Site error. Need help ASAP

I have this error appearing on my site:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')' in /home/gq123/public_html/inc/ on line 2643

I've been asking for help but it is still unresolved.

So, I want to try and do it myself.

I went to the server, found the file, opened it in Dreamweaver and ran the debugger.

It gave me this:

'; } /** * Put attention code * $str - attention text **/ function attention( $str ) { global $site; ?>

'; $ret .= '

'; $ret .= $text; $ret .= '

'; $ret .= '

'; $ret .= '

'; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; return $ret; } // design box $fs = filesize ( "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/designbox_0.html" ); $f = fopen ( "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/designbox_0.html", "r" ); $templ_designbox0 = fread ( $f, $fs ); fclose ( $f ); $fs = filesize ( "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/designbox_1.html" ); $f = fopen ( "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/designbox_1.html", "r" ); $templ_designbox1 = fread ( $f, $fs ); fclose ( $f ); $fs = filesize ( "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/designbox_2.html" ); $f = fopen ( "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/designbox_2.html", "r" ); $templ_designbox2 = fread ( $f, $fs ); fclose ( $f ); /** * Put "design box" HTML code * $title - title text * $width - width in pixels * $height - height in pixels * $align - align or other formatter * for example: "align=center" * $db_num - number of design box template (for "act" skin only) **/ function DesignBoxContent ( $title, $content, $db_num = 0, $caption_item = '' ) { global $site; global $templ_designbox0; global $templ_designbox1; global $templ_designbox2; global $dbh_letters; global $tmpl; switch ($dbh_letters) { case "upper": $f = "strtoupper"; break; case "lower": $f = "strtolower"; break; case "fupper": $f = "ucfirst"; break; case "aupper": $f = "ucwords"; break; default: $f = "sprintf"; } if ( strlen($height) ) $height = " height=\"$height\" "; if ($db_num == 2) // && !$templ_designbox2 ) { $templ = $templ_designbox2; } elseif( $db_num == 1) // && !$templ_designbox1 ) { $templ = $templ_designbox1; } else//if( !$templ_designbox0 ) { $templ = $templ_designbox0; } // replace path to the images $s = $site['images']; $s = str_replace ( $site['url'], "", $site['images'] ); $templ = str_replace ( $s, $site['images'], $templ ); // replace template variables $templ = str_replace ( "__title__", $f($title), $templ ); $templ = str_replace ( "__caption_item__", $caption_item, $templ ); $templ = str_replace ( "__designbox_content__", $content, $templ ); $templ = str_replace ( "__images__", $site['images'], $templ ); if ( function_exists( 'colors_select' ) ) $templ = str_replace ( "__designBoxColor__", colors_select(), $templ ); if ($tmpl == 'act') { if ($index_db_color_randomize == 1) { $templ = str_replace ( "__db_color__", get_active_color(), $templ ); } else { $templ = str_replace ( "__db_color__", $index_db_color, $templ ); } } return $templ; } /** * Put "design box" with border HTML code * $title - title text * $width - width in pixels * $height - height in pixels * $align - align or other formatter * for example: "align=center" **/ function DesignBoxContentBorder ( $title, $content, $caption_item='' ) { global $site; global $dir; global $tmpl; global $service_db_color; global $dbh_letters; switch ($dbh_letters) { case "upper": $f_case = "strtoupper"; break; case "lower": $f_case = "strtolower"; break; case "fupper": $f_case = "ucfirst"; break; case "aupper": $f_case = "ucwords"; break; default: $f_case = "sprintf"; } // design box with border: reading template $fs = filesize ( "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/designbox_border.html" ); $f = fopen ( "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/designbox_border.html", "r" ); $templ_designbox_border = fread ( $f, $fs ); fclose ( $f ); $templ = $templ_designbox_border; // replace template variables $templ = str_replace ( "__title__", $f_case($title), $templ ); $templ = str_replace ( "__caption_item__", $caption_item, $templ ); $templ = str_replace ( "__designbox_content__", $content, $templ ); return $templ; } /** * members statistic block */ function PageCompMemberStatN( $w, $h) { global $site; global $prof; global $tmpl; $free_mode = getParam("free_mode") == "on" ? 1 : 0; // members statistics $total_c = strlen( $_POST['total_c'] ) ? $_POST['total_c'] : getParam( "default_country" ); $total_c2 = strlen( $_POST['total_c2'] ) ? $_POST['total_c2'] : getParam( "default_country" ); $total_arr = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `Profiles` WHERE Status = 'Active'" ); $total_arr_week = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `Profiles` WHERE Status = 'Active' AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(LastReg)) <= 7" ); $total_arr_gold = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT IDMember) FROM ProfileMemLevels INNER JOIN Profiles ON Profiles.ID = ProfileMemLevels.IDMember WHERE (DateExpires IS NULL OR DateExpires > NOW()) AND (DateStarts IS NULL OR DateStarts <= NOW()) AND (Profiles.Status = 'Active')" ); $total_c_arr = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `Profiles` WHERE Status = 'Active' AND `Country` = '". process_db_input($total_c) ."'" ); $total_members = $total_arr[0]; $total_c_members = $total_c_arr[0]; $total_c_members_onl = get_users_online_number('c', $total_c2 ); $total_arr_chatting = get_users_online_number('t'); $members_online = get_users_online_number(); $c_arr = $prof[countries]; $out = ""; $out .= '

