Restaurant Mod Support (Modzzz) - part 2

18 Jan 2015

Wow thank you Modzzz, buying this mod has made a very big difference to my site. My members love it especially 2 of them who have lounges. The service is also amazing, keep up the good work. Love it!!

Everyday is a new beginning.
18 Jan 2015

How can I add a block in the restaurant/search when there is no restaurant search page in the admin panel ?


I would like to add the php block restaurant tags into the search page.

21 Jan 2015

From my understanding the restaurant/search is part of the module. I suggest you uninstall it completely and reinstall it, however use a test site. A module comes from my understanding again with its standard function, anything outside the scope of the module is custom work. Also as i witnessed and read, which makes completely 100% sense is if you purchase in this case a module and you(buyer) start tampering with its original functionality as well as trying to customize it to your needs, its your doing(buyer) not developer. It's like going to an orthopedic for an ankle brace and telling him, you want a rod wrapped around the ankle brace to reach up and hold your front tooth in place. I hope it works out, got an important meeting to attend.

Everyday is a new beginning.
21 Jan 2015

DeanMonte, no need to uninstall it at all.


In the restaurant module admin page builders there is no restaurant search page, so I can't change it. Just take a look as I understand that you also bought that mod.


If there was a restaurant search page, I could insert a PHP block with the restaurant tags. Now this needs to be done in the script ... somewhere.


And I don't know where to do that Cry

21 Jan 2015

I have it and had no problems installing the mod. Good luck!

Everyday is a new beginning.
21 Jan 2015

DeanMonte, I have NO problems installing the mod. 


Let me explain with an image : do you see a page 'restaurant search' in the page builder of your mod ?


21 Jan 2015

I did not have a chance to explain more, due to that i stepped out of a meeting quick, now we are done and i can explain the best solution. If you go to page builder you need to look at Restaurant Home, towards the right you will see the search block, if you don't best thing to do uninstall & reinstall. If you go outside the scope of the functionality of any mod, you'll be tampering with coding that could cause issue's. If you want custom work then from experience you need to pay for that to be done correctly and if you want my advice speak to the doctor who invented the ankle brace and ask him to refer you to good dentist. Now that was just an example, however, if you want custom work on any module the best thing to do is go and ask politely to the developer what you want and expect to pay extra, it's more work they have to do so they will charge you, also you may have to wait until they have the time to add what you need if its possible. That's what i have done and others as well. That's the best in my opinion and expect to pay 50 an hour. Here is another example, you go to a steak house, order a steak well done, you eat half of it and it's rare, you call the waiter and tell him, "um my steak was not well cooked." Don't eat that steak when it comes back, if it comes back. I have to get going and drive several hours good luck!

Everyday is a new beginning.
21 Jan 2015

I had addressed the issue with search in page builder with annabel already. Search page is not available in page builder, neither for the Restaurant module or any Dolphin module for that matter. It is a dynamically generated page which just returns the results of the search (just like the Events module or Groups module etc.). It can be added to page builder but it takes some amount of code rewriting. In due time I will do this probably for most of my mods.

Paypal email is -
21 Jan 2015

Hi Modzzz, how are you ? Still too busy to make the update for the restaurant module which you promised was going to be in the market 7 days ago ?

26 Jan 2015

I am sure you saw my SKYPE messages to you on Friday saying that other things are being done such as the search page being added to the page builder. I showed you a demo and you said it looked great. So you keep asking for things to be done and when I am obliging by doing them you are still complaining :)

Hi Modzzz, how are you ? Still too busy to make the update for the restaurant module which you promised was going to be in the market 7 days ago ?


Paypal email is -
26 Jan 2015

I keep asking for things to be FIXED

26 Jan 2015

Not true. You keep asking for things to be customized. In all your communication the only legitimate fix request you have made is the issue with the breadcrumb. Every other post from you is a customization request.

I keep asking for things to be FIXED


Paypal email is -
26 Jan 2015

ZIP search in your module not working = error

search result not able to show more than 1 page = error

error in navigation for restaurant events and restaurant news as described in the forum = error

26 Jan 2015

These are the only 3 things that need to be fixed so my site can go online (finally).

26 Jan 2015

I forgot the 'customisation' I asked for : putting an address block on the event and restaurant page ... how else do people know where to go if there is not an address mentioned ?

26 Jan 2015

And the categories which don't sort alphabetically ... but that might be a real customisation.

26 Jan 2015

 Solved it in the database ...

And the categories which don't sort alphabetically ... but that might be a real customisation.


27 Jan 2015


If there was a restaurant search page, I could insert a PHP block with the restaurant tags. Now this needs to be done in the script ... somewhere.


And I don't know where to do that Cry

If you don't know how to do it, then you either hire someone that does or learn how to do it.  Modzzz is not responsible for free customisation to the module just because you purchase it.  Yet, I see that Modzzz is going to step forward and provide you with the search page in the builders; frankly I wish he wouldn't just to teach you a lesson.

Geeks, making the world a better place
28 Jan 2015

 I see it here on my attachment

DeanMonte, I have NO problems installing the mod. 


