the website chat area?


5 Feb 2013


Do you have any screenshots of the app version in action?

Can it do the following:
1) allow viewing of the chat history
2) Allow multiple users to chat as a thread?
3) Sync with the website chat area?


 Please check module description here

1. From admin panel you can adjust ... how many last contacted people will be showed in the list. 

2, 3. Mobile Chat allows your users to send and receive instant messages on Dolphin mobile apps (Android and iPhone) from the Dolphin Simple Messenger module installed on your website

You can test it by login with Dolphin Mobile App to

Hope this helps.
5 Feb 2013

Hi i just purchased it, i sent you info to the email provided cause it says sorry temp unavailable. i guess i need some order number but where or how do i get that?

Everyday is a new beginning.
23 Jun 2013


Hi i just purchased it, i sent you info to the email provided cause it says sorry temp unavailable. i guess i need some order number but where or how do i get that?


Thank you for purchasing my modules!

Please send your website URL to my support e-mail and I'll send you an activation file.
23 Jun 2013

So ok, here is my question the version that i purchased does it have that problem regarding the red indicator, and false indicator from a different member? I understand that everything once its created it needs several fixes as time goes on, but u mentioned i think if i am not mistaking that you have a newer version? May i ask what's different?

Everyday is a new beginning.
27 Jun 2013


So ok, here is my question the version that i purchased does it have that problem regarding the red indicator, and false indicator from a different member? I understand that everything once its created it needs several fixes as time goes on, but u mentioned i think if i am not mistaking that you have a newer version? May i ask what's different?


The mobile chat notification bubble number of unread messages on the home screen is showing the number of unread messages for logged in user. It has been reported that it has some bugs which is showing this number incorrectly. The bug fixing is under work and the new module version gonna be released tomorrow.
27 Jun 2013

Ohh ok, and by the way boonexpert this is pretty cool, so i am assuming that once this is fixed, i for example login into my mobile app and if i have an unread chat message by any member even if they r not logged in, the red indicator will be there? If so that would be great!! This is really a cool thing to have on the mobile app, i wonder what in the world will be next?

Everyday is a new beginning.
27 Jun 2013

Just wanted to say that the service from this developer is awesome, and the new upgraded version till now is the bomb!!! This thing is too cool

Everyday is a new beginning.
28 Jun 2013

Is there a way to delete a conversation between members?

I only see how you can change in dolphin admin ... -> how many last messages where shown on the conversation page.

Jennifer Bogan .. Acc. Dip. Psychology - EMAIL:
13 Sep 2013

For iPhone4.

The Chat seems a bit off, I think it needs a scroll-bar, as it squashes the members up.

Plus, I don't think it tells you if you've received a message for a few days.

In this example, it shows on the main screen I have one message, when I go in, only four members show, the latest message isn't there: <<<  I push up the screen to show only four, nothing new at the end.

-- - The last member shows no message number in the box where it should.

--- - The KayKayKathy member has some weird code showing. - And this shows a member to the right of the member above.


I don't want the members to start complaining to me, and this module is great to work together with your other module.

I have an iPhone4, the newest O.S., and latest boonex app version.

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23 Feb 2014

>> I don't think it tells you if you've received a message for a few days.


Unfortunately Dolphin app doesn't have live notification feature, it's not module-related. You have to update screen manually in order to get messages count.


>> - The last member shows no message number in the box where it should.

>> - The KayKayKathy member has some weird code showing.

>> - And this shows a member to the right of the member above.


This is never happened before, looks like errors with your site database. Please contact me via email with your site FTP and user access and I'll check it. 


>> I have an iPhone4, the newest O.S., and latest boonex app version.

Please email me also what Dolphin version do you have.
23 Feb 2014

Your Mobile Chat copy has been fixed, please check it. There was a problem with your database behavior.
25 Feb 2014

@Boonexpert - Did you ever figure out how to make the mobile user show as 'online' so that someone who is on the web version can initiate the chat?


If I recall right, previously when a user was logged into mobile, anyone on the web version would not know that person was online so all chats HAD to be started by the mobile user. Is that still the case?

Nothing to see here
25 Feb 2014

Just checked - it still doesn't set "online" flag if user is on mobile app. If I login on web, it set this flag from 0 to 1 immediately. I guess it still the app bug.


Edit: it would be great if Dolphin app would be able to work on background and have some API for the notifications about new events, such as messages or subscribed content updates.
25 Feb 2014

AlexT said it 'could' be done by a 3rd party app but didn't really understand how he was stating to do it.


Here is one of the topics I found:

Nothing to see here
25 Feb 2014

I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone here, but from my understanding if your using the mobile chat it won't indicate user online, however the only issue i have is that the deletion of the conversation, which is no big deal, but overall it works for me. As for notification like FB, in my opinion i don't give a crap, i simply log in and see if there are any red notifications. This is my opinion, not saying anyone is wrong here, but to me it is what it is.