'; $out .= ""; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= ''; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "
"._t("_Currently Online")."
"._t("_Total")." - $members_online
"._t("_Chatting")." - $total_arr_chatting
$total_c_members_onl "._t("_members")." "._t("_from").":
'; $out .= ""; $out .= ''; $out .= '
\n"; $out .= "
"; $out .= ""; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; if ( !$free_mode ) $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; if ($tmpl == 'g4') $out .= ""; $out .= ''; $out .= "\n"; $out .= '
"._t("_Total Registered")."
"._t("_Total")." - $total_arr[0]
"._t("_Gold Members")." - $total_arr_gold[0]
"._t("_New this week")." - $total_arr_week[0]
$total_c_members "._t("_members")." "._t("_from").":
'; $out .= ""; $out .= ''; $out .= '
'; $out .= '

'; return DesignBoxContent ( _t("_members"), $w, $out, $h ); } /** * Put top code for the page **/ function PageCode( $admintmpl=0 ) { global $dir; global $site; global $_page; global $_page_comp; global $logged; global $langHTMLCharset; global $tmpl; global $ADMIN; global $tmi_letters; global $dbh_letters; global $max_thumb_height; global $max_thumb_width; global $_page_cont; $ni = $_page['name_index']; global $oTemplConfig; $oTemplMenu = new BxTemplMenu( $oTemplConfig ); $free_mode = getParam("free_mode") == "on" ? 1 : 0; // reading templates if(!$admintmpl) { $fn = "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/page_{$ni}.html"; if ( !file_exists($fn) ) $fn = "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/default.html"; } else $fn = "{$dir['root']}admin/tmpl_admin.html"; $templ = file_get_contents( $fn ); // process includes (multi-level) do { $templ1 = $templ; $templ = preg_replace_callback( "/__include (.*)__/", "TmplInclude", $templ1 ); $templ = preg_replace_callback ("/__includebase (.*)__/", "TmplIncludeBase", $templ); } while( $templ1 != $templ ); //insert to your template page key: __t: lang_key__ and you will get translated string $templ = preg_replace_callback( "/__t: (_.+)__/", create_function( '$matches', 'return _t($matches[1]);' ), $templ ); PageStaticComponents(); // lang block if ( (int)getParam('lang_enable') ) { ob_start(); lang_select_txt(); $_page_cont[0]['switch_lang_block'] = ob_get_clean(); } else $_page_cont[0]['switch_lang_block'] = ''; // charset $_page_cont[0]['page_charset'] = $langHTMLCharset; //change templates if ( 'on' == getParam("enable_template")) $_page_cont[0]['switch_skin_block'] = templates_select_txt(); else $_page_cont[0]['switch_skin_block'] = ''; //Path to css if( strlen( $_page['css_name'] ) > 0 ) { $filename = $dir['root'] . $site['css_dir'] . $_page['css_name']; if ( file_exists( $filename ) && is_file( $filename ) ) $_page_cont[0]['styles'] = ''; else $_page_cont[0]['styles'] = ''; } else $_page_cont[0]['styles'] = ''; //Path to js if( strlen( $_page['js_name'] ) > 0 ) { $filename = $dir['root'] . 'inc/js/' . $_page['js_name']; if ( file_exists( $filename ) && is_file( $filename ) ) { $langDelete = _t('_delete'); $langLoading = _t('_loading ...'); $langDeleteMessage = _t('_poll successfully deleted'); $langMakeIt = _t('_make it'); $lang_you_should_specify_member = _t('_You should specify at least one member'); if ( $site['js_init'] ) $_page_cont[0]['java_script'] = $site['js_init']; $_page_cont[0]['java_script'] .= << var site_url = '{$site['url']}'; var lang_delete = '{$langDelete}'; var lang_loading = '{$langLoading}'; var lang_delete_message = '{$langDeleteMessage}'; var lang_make_it = '{$langMakeIt}'; var lang_you_should_specify_member = '{$lang_you_should_specify_member}'; var iQSearchWindowWidth = {$oTemplConfig->iQSearchWindowWidth}; var iQSearchWindowHeight = {$oTemplConfig->iQSearchWindowHeight}; EOJ; } else $_page_cont[0]['java_script'] = ''; } else $_page_cont[0]['java_script'] = ''; $_page_cont[0]['css_dir'] = $site['css_dir']; $_page_cont[0]['plugins'] = $site['plugins']; $_page_cont[0]['thumb_width'] = $max_thumb_width; $_page_cont[0]['thumb_height'] = $max_thumb_height; $_page_cont[0]['site_url'] = $site['url']; $_page_cont[0]['images'] = $site['images']; $_page_cont[0]['icons'] = $site['icons']; $_page_cont[0]['zodiac'] = $site['zodiac']; $_page_cont[0]['bottom_text'] = _t( "_bottom_text", date("Y") ); $_page_cont[0]['copyright'] = _t( "_copyright", date("Y") ) . getVersionComment(); // please