I was told we can create more than one Chat+ on same server. So how do we do that ?
Creating 2 different mongo DBs for 2 Chat+ Mods on same server
Please note, I have 2 sites running on same dedicated server. I installed 1st Chat+ under this folder /opt/chat/chat-1
and planning to install 2nd Chat+ under this folder /opt/chat/chat-2
First installation went well - created a mongodb database by default called rocketchat (see below)
> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
rocketchat 0.003GB
But, when I install 2nd Chat+, how do I make sure the 1st db rocketchat doesn't get overwritten ? How to install 2nd Chat+ with a different db name - lets call it rocketchat2 ?
Using 2 different ports for each Chat+ installation
My first installation works well using Port 3000 - How do I use a different port for the 2nd Chat+ installation ?