This is the support forum for the Responsive Members mod.
This module creates an additional block on the site that shows members who are actually responsive, that is, members who respond to mails that are sent to them.
This is the support forum for the Responsive Members mod. This module creates an additional block on the site that shows members who are actually responsive, that is, members who respond to mails that are sent to them. Paypal email is - |
How do you edit the code to limit max amount for members displayed in block? and how to remove the "View All" link? |
Look in the admin settings for the module for the option to limit number of members displayed. To disable the "View All" functionality will require some code changes, see details below :
1) Copy the ajaxBrowse function from inc/classes/BxDolTwigPageMain.php to modules\modzzz\responsive\classes\BxResponsivePageMain.php
2) In the copied function, find the line of code : $sAjaxPaginate = $oPaginate->getSimplePaginate($this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . $o->sBrowseUrl); Change the line of code to : $sAjaxPaginate = $oPaginate->getSimplePaginate($this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . $o->sBrowseUrl, -1, -1, false); How do you edit the code to limit max amount for members displayed in block? and how to remove the "View All" link?
Paypal email is - |
hello modzzz,
where in \modzzz\responsive\classes\BxResponsivePageMain.php do I need to add the code from inc/classes/BxDolTwigPageMain.php? inside the class BxResponsivePageMain extends BxDolTwigPageMain? have followed your instructions but it's not working, not have any options in responsive members admin.
please, can you login and check that code is added in the right place or troubleshoot the problem!?
will send you PM about FTP login details...
function ajaxBrowse($sMode, $iPerPage, $aMenu = array(), $sValue = '', $isDisableRss = false, $isPublicOnly = true) { bx_import ('SearchResult', $this->oMain->_aModule); $sClassName = $this->sSearchResultClassName; $o = new $sClassName($sMode, $sValue); $o->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = $iPerPage; $o->setPublicUnitsOnly($isPublicOnly);
if (!$aMenu) $aMenu = ($isDisableRss ? '' : array(_t('_RSS') => array('href' => $o->aCurrent['rss']['link'] . (false === strpos($o->aCurrent['rss']['link'], '?') ? '?' : '&') . 'rss=1', 'icon' => 'rss')));
if ($o->isError) return array(MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')), $aMenu);
if (!($s = $o->displayResultBlock())) return $isPublicOnly ? array(MsgBox(_t('_Empty')), $aMenu) : '';
$sFilter = (false !== bx_get($this->sFilterName)) ? $this->sFilterName . '=' . bx_get($this->sFilterName) . '&' : ''; $oPaginate = new BxDolPaginate(array( 'page_url' => 'javascript:void(0);', 'count' => $o->aCurrent['paginate']['totalNum'], 'per_page' => $o->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'], 'page' => $o->aCurrent['paginate']['page'], 'on_change_page' => 'return !loadDynamicBlock({id}, \'' . $this->sUrlStart . $sFilter . 'page={page}&per_page={per_page}\');', )); $sAjaxPaginate = $oPaginate->getSimplePaginate($this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . $o->sBrowseUrl, -1, -1, false);
return array( $s, $aMenu, $sAjaxPaginate, ''); }
I found the line of code: $sAjaxPaginate = $oPaginate->getSimplePaginate($this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . $o->sBrowseUrl);
and have changed it to: $sAjaxPaginate = $oPaginate->getSimplePaginate($this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . $o->sBrowseUrl, -1, -1, false);
function BxResponsivePageMain(&$oMain) {
$this->oMain = $oMain;
$this->sSearchResultClassName = 'BxResponsiveSearchResult';
parent::BxDolTwigPageMain('modzzz_responsive_main', $oMain); }
function ajaxBrowse($sMode, $iPerPage, $aMenu = array(), $sValue = '', $isDisableRss = false, $isPublicOnly = true) { bx_import ('SearchResult', $this->oMain->_aModule); $sClassName = $this->sSearchResultClassName; $o = new $sClassName($sMode, $sValue); $o->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = $iPerPage; $o->setPublicUnitsOnly($isPublicOnly);
if (!$aMenu) $aMenu = ($isDisableRss ? '' : array(_t('_RSS') => array('href' => $o->aCurrent['rss']['link'] . (false === strpos($o->aCurrent['rss']['link'], '?') ? '?' : '&') . 'rss=1', 'icon' => 'rss')));
if ($o->isError) return array(MsgBox(_t('_Error Occured')), $aMenu);
if (!($s = $o->displayResultBlock())) return $isPublicOnly ? array(MsgBox(_t('_Empty')), $aMenu) : '';
$sFilter = (false !== bx_get($this->sFilterName)) ? $this->sFilterName . '=' . bx_get($this->sFilterName) . '&' : ''; $oPaginate = new BxDolPaginate(array( 'page_url' => 'javascript:void(0);', 'count' => $o->aCurrent['paginate']['totalNum'], 'per_page' => $o->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'], 'page' => $o->aCurrent['paginate']['page'], 'on_change_page' => 'return !loadDynamicBlock({id}, \'' . $this->sUrlStart . $sFilter . 'page={page}&per_page={per_page}\');', )); $sAjaxPaginate = $oPaginate->getSimplePaginate($this->oConfig->getBaseUri() . $o->sBrowseUrl, -1, -1, false);
return array( $s, $aMenu, $sAjaxPaginate, ''); }
@adultdate - Awaiting your site details via PM Paypal email is - |
Dolphin 7.3 - An update has been made to the following file : modules\modzzz\responsive\classes\BxResponsiveModule.php Paypal email is - |
Thanks, have sent PM with site details.
tdate - Awaiting your site details via PM