do not delete version for debug possibilities $_page_cont[0]['powered'] = getParam( 'enable_boonex_footers' ) ? _t( "_powered_by_Dolphin" ) : ''; $_page_cont[0]['main_logo'] = getMainLogo(); //place meta data on site pages $_page_cont[0]['meta_keywords'] = process_line_output( getParam("MetaKeyWords") ); $_page_cont[0]['meta_description'] = process_line_output( getParam("MetaDescription") ); if( strlen( $_page['extra_js'] ) ) $_page_cont[0]['extra_js'] = $_page['extra_js']; else $_page_cont[0]['extra_js'] = ''; if( strlen( $_page['extra_css'] ) ) $_page_cont[0]['extra_css'] = $_page['extra_css']; else $_page_cont[0]['extra_css'] = ''; // top menu items $_page_cont[0]['top_menu'] = $oTemplMenu -> getTopMenu(); $_page_cont[0]['hidden_menu'] = getAllMenus(); $_page_cont[0]['custom_menu'] = $oTemplMenu -> getCustomMenu(); // topest menu items { $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Home'] = '' . _t("_Home") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Home'] = '' . _t("_Home") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_About'] = '' . _t("_About Us") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_About'] = '' . _t("_About Us") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Privacy'] = '' . _t("_Privacy") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Privacy'] = '' . _t("_Privacy") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Termsofuse'] = '' . _t("_Terms_of_use") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Termsofuse'] = '' . _t("_Terms_of_use") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Services'] = '' . _t("_Services") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Services'] = '' . _t("_Services") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_FAQ'] = '' . _t("_FAQ") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_FAQ'] = '' . _t("_FAQ") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Articles'] = '' . _t("_Articles") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Articles'] = '' . _t("_Articles") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Stories'] = '' . _t("_Stories2") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Stories'] = '' . _t("_Stories2") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Links'] = '' . _t("_Links") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Links'] = '' . _t("_Links") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_News'] = '' . _t("_News") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_News'] = '' . _t("_News") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Aff'] = getParam("enable_aff") == 'on' ? '' . _t("_Affiliates") . '' : ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Aff'] = getParam("enable_aff") == 'on' ? '' . _t("_Affiliates") . '' : ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Invitefriend'] = '' . _t("_Invite a friend") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Invitefriend'] = '' . _t("_Invite a friend") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Contacts'] = '' . _t("_Contacts") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Contacts'] = '' . _t("_Contacts") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Browse'] = '' . _t("_Browse Profiles") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Browse'] = '' . _t("_Browse Profiles") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Feedback'] = '' . _t("_Add story") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Feedback'] = '' . _t("_Add story") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_ContactUs'] = '' . _t("_contact_us") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_ContactUs'] = '' . _t("_contact_us") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['TOP_Bookmark'] = '' . _t("_Bookmark") . ''; $_page_cont[0]['BMI_Bookmark'] = '' . _t("_Bookmark") . ''; } // bottom menu items { } $_page_cont[0]['hello_member'] = HelloMemberSection(); // member/visitor menu if ( $logged['admin'] ) $_page_cont[0]['menu_right'] = $oTemplMenu -> loggedAdminMenu(); elseif ( $logged['aff'] ) $_page_cont[0]['menu_right'] = $oTemplMenu -> loggedAffMenu(); elseif ( $logged['moderator'] ) $_page_cont[0]['menu_right'] = $oTemplMenu -> loggedModeratorMenu(); elseif ( $logged['member'] ) $_page_cont[0]['menu_right'] = $oTemplMenu -> loggedMemberMenu(); else $_page_cont[0]['menu_right'] = $oTemplMenu -> visitorMenu(); /*if ( !strlen($_page_cont[$ni]['actions_menu']) ) $_page_cont[0]['actions_menu'] = $oTemplMenu -> actionsMenu();*/ if ( !strlen($_page_cont[$ni]['add_to_header']) ) $_page_cont[0]['add_to_header'] = ''; $check_res = checkAction( (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'], ACTION_ID_USE_IM ); $enable_im = getParam("enable_im"); if ( $enable_im && $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED && !