I own a VPS which I've manage to install java with no problems occuring.
I only have a 256mb RAM allocation with up to 512 burstable on my server - however I'm getting this very common error:
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
So I did some research and found this page: http://www.boonex.com/trac/ray/wiki/RayServerInstall
And followed this step:
Edit the file red5.sh. Find the line containing this text:
exec $JAVA -Djava.security.manager-Djava.security.policy=conf/red5.policy -cp red5.jar:conf:$CLASSPATHorg.red5.server.Standalone
and replace it with:
exec $JAVA –Xint –Xms8M –Xmx16M -Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy=conf/re
However I think the article is a little bit out of date since the line just did not exist so I played around with things and manage to come up with.
# JAVA options
# You can set JAVA_OPTS to add additional options if you want
# Set up logging options
LOGGING_OPTS="-Dlogback.ContextSelector=org.red5.logging.LoggingContextSelector -Dcatalina.useNaming=true" "exec $JAVA –Xint –Xms8M –Xmx70M"
# Set up security options
if [ -z "$RED5_MAINCLASS" ]; then
export RED5_MAINCLASS=org.red5.server.Bootstrapfi
I'm not sure if that's right, I get errors and flooded crap coming through the SSH and it ended up crashing my server because it sucked up too much memory. Is this right? ^
Or is it something I need to add to this prompt below?
# start Red5
echo "Starting Red5"
Thanks in advance!