Studio Loading Spinning

Is anyone having the bx-loading-ajax loading spinner never actually do anything? It sits there when I try to add a page, or change anything and just spins it's little heart out. Is it a problem with the javascript maybe not actually calling what it's supposed to.

Alpha software! Amiright? :)

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Quote · 20 Sep 2014


Is anyone having the bx-loading-ajax loading spinner never actually do anything? It sits there when I try to add a page, or change anything and just spins it's little heart out. Is it a problem with the javascript maybe not actually calling what it's supposed to.

Alpha software! Amiright? :)

 I ran into that shortly after installing all the modules I had download.....(BTW- I had to manually install each mod for some reason)

I was going along installing each one, and when I installed "POSTS" that module install threw a database query error....I continued on installing the other modules....

But, from then on, I would get the spinning wheel of death whenever I clicked on things that refresh or launch something....

I ended-up deleting the database and site, and started all over...

I was going to ask Newton or someone if there are problem-mods I should avoid?

So far, I've only installed PERSONS, ORGANIZATIONS, and COVERSATIONS...Just to be safe

I want to test everything I can, but I don't want to keep breaking my site LOL

Any suggestions anyone?

Quote · 20 Sep 2014

It looks like you've installed Dev version, please install Alpha version. 

Dev version will not be upgraded and may have some uncompleted functionality.

Rules →
Quote · 20 Sep 2014


It looks like you've installed Dev version, please install Alpha version. 

Dev version will not be upgraded and may have some uncompleted functionality.

 Yep- You're right...I remember now- It said DEV on it

Thanks ALEX!

Quote · 20 Sep 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.