Hi. I'm trying to install Dolphin via Softaculous because I can't install it using Sentora / Zpanel (See my other post)
I'm with DigitalOcean, running a Ubuntu VPS server and I downloaded and installed dolphin with Softaculous without any issues the other day. I then decided to install it again in another directory and all hell broke loose. Firstly it got to 98% then baulked by stating it couldn't access the database, a problem I never had before.
This happened three times in a row, but then it stopped at around 40%, the 70% stating that my copy of PHP is too old. It wants 5.3.0 or greater and mine is 5.5.9.
There are hundreds of complaints on the web about this problem and Softaculous say theres a "Pre Installer" where one can write some complex code to overcome the problem. First off, the pre-installer isn't available when you install from their site and hey - isn't Softculous designed for people without a vast knowledge of installing scripts?
Has anyone struck this problem and resolved it?
Please keep in mind that my install a week ago went as smooth as silk.