$ADMIN ) { $_page_cont[0]['IM_title'] = _t("_IM title"); $_page_cont[0]['IM'] = RetIM(); } else { $_page_cont[0]['IM_title'] = ""; $_page_cont[0]['IM'] = ""; } $enable_shoutBox = ('on' == getParam("enable_shoutBox")) ? 1 : 0; if( $enable_shoutBox ) $_page_cont[0]['shout_box'] = loadShoutbox(); else $_page_cont[0]['shout_box'] = ''; $_page_cont[0]['top_page_head'] = getTopPageHead(); // page header $_page_cont[0]['page_header'] = $_page['header']; $_page_cont[0]['page_header_text'] = $_page['header_text']; // banner rotation/shifting system if ( strstr($templ, "__banner_top__") ) $_page_cont[0]['banner_top'] = banner_put_nv(1); if ( strstr($templ, "__banner_left__") ) $_page_cont[0]['banner_left'] = banner_put_nv(2); if ( strstr($templ, "__banner_right__") ) $_page_cont[0]['banner_right'] = banner_put_nv(3); if ( strstr($templ, "__banner_bottom__") ) $_page_cont[0]['banner_bottom'] = banner_put_nv(4); //end of banner rotation/shifting system //--- Ray IM Integration ---// global $sRayHomeDir; $_page_cont[0]['ray_invite_js'] = " var sRayUrl = '" . $site['url'] . $sRayHomeDir . "'; "; $_page_cont[0]['ray_invite_swf'] = ""; $iId = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $sPassword = getPassword($iId); $bEnableRay = (getParam( 'enable_ray' ) == 'on'); $check_res = checkAction($iId, ACTION_ID_USE_RAY_IM); if($bEnableRay && $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) $_page_cont[0]['ray_invite_swf'] = getApplicationContent("im", "invite", array('id' => $iId, 'password' => $sPassword), true); //--- Ray IM Integration ---// foreach ( $_page_cont[0] as $key => $value ) { $templ = str_replace ( "__${key}__", $value, $templ ); } if ( is_array($_page_cont[$ni]) ) { foreach ( $_page_cont[$ni] as $key => $value ) { $templ = str_replace ( "__${key}__", $value, $templ ); } } header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo $templ; } /** * callback function for including template files */ function TmplInclude($m) { global $dir; global $tmpl; // read include file $fn = "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_$tmpl/{$m[1]}"; if (file_exists ($fn)) { $fp = fopen ($fn, "r"); if ($fp) { $s = fread ($fp, filesize ($fn)); fclose ($fp); return $s; } } return "error reading {$m[1]}"; } function TmplIncludeBase($m) { global $dir; global $tmpl; // read include file $fn = "{$dir['root']}templates/base/{$m[1]}"; if (file_exists ($fn)) { $fp = fopen ($fn, "r"); if ($fp) { $s = fread ($fp, filesize ($fn)); fclose ($fp); return $s; } } return "error reading {$m[1]}"; } /** * Affiliate's member authentocation and setting up cookies **/ function SetCookieFromAffiliate() { global $en_aff; if ($en_aff && $_GET['idAff']) { if ( !strstr($_GET['idAff'],"@") ) { $_GET['idAff'] = (int)$_GET['idAff']; $res = db_res("SELECT ID FROM aff WHERE ID={$_GET['idAff']} AND `Status`='active'"); } else $res = db_res("SELECT ID FROM aff WHERE email='{$_GET['idAff']}' AND `Status`='active'"); if ( mysql_num_rows($res) ) { setcookie( "idAff", $_GET['idAff'], time() + 10000 * 3600, "/" ); } } } /** * Friend's member authentocation and setting up cookies **/ function SetCookieFromFriend() { global $en_aff; if ( $en_aff && $_GET['idFriend'] ) { $idFriend = getID( $_GET['idFriend'], 1 ); if ( $idFriend ) setcookie( "idFriend", $idFriend, time() + 10000 * 3600, "/" ); } } /** * Custom Menu Function for Profile **/ function DesignQuickSearch() { global $site; global $search_start_age; global $search_end_age; $gl_search_start_age = (int)$search_start_age; $gl_search_end_age = (int)$search_end_age; if ( $_COOKIE['memberID'] > 0 ) { $arr_sex = getProfileInfo( $_COOKIE['memberID'] ); //db_arr("SELECT Sex FROM Profiles WHERE ID = ".(int)$_COOKIE['memberID']); $member_sex = $arr_sex['Sex']; } else $member_sex = 'male'; ob_start(); ?>