Let me explain with an image : do you see a page 'restaurant search' in the page builder of your mod ?



RestaurantSearch.png · 99.3K · 389 views
Everyday is a new beginning.
28 Jan 2015

DeanMonte, that's a block, not a page.

28 Jan 2015

Wouldn't it be logical to have a page 'restaurants main events page' so you can see which restaurants have an event ?


There is nothing like that in the page builder section or the navigation menu.

28 Jan 2015

Buy the block tools, go to admin copy the mod replace it where you want, uncheck everything but what you need. Your asking for customized work. Please stop this, i can't shut my phone off and i need SLEEP!

Everyday is a new beginning.
28 Jan 2015

Euh DeanMonte, am I asking you for customisations ? Who are you ???

28 Jan 2015

Seems as if DeanMonte and Modzzz are the same person ...

28 Jan 2015

GeekGirl, may I remind you of some of your forum posts asking for improvements of a mod?


Not everything I'm mentioning here in the forum are questions for customisation. It's improvements which Modzzz can use if he wants to. If he doesn't, no problem. I already worked around it on my site.


It's a bad thing to advise developers NOT to do something just to teach someone a lesson. Not very professional, is it?



If there was a restaurant search page, I could insert a PHP block with the restaurant tags. Now this needs to be done in the script ... somewhere.


And I don't know where to do that Cry

If you don't know how to do it, then you either hire someone that does or learn how to do it.  Modzzz is not responsible for free customisation to the module just because you purchase it.  Yet, I see that Modzzz is going to step forward and provide you with the search page in the builders; frankly I wish he wouldn't just to teach you a lesson.


28 Jan 2015

No error in Zip search or search result could be reproduced so you probably missed something when you manually added the last changes made.

ZIP search in your module not working = error

search result not able to show more than 1 page = error

error in navigation for restaurant events and restaurant news as described in the forum = error


Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

Restaurant page already has address, it is shown in the description block above the actual description.

I forgot the 'customisation' I asked for : putting an address block on the event and restaurant page ... how else do people know where to go if there is not an address mentioned ?


Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

That's correct, but as soon as you click on a restaurant, the address is not on the restaurant description. So people have to navigate back to the main page to find the address again.


Just a remark for a logical improvement. 

28 Jan 2015

I haven't changed any code manually in the BxRestaurantFormSearch. 


ZIP search doesn't work and search result only shows 1 page. 


This cannot be reproduced on your site, you don't have enough restaurants. You have the url to my site, you can reproduce it there.


No error in Zip search or search result could be reproduced so you probably missed something when you manually added the last changes made.

ZIP search in your module not working = error

search result not able to show more than 1 page = error

error in navigation for restaurant events and restaurant news as described in the forum = error



28 Jan 2015

When you post here, every other client who buys the mod and subscribe to support gets a notification. Other clients are free to post their feedback here too.

Euh DeanMonte, am I asking you for customisations ? Who are you ???


Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

Last time I checked there was only one of me active around here. I hope there is only one of you too.

Seems as if DeanMonte and Modzzz are the same person ...


Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

Nothing stops you from testing the demo. You can create as much restaurants as you want and you have full access to the admin settings so you could easily change the per page setting to one or two listing (which I did).

 You can reproduce the errors on my site because I can't on your demosite. There are only 3 or 4 restaurants, so not more than 1 page.

No error in Zip search or search result could be reproduced so you probably missed something when you manually added the last changes made.

ZIP search in your module not working = error

search result not able to show more than 1 page = error

error in navigation for restaurant events and restaurant news as described in the forum = error




Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

I was talking about the Restaurant view page (after you click on a Restaurant). The address is in the description block. See attachment.

That's correct, but as soon as you click on a restaurant, the address is not on the restaurant description. So people have to navigate back to the main page to find the address again.


restaurant.jpg · 101.2K · 363 views
Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

Version 2.0.4 released. (See patches/version_2.0.4 folder in zip file)

Added location to the Restaurant Event page.
Search page has been reworked (now available in page builder).
Breadcrumb issues are resolved.
Numerous other enhancements.

Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

Thanks for the update. I'll re-install the mod on my test-site

28 Jan 2015

I haven't installed this mod yet, although I have purchased it and subscribe to this thread. It's a really active one.

Thanks for the updates. - The Online Guide to Travel
28 Jan 2015

Database query error when running sqlupdate


This is what I did :


I installed the restaurant mod version 2.0.3 on my test site. I installed the mod in add&manage in admin panel.

Then I uploaded all the files of the mod version 2.0.4 and ran the query.


28 Jan 2015

Strange thing is that when I uninstall the restaurant mod, I can't delete it in add&manage.


Gives me following error :


Warning: ftp_login() [function.ftp-login]: Can't change directory to /var/ftp/ [/] in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/TEST/inc/classes/BxDolFtp.php on line 28

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/horecain/public_html/TEST/inc/classes/BxDolFtp.php:28) in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/TEST/inc/ on line 48


So i will have to remove everything manually from the database ?

