Site Stat Manager Support

This is the support forum for my new Site Stat Manager.

1) Change the order of the site stats by simply dragging and dropping them to rearrange their order.

2) Edit any existing site stat item.

3) Create new site stat items.

4) Make existing site stat items inactive.

Note: Even though I have provided an option to delete existing site stat items,
it is not recommended you delete any original items.
It is better you move them to the inactive area so you can get it back if needed.

Please use the forums for support. A link to the forums can be found at the top of this market entry.
I prefer using the forums rather then private messages so others can benefit.

Please see the market entry for screen shots.
Quote · 9 Oct 2010


I tried to add a new site stat and received the following error.   Is there an update for 7.0.4?

Warning: unlink(/home/ourlifes/public_html/cache/ [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /home/ourlifes/public_html/modules/deano/site_stat_manager/classes/BxSiteStatManagerModule.php on line 243

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ourlifes/public_html/modules/deano/site_stat_manager/classes/BxSiteStatManagerModule.php:243) in /home/ourlifes/public_html/inc/ on line 56

Quote · 11 Dec 2010

There is now.
Quote · 11 Dec 2010

Wow!  That was quick.  Thank You.

Quote · 11 Dec 2010


I attempted to update my site stats with the updated queries.   For every stat opened with the tool, it saved the query adding forward slashes.  I had to remove the site stat block from my homepage to get the site to function.   If I delete the slashes and click save, the tool adds the slashes back in.


SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = \\"Active\\"
Quote · 1 Jan 2011

A update to the stats manager was released today to fix that. Try the new version.

Out of curiosity, what version of dolphin are you using?
Quote · 1 Jan 2011


Quote · 1 Jan 2011



I attempted to update my site stats with the updated queries.   For every stat opened with the tool, it saved the query adding forward slashes.  I had to remove the site stat block from my homepage to get the site to function.   If I delete the slashes and click save, the tool adds the slashes back in.


SELECT COUNT(`ID`) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = \\"Active\\"

Oh, and you should be using single quotes. Not double quotes.





The new version should correct the issue with single quotes in the query.
Quote · 1 Jan 2011

Yes, I know single quotes are what I should be using but I was trying everything (single quotes, double quotes, removing spaces) to try to get the slashes not to appear.   I'm a newbie at web development but not at SQL and Oracle databases.

Quote · 1 Jan 2011

Hi Sorry,

Can you tell me what should be in the "blog post".  For some reason I don't have it and need to create it.

Capture.PNG · 42K · 432 views
Quote · 19 Feb 2011

You need to verify you actually have the blog module installed. That stat item will not be there if the blog module is not installed.

If it is, then you can insert it with the manager. Insert a new stat item

Name: blg
Title: bx_blog_blog_posts
User Query: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bx_blogs_posts` WHERE `PostStatus`='approval'
Icon Name: modules/boonex/blogs/|blogs.png

The rest of the fields should be blank.
Quote · 19 Feb 2011

Deano, I'm interested in how to make the stats appear in a single column so that they look nice in a narrow box.

Quote · 7 Apr 2011

That has nothing to do with the manager. The manager allows you to add, remove and rearrange stat items. Styling is a template issue.

You can do that with a template CSS change.

in your templates index.css file find this.

.siteStatUnit {
float: left;
font-family: Verdana;
font-size: 11px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
text-transform: lowercase;
width: 50%;

Remove the float: left;
Quote · 7 Apr 2011

Oh. And the width should be removed as well.
Quote · 7 Apr 2011

Thank You, that worked as expected and looks just fine.

I can also, now.. 'elaborate' on the statistic's name.. using the Language Editor changing such things as, "New Today" to "New Members Today"

I would also like to swap the numerical data with the text, so that it appears like this,  (icon)  new members today  3

Quote · 16 Apr 2011

That also goes beyond what the site manager was for.

That will required changes to the code that generates the block.

inc/ at about line 356 there is this function function getSiteStatBody($aVal, $sMode = '')

The code in the function will need to be altered to make it look as you want it to.
Quote · 16 Apr 2011


Just installed the mod, and it installed no problem in 7.0.7, but when I try to drag a stat button into the inactive area it will not drag over.

Quote · 30 Sep 2011

What browser are you using?

Have you tried other browsers?

Do they move at all? Or will it just not stick to the area.

I am not having a problem with the drag and drop.
Quote · 30 Sep 2011

Using FF 3.5.13. They just stay in place, when I drag them over the inactive box, it shows a no sign.  I tried to recompile the language for the mod to see if that corrected it but it didn't.

Quote · 30 Sep 2011

Just tried it in IE8 as well, same issue.

Quote · 30 Sep 2011

I will need access to find the problem as i cannot duplicate it.

But have you tried other browsers?
Quote · 30 Sep 2011

I will make up a login for you and PM you.

Quote · 30 Sep 2011

I will most likely need FTP access as well because if i find it does not work for me either the first thing i am going to try is to remove it, re-upload and re-install. Damaged files would be the only reason i can think of for the failure unless you tried to upgrade dolphins provide version of jquery which would be the only other possible cause.
Quote · 30 Sep 2011

Nope didnt upgrade anything, just PMd you the user, I will set up a FTP for the modules folder for you and PM that in a couple minutes

Quote · 30 Sep 2011


I updated my site to 7.08 and the quick statistics block in the admin panel disappeared. I was able to reinstall the site stat manager, but the quick stats block is still gone. Any ideas? Thanks.

Quote · 29 Oct 2011

Is the site stat block still on the home page? The mod is designed to edit entries to the table for that block.