!" />

"._t("_$v")."\n"; else $ret .= ""._t("_$v")."\n"; } return $ret; } SetCookieFromAffiliate(); SetCookieFromFriend(); /** * Return code for IM window */ function RetIM() { global $site; global $tmpl; global $oTemplConfig; $ID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $im_width = strstr($oTemplConfig -> im_width,'%') ? $oTemplConfig -> im_width : $oTemplConfig -> im_width-1; $im_height = $oTemplConfig -> im_height; $im_win = $_COOKIE['im_win'] ? $_COOKIE['im_win'] : 'none'; $langOpenNewWindow = _t("_Open in new window"); $langShow = _t("_Show"); $langHide = _t("_Hide"); $linkDivider = " | "; if ($im_win == 'none') { $div_hide = "none"; $div_show = "inline"; } else { $div_hide = "inline"; $div_show = "none"; } $out .= << <!-- function imShowHide() { var im_win = document.getElementById('im_win'); var show = document.getElementById('show'); var hide = document.getElementById('hide'); if ( == 'none') { document.cookie = "im_win=inline;"; = 'inline'; 'none'; = 'inline'; } else { document.cookie = "im_win=none;"; = 'none'; 'inline'; = 'none'; } } //-->


EOF; $im_width = strstr($im_width,'%') ? $im_width : $im_width+1; return DesignBoxContent( _t("_IM title"), $out, $oTemplConfig -> PageRetIM_db_num ); } function loadShoutbox( $framewidth = 0, $frameheight = 0 ) { $iId = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $sPassword = getPassword($iId); return getApplicationContent('shoutbox', 'user', array('id' => $iId, 'password' => $sPassword)); } /** * parse string and replace text to smiles where possible */ function process_smiles( $str ) { global $site; $res = db_res("SELECT `code`, `smile_url`, `emoticon` FROM `smiles` ORDER BY LENGTH(`code`) DESC"); while ( $arr = mysql_fetch_array($res) ) { $str = str_replace( $arr['code'], "\"{$arr['emoticon']}\"", $str ); } return $str; } /** * put html code for inserting smiles */ function put_smiles ( $textarea, $br = 999 ) { global $site; $res = db_res("SELECT `code`, `smile_url`, `emoticon` FROM smiles ORDER BY `ID` ASC,`smile_url`"); $i = 0; while ( $arr = mysql_fetch_array($res) ) { if ( $smile_url == $arr['smile_url'] ) continue; $smile_url = $arr['smile_url']; $counter = " var counter = document.getElementById('{$textarea}counter'); if (counter) { counter.value=document.getElementById('{$textarea}').value.length; }"; $ret .= "\"{$arr['emoticon']}\" \n"; if ( ((++$i) % $br) == 0 ) $ret .= "
"; } return $ret; } function get_active_color() { global $db_color_index; $db_colors = array ( 'green', 'magenta', 'orange', 'violet', 'yellow' ); $index = $db_color_index; // Update color index. if ( 4 == $db_color_index) { $db_color_index = 0; } else { $db_color_index++; } return $db_colors[$index]; } function get_member_thumbnail( $ID, $float, $bDrawMargin=FALSE ) { global $site; require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'profilePhotos.php' ); $user_is_online = get_user_online_status( $ID ); //$sSexSql = "SELECT `Sex` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = '{$ID}'"; $aSexSql = getProfileInfo( $ID ); //db_arr( $sSexSql ); $oPhoto = new ProfilePhotos( $ID ); $oPhoto -> getActiveMediaArray(); $aFile = $oPhoto -> getPrimaryPhotoArray(); if( extFileExists( $oPhoto -> sMediaDir . 'thumb_' . $aFile['med_file'] ) ) $sFileName = $oPhoto -> sMediaUrl . 'thumb_' . $aFile['med_file']; else { if( $aSexSql['Sex'] == 'female' or $aSexSql['Sex'] == 'Female' ) $sSexPic = 'woman_medium.gif'; elseif( $aSexSql['Sex'] == 'male' or $aSexSql['Sex'] == 'Male' ) $sSexPic = 'man_medium.gif'; else $sSexPic = 'visitor_medium.gif'; $sFileName = getTemplateIcon( $sSexPic ); } $sMarginsAddon = ($bDrawMargin) ? " margin-right:10px;margin-bottom:10px; " : ''; $style = 'width:' . $oPhoto -> aMediaConfig['size']['thumbWidth'] . 'px;' . 'height:' . $oPhoto -> aMediaConfig['size']['thumbHeight'] . 'px;' . 'background-image:url(' . $sFileName . ');'; $ret = ''; $ret .= '

'; $ret .= getProfileOnlineStatus( $user_is_online, $bDrawMargin ); $ret .= ""; $ret .= '' . process_line_output( $aFileName['med_title'] ) . ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= '

