SWF embed?

Hi all,


I have a user that would like to embed his google calender into the dicriotion of his group.

This is the code he is trying to use?


<iframe> src="https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?mode=WEEK&amp;height=600&amp;wkst=2&amp;bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;src=trevorhowland%40gmail.com&amp;color=%232952A3&amp;ctz=Europe%2FLondon" style=" border:solid 1px #777 " width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>



 Also, is it possible for me to place a html block just on this guys group only, so I can place the calender in it?

Any help will be appreciated,



Quote · 27 Feb 2012

This certainly is possible, but not an easy solution...which means there isn't a Built-in feature to do this.

If you look up modules for one that allows "PHP Blocks", you can insert PHP into the groups view page, then just add the code with an IF condition that would allow the code to display only if it is that group.

If that's too complicated, then your options are to pay a developer to create this for you as a core-mod, or actual module, or to learn PHP and do it yourself.

As for an easy way to do this...no, I don't believe there is, as the HTML block will show for all groups.

Hope this helps.

Quote · 28 Feb 2012

Thanks fakenet,

I kinda thought as much. I guess i am am probably stuck to trying to squeeze it into flash, but the html isnt right. or..... i coyld play with php... lol.... I can already smell disaster he he he.

Quote · 28 Feb 2012
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