Everyday is a new beginning.
25 Feb 2014


AlexT said it 'could' be done by a 3rd party app

 AlexT reply: "If 3rd-party module added such functionality, it should also have custom code to update user online status to make it work properly. "

I'm not sure how it's possible to add such functionality in 3rd-party module. 3rd party module doesn't know if you logged in the app until you launch the module itself. It may be a joke.

I guess it's already a different topic, not covered by mobile chat support.
25 Feb 2014


As for notification like FB, in my opinion i don't give a crap,

 Well, it still would be nice to have some sound notification if you receive some message, otherwise you have to take your device, run your app, login and check everything. Eww....
25 Feb 2014

Just purchased this mod and can't find any installation instructions :(

29 Mar 2014

Thank you for purchasing.

The most modules doesn't have instructions included. That means that module is supposed to be installed in regular way, without any additional changes to the core files. Simply unpack it to your Dolphin root and click Install button in admin panel under Modules section. That's it.
29 Mar 2014

Thanks for the reply.

"Simply unpack it to your Dolphin root" - you mean to the "modules" directory?

I have installed at least 10 modules and they all came with a readme file that had installation instructions :)

29 Mar 2014

Please unpack it into 'modules/boonexpert/' so files will have the path 'modules/boonexpert/mobilechat/'
29 Mar 2014

Thank you for clarifying.  I did not create a "boonexpert" directory.

29 Mar 2014

I've been testing on my ipod and all is working well, very pleased!

However, when going to chat I see this error (screenshot attached):

Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/ : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code on line 225 Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/ : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code on line 225

ipod-01.jpg · 74.4K · 350 views
29 Mar 2014
You have to turn off debug warnings on your Dolphin.

In inc/   about line 163  find:



error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);



change to:


29 Mar 2014

I emailed you and explained the problem, i can't receive chat's from some members and i can't delete chats from old and deleted users

Everyday is a new beginning.
15 Jul 2014

Product no good, cleared all cache and chats can not be cleared! Everything was done on my part and another developer and this product can be a sweet product, but needs a lot of work. You forced me into leaving this message, not me.

Everyday is a new beginning.
24 Jul 2014

And for the record i am completely against leaving these kind of messages.

Everyday is a new beginning.
24 Jul 2014


Product no good, cleared all cache and chats can not be cleared! Everything was done on my part and another developer and this product can be a sweet product, but needs a lot of work. You forced me into leaving this message, not me.

 You have issues with your website, module works just fine on all other websites within almost 3 years, since December, 2011, and there were no such reports so far. Please value your time and don't write inappropriate posts like this on a support forum. This forum thread is not for reviews, but for asking for help with the certain module. Before purchasing the product you have been provided with the demo to test everything and decide to buy it or not.
24 Jul 2014

No issues with my site bud, scroll up, several have same concern and questions no way to delete messages, plus i been after you for more then a week. My site is fine, nice try. Wish you luck.

Everyday is a new beginning.
24 Jul 2014


No issues with my site bud, scroll up, several have same concern and questions no way to delete messages, plus i been after you for more then a week. My site is fine, nice try. Wish you luck.

 There's no such functionality in this module, I already posted it here and replied to you on email a couple times. If functionality doesn't meet your needs, you can't just say that "product is bad".
24 Jul 2014

Its not an issue of whether it meets my needs or not, its a simple thing as the notifications stay on the chat icon even though you have read them before and it can not be cleared, not messages be cleared like you mentioned once that it needs to be done through the site, cause i and many others have tried. Your job should or your reply should have been ok let me uninstall it and reinstall it and try to fix. It's your product not mine. Don't try to switch things around, cause it's just not going to happen.

Everyday is a new beginning.
24 Jul 2014

This kind of behavior is not module-based and never has been reported before. As I recommended already: turn off all your cache, then clear it after. Then re-install mobile app and check if they are still there. If it works on 80 sites, then should work on 81-st as well.
24 Jul 2014

Misunderstanding on the mystery of coding is what occurred.

Everyday is a new beginning.
24 Jul 2014

The problem was android issue

Everyday is a new beginning.
24 Jul 2014

On this mod, if i choose to delete a member or a member is no longer on the site, the chat still appears on the mobile. So now i have on my admin mobile chat at least 5 chats that i can not get rid of. I also do not see a red notification appear on the chat icon. Been waiting for over a month.

Everyday is a new beginning.
10 Aug 2014

Look Alex i think this mod is awesome!!!! I am not here to bad mouth anyone, just please speak to who ever you have to and tell them to get their a** moving i am loosing people or the interest of joining. Does this make sense to a monkey? I am not calling you a monkey, but shoot how difficult can this be, it's your mod brother get those that are f*cking your sh*t up and tell them to move it. Your mod is awesome! Damn it, i tried everything!

Everyday is a new beginning.
11 Aug 2014


I can't speak for Boonex company and force them to fix anything, please understand. The ticked was created by AlexT and marked as Major Priority. I can't do anything else about it, please understand.
11 Aug 2014
25 Nov 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.