'; return $ret; } function get_member_icon( $ID, $float = 'none', $bDrawMargin=FALSE ) { global $site; require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'profilePhotos.php' ); //$sSexSql = "SELECT `Sex` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = '{$ID}'"; $aSexSql = getProfileInfo( $ID ); //db_arr( $sSexSql ); $oPhoto = new ProfilePhotos( $ID ); $oPhoto -> getActiveMediaArray(); $aFile = $oPhoto -> getPrimaryPhotoArray(); if( extFileExists( $oPhoto -> sMediaDir . 'icon_' . $aFile['med_file'] ) ) $sFileName = $oPhoto -> sMediaUrl . 'icon_' . $aFile['med_file']; else { if( $aSexSql['Sex'] == 'female' or $aSexSql['Sex'] == 'Female' ) $sSexPic = 'woman_small.gif'; elseif( $aSexSql['Sex'] == 'male' or $aSexSql['Sex'] == 'Male' ) $sSexPic = 'man_small.gif'; else $sSexPic = 'visitor_small.gif'; $sFileName = getTemplateIcon( $sSexPic ); } $sMarginsAddon = ($bDrawMargin) ? " margin-right:10px;margin-bottom:10px; " : ''; $style = 'width:' . $oPhoto -> aMediaConfig['size']['iconWidth'] . 'px;' . 'height:' . $oPhoto -> aMediaConfig['size']['iconHeight'] . 'px;' . 'background-image:url(' . $sFileName . ');'; $ret = ''; $ret .= '

'; $ret .= ""; $ret .= '' . process_line_output( $aFileName['med_title'] ) . ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= '

'; return $ret; } /* Generate Pagination function. Generates string like: << 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 10 >> with links. attrlist: $pagesNum - total number of pages. $page - current page in set. $pagesUrl - template of link for all pages. Template should contain {page} instruction which will be replaced by real page number. $oTemplConfig -> paginationDifference - defines number of pages shown before and after current page. If paginationDifference = 0 then all pages numbers will be shown without skipping. */ function genPagination( $pagesNum, $page, $pagesUrl, $pagesOnclick = '' ) { global $oTemplConfig; $paginDiff = $oTemplConfig -> paginationDifference; $paginFrom = ( $paginDiff ? ( $page - $paginDiff ) : 2 ); $paginTo = ( $paginDiff ? ( $page + $paginDiff ) : ( $pagesNum - 1 ) ); $needDrop1 = $needDrop2 = true; if( $paginFrom <= 2 ) { $paginFrom = 2; $needDrop1 = false; } if( $paginTo >= ( $pagesNum - 1 ) ) { $paginTo = $pagesNum - 1; $needDrop2 = false; } $ret = '

'; if( $page > 1 ) $ret .= genPageSwitcher( ( $page - 1 ), $pagesUrl, $pagesOnclick, false, '<<', _t('_Previous page') ); $ret .= genPageSwitcher( 1, $pagesUrl, $pagesOnclick, ($page == 1) ); $ret .= ($needDrop1 ? ' ... ' : ''); for( $p = $paginFrom; $p <= $paginTo; $p++ ) $ret .= genPageSwitcher( $p, $pagesUrl, $pagesOnclick, ($page == $p) ); $ret .= ($needDrop2 ? ' ... ' : ''); $ret .= genPageSwitcher( $pagesNum, $pagesUrl, $pagesOnclick, ($page == $pagesNum) ); if( $page < $pagesNum ) $ret .= genPageSwitcher( ( $page + 1 ), $pagesUrl, $pagesOnclick, false, '>>', _t('_Next page') ); $ret .= '

'; return $ret; } /* This function generates page link or just a text (if page is current) attrlist: $page - integer number of page (will be put instead of {page} instruction to template $link - template of page link $current - defines if page link is active or not (current page) $sign - string which is shown instead of page number in link text ( Ex.: << ) $title - alternative link tip text ($sign "; return $ret; } function getMainLogo() { global $dir; global $site; $ret = ''; foreach( array( 'gif', 'jpg', 'png' ) as $ext ) if( file_exists( $dir['mediaImages']."logo.$ext" ) ) { $ret .= ''; $ret .= "\"logo\""; $ret .= ''; break; } return $ret; } function getPromoImagesList () { $photos = getPromoImagesArray(); shuffle( $photos ); return implode( ',', $photos ); } function getPromoImagesArray() { global $dir; $aFiles = array(); $rDir = opendir( $dir['imagesPromo'] ); if( $rDir ) { while( $sFile = readdir( $rDir ) ) { if( $sFile == '.' or $sFile == '..' or !is_file( $dir['imagesPromo'] . $sFile ) ) continue; $aFiles[] = $sFile; } closedir( $rDir ); } return $aFiles; } function genRSSHtmlOut( $sUrl, $iNum = 0 ) { $php_date_format = getParam( 'php_date_format' ); $oRSS = new BxRSS( $sUrl ); if( !$oRSS ) return ''; ob_start() ?>