28 Jan 2015

Lady please stop blowing up this thread with questions that are out of scope in regards to the mod. Your becoming annoying and the poor guy(modzzz) has tried to help you and go out of his way. Jesus Christ, pay someone to do the work and that's it.

Everyday is a new beginning.
28 Jan 2015

The patch is only needed if the module is already installed and you are updating it. If you are doing a fresh re-install, the module would already be the latest version and there is no need to apply a patch.

Database query error when running sqlupdate


This is what I did :


I installed the restaurant mod version 2.0.3 on my test site. I installed the mod in add&manage in admin panel.

Then I uploaded all the files of the mod version 2.0.4 and ran the query.



Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

The error below indicates that you are using the upload form present in the Admin section. I have never used that and I am not sure if it works properly either. The safest method is to use a FTP Client (FileZilla etc.) and upload the files to your server.

Strange thing is that when I uninstall the restaurant mod, I can't delete it in add&manage.

Gives me following error :

 Warning: ftp_login() [function.ftp-login]: Can't change directory to /var/ftp/ [/] in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/TEST/inc/classes/BxDolFtp.php on line 28

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/horecain/public_html/TEST/inc/classes/BxDolFtp.php:28) in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/TEST/inc/ on line 48

 So i will have to remove everything manually from the database ?


Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

Question : I see that you have added two pages in page builder:


one of them is the restaurant event browse


It doesn't show up on the site in the navigation menu.


Can you explain the purpose of this page ?

28 Jan 2015

Yes I understand, but I was only testing if the update would work on a 2.0.3 version. And apparantly it doesn't. So I'm not taking any risk to run the query on my existing site.

The patch is only needed if the module is already installed and you are updating it. If you are doing a fresh re-install, the module would already be the latest version and there is no need to apply a patch.

Database query error when running sqlupdate


This is what I did :


I installed the restaurant mod version 2.0.3 on my test site. I installed the mod in add&manage in admin panel.

Then I uploaded all the files of the mod version 2.0.4 and ran the query.




28 Jan 2015

The sqlupdate.php assumes that the world map is installed. Do you have the World Map module installed on your test site ?

Yes I understand, but I was only testing if the update would work on a 2.0.3 version. And apparantly it doesn't. So I'm not taking any risk to run the query on my existing site.

The patch is only needed if the module is already installed and you are updating it. If you are doing a fresh re-install, the module would already be the latest version and there is no need to apply a patch.

Database query error when running sqlupdate


This is what I did :


I installed the restaurant mod version 2.0.3 on my test site. I installed the mod in add&manage in admin panel.

Then I uploaded all the files of the mod version 2.0.4 and ran the query.





Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

1) Page builder is unrelated to navigational menu.

2) The Event Browse page was not added in this patch, it existed before.

3) When you go to a Restaurant listing, you will see Events as a Sub-Menu. Clicking on this will list all Events attached to that Restaurant. This listing page is the event browse page.

Question : I see that you have added two pages in page builder:

one of them is the restaurant event browse

It doesn't show up on the site in the navigation menu.

 Can you explain the purpose of this page ?


Paypal email is -
28 Jan 2015

No, it wasn't. But it is on my existing site, so that should work. Thanks for the reply. 

The sqlupdate.php assumes that the world map is installed. Do you have the World Map module installed on your test site ?

Yes I understand, but I was only testing if the update would work on a 2.0.3 version. And apparantly it doesn't. So I'm not taking any risk to run the query on my existing site.

The patch is only needed if the module is already installed and you are updating it. If you are doing a fresh re-install, the module would already be the latest version and there is no need to apply a patch.

Database query error when running sqlupdate


This is what I did :


I installed the restaurant mod version 2.0.3 on my test site. I installed the mod in add&manage in admin panel.

Then I uploaded all the files of the mod version 2.0.4 and ran the query.






28 Jan 2015

ok, thanks for the explanation.


For further improvement of the mod, a restaurant events page where all restaurant events can be browsed, would be nice.

I'll note that for my future customisations.


1) Page builder is unrelated to navigational menu.

2) The Event Browse page was not added in this patch, it existed before.

3) When you go to a Restaurant listing, you will see Events as a Sub-Menu. Clicking on this will list all Events attached to that Restaurant. This listing page is the event browse page.

Question : I see that you have added two pages in page builder:

one of them is the restaurant event browse

It doesn't show up on the site in the navigation menu.

 Can you explain the purpose of this page ?



28 Jan 2015

So far, so good. All the changes you made are an improvement for the mod and everything seems to work properly now.


Thanks Modzzz and hat off.

28 Jan 2015


For further improvement of the mod, a restaurant events page where all restaurant events can be browsed, would be nice.

I'll note that for my future customisations.

All of your requests have been for customisations, time for it to stop.  You should send Modzzz at least $300 USD for all the extra work he has done for you on adding your customisations.

To answer your earlier question; yes, I have asked for an additional feature in a module and Modzzz would state that he would think about it for a future release and I would say, "OK, thanks."  With you it is nag and nag and nag and nag and never offer any compensation.

Geeks, making the world a better place
29 Jan 2015
29 Jan 2015
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