Reputation/Warning/Infraction Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Reputation/Warning/Infraction mod.

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Quote · 6 Feb 2013

Version 2.0.1 released. (see patches/version_2.0.1 folder)

Added the possibility to give membership levels the ability to warn/infract/ban members.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 6 Feb 2013

I set auto deletion value to 0 but the user was deleted anyway. When selecting the options from the dropdown, the value don't change with the warning type...

Overall though, it's not really what I was hoping for. I should have tested it. I was thinking this was more of a behind the scenes moderation. Also I was hoping the message would be sent to the user's message box (labeled as a greeting, not letter) and optionally to their email. 

Quote · 6 Feb 2013

Also, a couple of the lang keys didn't get inserted properly...


warn_admin.jpg · 26.7K · 231 views
rep_block.jpg · 21K · 266 views
Quote · 6 Feb 2013

I don't see a 2.0.1 folder.. I re-downloaded it and only get 2.0

Quote · 9 Feb 2013

Reputation is user based but the warning/infraction and banning functionalities are admin based. The mod gives the ability for the site administrator to give warning, infraction and banning privileges to certain membership levels. Therefore it cannot be behind the scenes because members do not have access to the Admin panel. The action button on the Profile page will only be visible to Administrators or members of particular membership levels that are given privileges to use it. Ordinary members will never see that action button.

I set auto deletion value to 0 but the user was deleted anyway. When selecting the options from the dropdown, the value don't change with the warning type...

Overall though, it's not really what I was hoping for. I should have tested it. I was thinking this was more of a behind the scenes moderation. Also I was hoping the message would be sent to the user's message box (labeled as a greeting, not letter) and optionally to their email. 



Paypal email is -
Quote · 11 Feb 2013

The patch is updated, re-apply it:

-> Auto deletion issue is now fixed.

-> Added the ability to send mails to member inbox (as well as external mail). Administrator can turn off/on the sending of internal or external mail. Administrator can also decide if internal mails are delivered as greeting or letter.

Version 2.0.1 released. (see patches/version_2.0.1 folder)

Added the possibility to give membership levels the ability to warn/infract/ban members.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 11 Feb 2013

hrmm ok, when a warning is issues, are they any type of limitation imposed on on the user for the amount of time set?

Quote · 11 Feb 2013

Limitations are not imposed for warnings. You can configure it so the X amount of warnings will result in a ban.

hrmm ok, when a warning is issues, are they any type of limitation imposed on on the user for the amount of time set?


Paypal email is -
Quote · 13 Feb 2013

 awesome, thanks

The patch is updated, re-apply it:

-> Auto deletion issue is now fixed.

-> Added the ability to send mails to member inbox (as well as external mail). Administrator can turn off/on the sending of internal or external mail. Administrator can also decide if internal mails are delivered as greeting or letter.

Version 2.0.1 released. (see patches/version_2.0.1 folder)

Added the possibility to give membership levels the ability to warn/infract/ban members.



Quote · 13 Feb 2013

Can you explain your definition and why you'd issue an infraction vs a warning? Personally I think they are redundant... If you are issuing a  warning, it's given that they have broke a rule (infraction) etc...

Quote · 15 Feb 2013

I've actually found a bug to report as well. The Reputation block shows a log of all the recent warnings sent to all profiles not just the current profile. I think it list should only show the warnings that were sent to the current profile only.

Quote · 15 Feb 2013

 The following folder has been updated :


I've actually found a bug to report as well. The Reputation block shows a log of all the recent warnings sent to all profiles not just the current profile. I think it list should only show the warnings that were sent to the current profile only.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 15 Feb 2013

Thanks, that did the trick...

Any thoughts as to why you have Infraction and Warning and what they mean? They seem redundant.

Quote · 16 Feb 2013

They are not redundant, both serves different purposes.

Warning - You do not wish to penalize a member but you make them aware that they have done something wrong and it should not happen again.

Infraction - Member is penalized. You can ban members after they have received a certain amount of infractions.

Thanks, that did the trick...

Any thoughts as to why you have Infraction and Warning and what they mean? They seem redundant.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 16 Feb 2013

 ok thanks.... is there any way to make a ban last indefinitely?


Also, is there a possibility of creating pre-defined messages to send... for each ban/warn/infract? Similar to the report module?

Thanks :)

They are not redundant, both serves different purposes.

Warning - You do not wish to penalize a member but you make them aware that they have done something wrong and it should not happen again.