items as $oItem ) { $sDate = date( $php_date_format, strtotime( $oItem -> pubDate ) ); ?>
description ) ?>
= $iNum ) break; } ?>

array('capt'=>_t("_RayzGames"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "GamesGames`",'link'=>'rzgames.php?mode=browse','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>"") 'all' => array('capt'=>_t("_Members"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active'",'link'=>'browse.php','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>"profiles.php"), 'pph' => array('capt'=>_t("_Photos"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`medID`) FROM `sharePhotoFiles` WHERE `Approved`='true'",'link'=>'browsePhoto.php','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'evs' => array('capt'=>_t("_Events"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `Status`='Active'",'link'=>'events.php?show_events=all&action=show','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'onl' => array('capt'=>_t("_Online"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `count_onl` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `LastNavTime` > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL $iMin MINUTE)",'link'=>'search_result.php?online_only=1','adm_query'=> "", 'adm_link'=>""), 'pvi' => array('capt'=>_t("_Videos"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `RayMovieFiles` WHERE `Approved`='true'",'link'=>'browseVideo.php','adm_query'=> "", 'adm_link'=>""), 'pls' => array('capt'=>_t("_Polls"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`id_poll`) FROM `ProfilesPolls` WHERE `poll_approval`='1'", 'link'=>'polls.php','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'ntd' => array('capt'=>_t("_New Today"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(`LastReg`)) <= 1",'link'=>'','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'pmu' => array('capt'=>_t("_Music"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `RayMusicFiles` WHERE `Approved`='true'",'link'=>'browseMusic.php','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'tps' => array('capt'=>_t("_Topics"), 'query'=>"SELECT IF( NOT ISNULL( SUM(`forum_topics`)), SUM(`forum_posts`), 0) AS `Num` FROM `pre_forum`",'link'=>'orca','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'nwk' => array('capt'=>_t("_This Week"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(`LastReg`)) <= 7",'link'=>'','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'pvd' => array('capt'=>_t("_Profile Videos"), 'query'=>"SELECT `Approved` FROM `RayVideoStats`",'link'=>'','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>"",'hide'=>false), 'pts' => array('capt'=>_t("_Posts"), 'query'=>"SELECT IF( NOT ISNULL( SUM(`forum_posts`)), SUM(`forum_posts`), 0) AS `Num` FROM `pre_forum` ",'link'=>'orca','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'nmh' => array('capt'=>_t("_This Month"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(`LastReg`)) <= 30",'link'=>'','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'tgs' => array('capt'=>_t("_Tags"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT `Tag` ) FROM `Tags`",'link'=>'','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'ars' => array('capt'=>_t("_Articles"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ArticlesID`) FROM `Articles`",'link'=>'articles.php','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'nyr' => array('capt'=>_t("_This Year"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(`LastReg`)) <= 365",'link'=>'','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'grs' => array('capt'=>_t("_Groups"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Groups` WHERE `status`='Active'",'link'=>'groups_home.php','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'cls' => array('capt'=>_t("_Classifieds"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `Status`='active'",'link'=>'classifieds.php?Browse=1','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>""), 'frs' => array('capt'=>_t("_Friends"), 'query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `FriendList` WHERE `Check`='1'",'link'=>'','adm_query'=> "",'adm_link'=>"") ); if ($sMode == 'admin') { $aAdmin = array( 'all'=>array('adm_query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status`!='Active'",'adm_link'=>'profiles.php?profiles=Approval'), 'pph'=>array('adm_query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`medID`) FROM `sharePhotoFiles` WHERE `Approved`='false'",'adm_link'=>'browsePhoto.php'), 'evs'=>array('adm_query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `SDatingEvents` WHERE `Status`!='Active'",'adm_link'=>'sdating_admin.php'), 'onl'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>''), 'pvi'=>array('adm_query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `RayMovieFiles` WHERE `Approved`!='true'",'adm_link'=>'browseVideo.php'), 'pls'=>array('adm_query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`id_poll`) FROM `ProfilesPolls` WHERE `poll_approval`!='1'",'adm_link'=>'post_mod_ppolls.php'), 'ntd'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>''), 'pmu'=>array('adm_query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `RayMusicFiles` WHERE `Approved`!='true'",'adm_link'=>'browseMusic.php'), 'tps'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>''), 'nwk'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>''), 'tgs'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>''), 'pts'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>''), 'nmh'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>''), 'frs'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>''), 'ars'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>'articles.php'), 'nyr'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>''), 'grs'=>array('adm_query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Groups` WHERE `status`!='Active'",'adm_link'=>'groups.php'), 'cls'=>array('adm_query'=>"SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` WHERE `Status` != 'active'",'adm_link'=>'manage_classifieds.php'), 'pvd'=>array('adm_query'=>"",'adm_link'=>'\'../ray/modules/video/app/admin.swf?nick={adminLogin}&password={adminPass}&url=../../../XML.php\',\'RayVideoAdmin\',\'width=700,height=330,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0\');') ); $sAdd = '_a'; $sProfVideo = getApplicationContent('video', 'stat', array(), true); } else { $aAdmin = ''; $sProfVideo = ''; } $sCode = $sProfVideo.'

