I really hated all those posts appearing on the SpyWall feed every time I commented on, rated, or changed a group.
In modules/boonex/groups/classes/BxGroupsModule.php
I found the code below, and added the little slanted line thingies shown in red. You'll find similar code in the events module.
function serviceGetSpyPost($sAction, $iObjectId = 0, $iSenderId = 0, $aExtraParams = array()) {
return parent::_serviceGetSpyPost($sAction, $iObjectId, $iSenderId, $aExtraParams, array(
'add' => '_bx_groups_spy_post',
// 'change' => '_bx_groups_spy_post_change',
'join' => '_bx_groups_spy_join',
// 'rate' => '_bx_groups_spy_rate',
// 'commentPost' => '_bx_groups_spy_comment',