I have not seen such a problem. So no, i do not have any ideas.
Quote · 29 Oct 2011

Ok, that was a good clue. Now the Site Stats block is on the home page when you login, but before I had it only in the admin panel. I have it designed for the admin not for the members or anyone else. Any ideas on how to get it back there? 


Thanks for the quick response!

Quote · 29 Oct 2011

No i don't. It's not related to the manager. As i said. It edits the contents of it. It has no function when it comes to where the block is displayed and to who.

Some kind of block visibility options in dolphin must have been changed during the upgrade.
Quote · 29 Oct 2011

Hey am planning to buy this Mod. But i want to display this:


//Are all Copies of Store Module.

1. Number of Games in the website.

2. Number of Apps in the website.

3. Number of Ringtones.

4. Number of Wallpapers


5. Number Of games downloaded.

6. Number of Apps downloaded.

7. Number of Rintones downloaded.

8. Number of Wallpapers downloaded. 

9. Number of the item downloaded for each item on each module that i mentioned above (note, they are all store modules but with different names)...


Can this mod be able to do this? I need an answer ASAP.

Quote · 27 Jul 2012

A question i really cant answer as i do not know if things such as ringtones are stored in your database.

So i will say this.

It will display anything that can be pulled from your database with a single MySql query. For example the mysql query to display the number member online is this.

SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `count_onl` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `DateLastNav` > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 MINUTE) AND (`Couple`=0 OR `Couple`>`ID`)

So basically if you can get a count of something from the database with a single query, then it can be displayed.

If it requires something more complex to gather the info such as a script performing a loop then no.

This mod is a manager to the present site stat block in dolphin. It is not a replacement. Therefor what it can do is restricted to what the current block can display.
Quote · 28 Jul 2012

All those modules that i lised there are store modules but with different names. can it be done? yes or no?

If am correct, the files uploaded to the store module are part of the files module. and i;ve check the file module and it has a downloadcount or something like that column but for some reason the download isn't incrementing when i download a file it remains at 0. I want to know if it can be done. I really need this.

Quote · 28 Jul 2012

Is it incrementing in the database?

As i said. It can pull anything from the database that can be counted with a single query.

I do not know if it can be done. I do not run the store, so i do not know if items downloaded from the store have a count in the database that is getting updated when a download occurs.

Your saying it is not, then you have your answer. If the count is not in the database this mod cannot retrieve what is not there.
Quote · 28 Jul 2012

I just added an item in my files module, and downloaded it. A download count of the item is getting incremented, so this module can be used to retrieve that count.

I will not do the same test for a store item. I will be back to post the results of that test.
Quote · 28 Jul 2012

Tests complete.

The files module updates the file count when a file is downloaded.

The store module does not.

So the answer for you is no. Because the store module is not updating a count in the database, a count cannot be obtained via a query. As mentioned. This module cannot obtain something that is not there.

The bug in the store module that prevents the download count from getting updated will need to be fixed. Once fixed then this module could be used to display that count in the stats block.
Quote · 28 Jul 2012

Here is a fix for the store module to update download counts.

Open modules\boonex\store\classes\BxStoreModule.php at about line 230 look for this.

    function actionDownload ($iFileId) {

        $aFileInfo = $this->_oDb->getFileInfoByFileId ((int)$iFileId);

        if (!$aFileInfo) {
            $this->_oTemplate->displayPageNotFound ();

        if (!$this->isAllowedDownload ($aFileInfo)) {
            $this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied ();

        parent::_actionDownload($aFileInfo, 'media_id');

Update to look like this adding the two lines marked.

    function actionDownload ($iFileId) {

        $aFileInfo = $this->_oDb->getFileInfoByFileId ((int)$iFileId);

        if (!$aFileInfo) {
            $this->_oTemplate->displayPageNotFound ();

        if (!$this->isAllowedDownload ($aFileInfo)) {
            $this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied ();

        $sID = $aFileInfo['media_id'];
        db_res("UPDATE `bx_files_main` SET `DownloadsCount` = `DownloadsCount` + 1 WHERE `ID`='$sID'");

        parent::_actionDownload($aFileInfo, 'media_id');

Once that patch is applied then the counts in the database will update and then can be added to the stats.
Quote · 28 Jul 2012

Elementry question here Im sure but, I would like to add the stats "chatting in chatroom" and "new mail" to the site sats on the index page. I'm new but learning, but can't figure this out.


Quote · 4 Nov 2012


Elementry question here Im sure but, I would like to add the stats "chatting in chatroom" and "new mail" to the site sats on the index page. I'm new but learning, but can't figure this out.


Perhaps someone who uses the chat rooms can come up with a MySQL query to do that. But i can tell you the other one is not possible.

Perhaps i need to explain the limits of the site stat block. What boonex designed it to do.

The site stat block is designed to display single items(usually a number) that can be obtained using a single MySQL query.

New mail is an item that is specific for the user logged in viewing the block. And only an item that would be displayed to members and not guests.

PHP can look up who is currently viewing the page because the logged in member is stored in that viewing members browser using a cookie. Cookies can be looked up with PHP, but MySQL cannot lookup cookies or anything else that is not in the database.

Therefor because the site stat block can only use single MySQL queries it is not able to obtain the information needed. So it cannot be done.
Quote · 4 Nov 2012

Thank you for your time & quick reply. Your explaination was totally understandable. I will try to find someone who uses the chatroom system for help with the other.

if you have suggestion or recommendations of where to look or who to cantact, please let me know.

Thanks again,


Quote · 4 Nov 2012

Module has been updated for dolphin 7.1
Quote · 1 Dec 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.