Hi - on a pre Dolphin business network I had, each profile page had a title with the member's name, and the words "international business profile". I got great SEO on this for example for the profile at
http://network.caltrade.com/who.php?uid=368 you can see the Google results here for a search on her name: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Lianne+Chua&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS286US286&ie=UTF-8
That profile is about the sixth entry down, even though I haven't touched that site in several years. Note that my developer got my site name in the title, her name, and the words "international business profile" in the google search results page.
I looked at the seo page for D7 and it seems rather crude. This is not an area I know a whole lot about, but would there be a way to get the members name, and perhaps some other words - like "business profile" or "personal profile" in the profiles, so that each can be individually indexed by the search engines.