'; foreach ($aStat as $sKey => $sVal) { $sLink = strlen($sVal['link']) > 0 ? ''.$sVal['capt'].'' : $sVal['capt'] ; if ($sVal['hide'] === true && $sMode != 'admin') continue; if ( !is_array($aAdmin) ) { $iNum = strlen($sVal['query']) > 0 ? db_value($sVal['query']) : 0; if ($sKey == 'pls') { $iNum = $iNum + db_value("SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `polls_q` WHERE `Active`='on'"); } } else { $iNum = strlen($aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_query']) > 0 ? db_value($aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_query']) : 0; if ( strlen($aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_link']) > 0 ) { if( substr( $aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_link'], 0, strlen( 'javascript:' ) ) == 'javascript:' ) // smile :)) { $sHref = 'javascript:void(0);'; $sOnclick = 'onclick="' . $aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_link'] . '"'; $aAdmin = db_arr( "SELECT * FROM `Admins` LIMIT 1" ); $sOnclick = str_replace( '{adminLogin}', $aAdmin['Name'], $sOnclick ); $sOnclick = str_replace( '{adminPass}', $aAdmin['Password'], $sOnclick ); } else { $sHref = $aAdmin[$sKey]['adm_link']; $sOnclick = ''; } $sLink = ''.$sVal['capt'].''; } else { $sLink = $sVal['capt']; } if ($sKey == 'pls') { $iNum = $iNum + db_value("SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `polls_q` WHERE `Active`<>'on'"); } } switch ($sKey) { case 'all': case 'onl': case 'ntd': case 'nwk': case 'nmh': case 'nyr': $sIcon = 'mbs.gif'; break; case 'all': $sIcon = 'us.gif'; break; case 'pvi': case 'pvd': $sIcon = 'pvi.gif'; break; default: $sIcon = $sKey.'.gif'; } $sCode .= '
'.$iNum.' '.$sLink.'
'; } $sCode .= '

'; return $sCode; } function getPromoCode() { global $site; if( getParam( 'enable_flash_promo' ) == 'on' ) $sCode = getParam( 'flash_promo_code' ); else $sCode = '

' . getParam( 'custom_promo_code' ) . '

'; $aReplace = array( 'images' => $site['images'], 'Welcome' => _t( '_Welcome' ), 'To_The_Community' => _t( '_To The Community' ), 'promo_url' => $site['imagesPromo'], 'promo_images' => getPromoImagesList(), ); foreach( $aReplace as $sKey => $sValue ) $sCode = str_replace( "__{$sKey}__", $sValue, $sCode ); return $sCode; } function getTemplateIcon( $sFileName ) { global $site; global $dir; global $tmpl; $sBase = $dir['root'] . 'templates/base/images/icons/' . $sFileName; $sTemplate = $dir['root'] . 'templates/tmpl_' . $tmpl . '/images/icons/' . $sFileName; if( extFileExists( $sTemplate ) ) { $iconUrl = $site['icons'] . $sFileName; } else { if( extFileExists( $dir['base'] . 'images/icons/' . $sFileName ) ) { $iconUrl = $site['base'] . 'images/icons/' . $sFileName; } else { $iconUrl = getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ); } } return $iconUrl; } function getVersionComment() { global $site; $aVer = explode( '.', $site['ver'] ); // version output made for debug possibilities. // randomizing made for security issues. do not change it... $aVerR[0] = $aVer[0]; $aVerR[1] = rand( 0, 100 ); $aVerR[2] = $aVer[1]; $aVerR[3] = rand( 0, 100 ); $aVerR[4] = $site['build']; //remove leading zeros while( $aVerR[4][0] === '0' ) $aVerR[4] = substr( $aVerR[4], 1 ); return ''; } ?>

What do I do now?

Thanks in advance

Quote · 27 Jun 2008

Heh .. I don`t recommend you to use windowed editors that can`t normal work with unix-style documents

Use for example Notepad++  or Zend software.

Seems using Dreamweaver you break correct structure of file (possible was added or removed some special symbols)

try return back normal file ( and edit with normal editor

Quote · 27 Jun 2008

Whoa.  Don't save that file :)

Quote · 28 Jan 2010

Dreamweaver is a damn fine web authoring suite.  Whatever this mess is, it wasn't something Dreamweaver did.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 30 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.