Infraction - Member is penalized. You can ban members after they have received a certain amount of infractions.

Thanks, that did the trick...

Any thoughts as to why you have Infraction and Warning and what they mean? They seem redundant.



Quote · 16 Feb 2013

How do you remove someone from being banned? I thought perhaps, removing them from the ban list in the module admin... but they still can not login. Is it possible to set a custom error message when they try to login?

Quote · 17 Feb 2013

BUG: I can't figure out how you are doing the automatic banning but when a member gets banned by the mod, they do not show up in the banned members list from administration/profiles.php and when you search for them, they are not listed in RED...

Quote · 18 Feb 2013

Modifications have been made to the banning functionality (to overcome inconsistencies in the default dolphin ban feature). Re-upload files, clear cache and recompile the language for the mod.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 22 Feb 2013

Was there a recent update/fix to this module?

Quote · 12 Mar 2013

I'm still waiting for this to be fixed. User's are not being banned automatically.

Quote · 16 Apr 2013

Any ETA?

Quote · 23 Apr 2013

Can you PLEASE fix this? It's extremely annoying not having a module function as it should.

Quote · 30 May 2013


Quote · 6 Jun 2013

well... not much satisfaction here.

Quote · 14 Jun 2013

lalallallalaa still waiting...

Quote · 21 Jun 2013

well? Is this going to be fixed?

Quote · 8 Jul 2013

anyone else find this pretty sad?

Quote · 19 Jul 2013

 What exactly is your problem ?

anyone else find this pretty sad?


Paypal email is -
Quote · 19 Jul 2013


I'm still waiting for this to be fixed. User's are not being banned automatically.

 The user's show red, but they are not actually banned.

Quote · 19 Jul 2013

How do you determine that the member is not banned ?


I'm still waiting for this to be fixed. User's are not being banned automatically.

 The user's show red, but they are not actually banned.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 19 Jul 2013

 They still show as active... 

How do you determine that the member is not banned ?


I'm still waiting for this to be fixed. User's are not being banned automatically.

 The user's show red, but they are not actually banned.



Quote · 19 Jul 2013

but I guess... now... that it's not what you're doing to apply the ban.... the problem I see with the way you're doing it is that... while the profile is  "banned" from logging in... it's still visible on the site because the profile status is still "active"

Quote · 19 Jul 2013

Banning of members is a default functionality of Dolphin which is simply invoked by the mod. When a member is banned in Dolphin the status is not changed. What happens is that a record is inserted into sys_admin_ban_list database table. If you think that the Profile status should also change then this is an issue that needs to be taken up with Boonex. 

but I guess... now... that it's not what you're doing to apply the ban.... the problem I see with the way you're doing it is that... while the profile is  "banned" from logging in... it's still visible on the site because the profile status is still "active"


Paypal email is -
Quote · 19 Jul 2013

I guess what I'm looking for is the ability to "deactivate" as well... bleh sorry. f#$% I hate dolphin some days. 

Banning of members is a default functionality of Dolphin which is simply invoked by the mod. When a member is banned in Dolphin the status is not changed. What happens is that a record is inserted into sys_admin_ban_list database table. If you think that the Profile status should also change then this is an issue that needs to be taken up with Boonex. 

but I guess... now... that it's not what you're doing to apply the ban.... the problem I see with the way you're doing it is that... while the profile is  "banned" from logging in... it's still visible on the site because the profile status is still "active"



Quote · 19 Jul 2013

Can you perhaps someday do an enhancement so you can config what type of "banning" you want? Instead of locking out their account, it would be nice if the account would get deactivated as well as banned. Most often in my case is that the user is posting stuff in their profile that violates the TOS so I don't want other user to be able to view their page either. Currently user's can still access the banned user's profile.

Quote · 20 Aug 2013

This is a suggestion that needs to be made to Boonex so it can get implemented in the next Dolphin version. This involves improvement of the core banning functionality of Dolphin and is outside the scope of this mod.

Can you perhaps someday do an enhancement so you can config what type of "banning" you want? Instead of locking out their account, it would be nice if the account would get deactivated as well as banned. Most often in my case is that the user is posting stuff in their profile that violates the TOS so I don't want other user to be able to view their page either. Currently user's can still access the banned user's profile.


Paypal email is -
Quote · 22 Aug 2013

oh... thanks anyway.

Quote · 22 Aug 2013
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.