This issue is twofold,
Firstly - it appears that I cannot remove the sounds module without also removing the events, groups and wall modules as they seem to be dependent on it.
Secondly - after removing the sounds module, I now get the following error whilst trying to reinstall it:
Installation of: Sounds Failed
Changing database:
-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error: Duplicate entry 'bx_sounds_uploader_switcher' for key 1
-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error: Duplicate entry 'bx_sounds_uploader_switcher' for key 1
INSERT INTO `sys_options` (`Name`, `VALUE`, `kateg`, `desc`, `Type`, `check`, `err_text`, `order_in_kateg`, `AvailableValues`) VALUES('bx_sounds_activation', 'on', @iKatID, 'Enable auto-activation for files', 'checkbox', '', '', 1, ''),('category_auto_app_bx_sounds', 'on', @iKatID, 'Autoapprove categories of files', 'checkbox', '', '', 2, ''),('bx_sounds_allowed_exts', 'mp3 wav', @iKatID, 'Allowed extensions', 'digit', '', '', 3, ''),('bx_sounds_profile_album_name', '{nickname}''s sounds', @iKatID, 'Default profile album name', 'digit', '', '', 4, ''),('bx_sounds_mode_index', 'last', @iKatID, 'Show files on index page
(if enabled in the template)', 'select', '', '', 10, 'last,top'),('bx_sounds_number_all', '12', @iKatID, 'How many files show on browse page', 'digit', '', '', 20, ''),('bx_sounds_number_index', '8', @iKatID, 'How many files show on index page', 'digit', '', '', 21, ''),('bx_sounds_number_top', '4', @iKatID, 'How many files show on featured, top and similar sections', 'digit', '', '', 22, ''),('bx_sounds_number_user', '4', @iKatID, 'Number of latest files by user', 'digit', '', '', 23, ''),('bx_sounds_number_related', '4', @iKatID, 'Number of related files by user', 'digit', '', '', 24, ''),('bx_sounds_number_previous_rated', '4', @iKatID, 'Number of previous rated files', 'digit', '', '', 25, ''),('bx_sounds_number_browse', '8', @iKatID, 'How many files show on home page', 'digit', '', '', 26, ''),('bx_sounds_number_albums_browse', '8', @iKatID, 'How many albums show on browse album page', 'digit', '', '', 27, ''),('bx_sounds_number_albums_home', '4', @iKatID, 'How many albums show on home page', 'digit', '', '', 28, ''),('bx_sounds_file_width', '600', @iKatID, 'Width of sound player (in pixels)', 'digit', '', '', 34, ''),('bx_sounds_file_height', '600', @iKatID, 'Height of sound player (in pixels)', 'digit', '', '', 35, ''),('bx_sounds_browse_width', '140', @iKatID, 'Width of sound browse unit (in pixels)', 'digit', '', '', 36, ''),('bx_sounds_browse_height', '102', @iKatID, 'Height of sound browse unit (in pixels)', 'digit', '', '', 37, ''),('bx_sounds_uploader_switcher', 'flash,regular,record', @iKatID, 'Available uploaders', 'list', '', '', 38, 'flash,regular,record');
Here's what happened..
- Had a complete installation of D7.0.0 with all modules loaded
- Performed upgrade to 7.0.1 - no issues
- Decided to remove unused modules - sounds being one of them
- Removal of sounds alerted me to uninstall wall, events and groups first - did this with no issue
- Uninstalled sounds - no issue
- Tried to reinstall wall / groups / events modules but was alerted to install sounds first!?
- Tried to reinstall sounds module and received above error.