Some Fantastic Developers

I just wanted to open a topic to give phrase to some fantastic Modders I have had the pleasure of dealing with personally.  This is NOT an advertisement as I have no personal relationship (personal or business) with any of these guys.  I purchase A LOT of mods from Boonex for my site (sorry I don't want to list my site here) and I have had some REALLY bad experiences and some REALLY excellent experiences.  I want to tell you about 3 Specific Developers that are absolutely Top Notch.

# In No Particular Order #

1. deano92964 - I have only had the pleasure of having a few mods from Dean (Facebook Connect, Facebook Inviter, Deano's Tools etc) but this guy is first class.  He communicates quickly, he is VERY supportive and VERY professional.  He is willing to help anyone out in a jam.  His most popular mod (Deano's Tools) is a life saver, I wouldn't be able to run my site effectively without it.

2. AntonLV - I have had the pleasure of buying a lot of mods from Anton and all I can say is "Seriously, are you kidding me? WOW!!!"  - The quality of his work is amazing and he again is VERY helpful with installing / customizing his mods.  The response time I get from Anton is almost UNCANNY, I'm caught sometimes wondering if Anton is already anticipating my email and already has a response ready for me when I hit send, it's ridiculous!  My site uses (Profile Composer, Dependent Fields etc) from Anton and I have ZERO complaints, the mods literally almost install themselves.  What little bit of manual installation I have to do is well written out in DUMMY language for me.  Top Notch Work.

3. (Company) ilbellodelweb I won't kid you I actually have almost every single mod available from this amazing group.  Now, the communication COULD be a little better but it's only lacking because there is a SLIGHT language barrier, but for the most part it is perfect with VERY quick responses to any questions / suggestions I have had.  In fact, some of the suggestions I have given this company has been implemented into their mods.  The mods are absolutely PERFECT and they continue to update on a constant basis.

These are the THREE main developers for Dolphin I use and have personal contact with on a regular basis but it is NOT everyone I use for Dolphin, there are a few mods that I have purchased that I have never contacted the developer at all because the product worked without any need of further customization request.

We own: mods4dolphin 's Facebook & Twitter Mods for Dolphin, they work fine and I haven't any need to contact the company.

micliz 's "Change Stars to Like" mod, again no problems never bothered contacting.

There are MANY other developers that I have mods for and I have gotten burned really bad by some but the three I have listed above are amazing and I have ZERO hesitation on buying from again, all too often you hear people complain about bad experiences, I just wanted to share some praise for a change.

<Please don't use this thread to bad mouth ANY developers, but feel free to share some good experiences IF you are not just advertising a mod>

Quote · 26 Nov 2010

I've moved this topic to the market forum since it's feedback.


I'm also glad to hear you've had a terrific experience with these developers. Smile I've known some of these guys to do an excellent job, especially Deano and his numerous life-saving tools and posts.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 26 Nov 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.