The Subscribe Button in the Action menu that pops up when you hover over a member isn't working, and issues a Javascript error on the following pages and modules:
and the map_profiles module
The bug issues the following firebug error:
oBxDolSubscription is not defined
a similar bug is issued by IE. This bug had been confirmed on
The problem can be resolved by finding the following line in browse.php, search.php, calendar.php:
and adding the following code immediately before it:
// Changed by JLW on 3/25/2011 to fix subscribe bug on page.
$oSubscription = new BxDolSubscription();
$_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] .= $oSubscription->getData();
// End Change
similarly, find the following line in modules/boonex/map_profiles/classes/BxMapModule.php:
echo $oPage->getCode();
and adding the following code immediately after it
// Changed by JLW on 3/25/2011 to fix subscribe bug on page.
$oSubscription = new BxDolSubscription();
echo $oSubscription->getData();
// End Change
Hopefully, these fixes can be added to the core codebase so they don't have to be modded every time.
Also, these are just the modules I've found the problem in, there may be more.
Hope this helps,